简单的英语翻译 貌似涉及语法 求高人

作者&投稿:住司 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello, everybody! I'm XXX, I'm 20 years old. I come from Shanghai. I'm an easy-going boy/girl and I like making friends, so I have lots of friends. I like playing computer since it can make me feel relaxed. However, I must pay more attention to my study since study is the most important thing for me now. I haven't got used to this kind of college life yet. Now, you must know something about me, if not, we can get to know each other later. That's all I want to say. Thank you for your attention!


我认为 it 在本句中,指的应该是这种情,即上文应该有提到过。
因为improve 既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。因此两种用法语法都没错,那要选哪种及物还是不及物就得看句子强调什么。
It has improved somewhat after the implementation of the medical insurance system for urban workers."此句中用的是after....,表示实行该制度后,情况有所改善。
但如果后面用的是by the implementation of the medical insurance system for urban workers.则前面应该用 It has been improved 为最佳。


Town implement system of insurance of worker medical treatment after, this kind of situation improved


因为 improve既可作vt,也可作vi,答案是作vi

it 指代这种 但是 你的上文在一定提 到是什么情况吧 要上下文结合 一起翻译

答案错了.It 是指“这种情况,是改革制度实行之后的实际状况”,那么就是it has been improved...

邓州市15716645907: 我想请大家帮我翻译一篇简单的英语短文......中译英时.用一些简单的语法.大约100个单词左右..大家帮帮忙. -
巩侦枢绮: When I alone at home I like a person in the home, because of having no father and mother to take care of.I a person at home, in the morning, I will write an industry.Watch again a television after finishing writing homework.Perhaps go to a park stroll ...

邓州市15716645907: 简单英语翻译请您指教 -
巩侦枢绮: You may take number 66 bus at the JM stop to the airport.

邓州市15716645907: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下这句话,顺便讲下所涉及的语法 -
巩侦枢绮: 很简单的一个简单句,没有特别复杂的语法 句意是女孩们都过来一下.

邓州市15716645907: 帮忙用英语翻译一下 比较简单的英语 拜托了 -
巩侦枢绮: The new term has started.Honestly speaking,I can't suit the life of middle school, especlly English subject.I feel learning English is difficulty because the teacher's speed is very fast,i can't catch up with the speed.I found the teacher have treated us sa ...

邓州市15716645907: 急急急!求英语高手翻译!千万别有语法错误,所以机器什么的就别来了,翻得稍微灵活一点,别太死板.谢谢! -
巩侦枢绮: Had you lent a twentieth of your perseverance to me, as I always expected, my life would have been different. But to tell you the truth, my life has already been changing because of you.

邓州市15716645907: 求教一个简单的英文语法问题你在等什么?用英文翻译为是什么What are you wating for?What do you wating for?What did you wating for?你在做什么?What ... -
巩侦枢绮:[答案] What are you wating for?正确 What are you doing?正确 你在等什么?在是正在的意思,要用现在进行时

邓州市15716645907: 本人刚接触英语翻译,对一个新手来说,该如何快速提高其能力? -
巩侦枢绮: 坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色. 一、多“说”. 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译...

邓州市15716645907: 简单的英语翻译问题
巩侦枢绮: 不一样 1 I return to my primary school which i stayed two years ago2 I returned to my primary school two years ago 仅供参考

邓州市15716645907: 怎样提高英语翻译和写作的水平呢? -
巩侦枢绮: 翻译的一些技巧:)~!翻译是把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来的一种创造性的语言活动.翻译能力的提高是一个长期实践和不断积累的过程.英文翻译,要想提高自己的翻译能力,应该在以下几个方面多下功夫.1、加强自身...

邓州市15716645907: 一个简单的英语句子语法问题. -
巩侦枢绮: 您好,第一句您和您老师都是对的.只是语法归类不一样而已.1)、I thought (that)it is difficult .这是一个复合句,包括主句和从句,(that)it is difficult为thought的宾语从句.所谓的宾语从句就是在句中作宾语的一个从句.宾语包括动词宾语和...

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