
作者&投稿:姓魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

at the moment
adv.当时; 此刻,现在,目前;


at the sometime的中文翻译

at the sometime


sometime 英[ˈsʌmtaɪm] 美[ˈsʌmˌtaɪm]
adv. 将来某个时候; 过去某个时候; 改天; 来日;
adj. (指某人曾经是…) 从前的,一度的; 某一时间的;
[网络] 某个时候; 有时; 某时;
[例句]The sales figures won't be released until sometime next month.
[其他] 形近词: symetine

at the sometime

I sometⅰmes tαkes the subwαy home汉语?

I got some【information】 about his family from Tony.我从Tony得到了一些关于他家庭的【信息】When I got to the bus 【stop\/station】 ,the bus had left.当我赶到公交停靠站\/公共汽车站的时候,公交车已经开走了 两个都行 bus stop 指公交临时停靠站,bus station 指公共汽车站 无疑后请采纳...

i don't like ___(take)the bus to school because somet...
第二个,yesterday 是关键,表示是过去的事,所以用took

mind后跟it才可以加从句吗?I don't mind it ​ if it's somet...
The fact that his daughter is going to marry a foreigner seems to weigh heavily on his mind.他女儿要和一个外国人结婚,这总使他感到心事重重的。Poverty of speech is the outward evidence of poverty of mind.语言贫乏说明头脑空虚。I'll weigh the matter in my mind and tell you what...

云梦县18725289743: at the some time是什么意思中文 -
鄞琳护肝: 你好!at the some time 在一些时间

云梦县18725289743: at the same time的中文是什么意思? -
鄞琳护肝: 答案是:意思是:同时~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

云梦县18725289743: at the same time是什么意思啊?
鄞琳护肝: 同时,然而

云梦县18725289743: at the same time中文意思 -
鄞琳护肝: 与此同时 同一时间

云梦县18725289743: At the time at one time at that time by the time -
鄞琳护肝: 你看看,some time中间是隔开的,所以理解为“一段时间”,用how long提问 ,后面的some times是几次,数次的意思,提问some时用how many,sometime是指某个时候,既可以用于将来时也可以用于过去时,提问时用when,sometimes的意思是“有时候”表示频率用how often提问.at one time 意思是曾经,同时,一度,at times 意思是有时候,是词组,sometimes是单词,现在明白了吗?

云梦县18725289743: at the same time用法 -
鄞琳护肝: 这是一个介词短语,意思是“与此同时” 用法比较简单,例如,小明一边写作业,一边看电视. Xiao Ming does his homework, at the same time he watches TV.

云梦县18725289743: at the same time是什么意思啊? -
鄞琳护肝: same time.他们走的不是一条路,却同时到了 2.然而,不过This is a dificult problem,at the same time it is very interesting.这个问题很棘手,但是很有趣

云梦县18725289743: at the same time 是什么意思啊!
鄞琳护肝: 同时;正在这个时候

云梦县18725289743: 辨析4个英语词汇at timesat a timeat any timeat the time分别是啥意思吖? -
鄞琳护肝:[答案] at times基本翻译有时网络释义at times:有时,间或|有时|偶然at times =sometimes:有时候at times = sometimes:有时at a time基本翻译每次,一次网络释义at a time:一次,每次|同时|每次b]at a time:一次,每次one at a ...

云梦县18725289743: at any time与at some time有什么区别?好像意思差不多,怎么区别呢,请说明一下,谢谢! -
鄞琳护肝:[答案] if you like ,we'll welcome you to join us at any time.只要你喜欢,任何时候都欢迎加入我们中来. 但如果你改为at some time,这个意思就变了,具体用法需要特定环境下的语境来选择用哪一个,不过at any time比较常用

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