
作者&投稿:集弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是专业翻译工具的翻译:Real estate registration system of civil law is forecast on the important changes in realty registration system, called forecast for preservation, is on the basis of real estate and the right to register. The advance notice registration has important value and applicable value, firstly, the advance notice registration system in civil rights shall not abuse is principle concrete manifestation, Secondly, the advance notice registration system of civil law is honesty and credit principle concrete manifestation, Again, notice to protect the civil registration system has value. In the modern economic life, real estate transactions occurred in the sale of commodity houses and most land use changes, especially in many commodity house opens to booking, buyers are usually weak position, through legislation for realty registration system can forecast the room provide enough to obtain purchased housing law, protect the expected transaction security, real estate is also very good solution to the reality of the economic life commodity house opens to booking a lot of problems. But now, people to notice of registration, inadequate understanding, also don't know to consciously using the advance notice registration of legal system in China should protect the rights and interests of the advance notice registration system, there also exist some problems. Based on the connotation, the nature of the advance notice registration, and the value, and analyzes current registration, the registration of real estates presale, according to the present situation of the legislative practice, it puts forward the establishment and improvement of the realty register forecast in legislative Suggestions.
这是Google翻译:Advance notice registration system is the civil law on real property important system changes, the so-called notice of registration is to preserve the right of claim on real property rights which this registration. Notice registration system has an important value and application of value, first of all, notice registration system is the principle of civil law rights may not be a concrete manifestation of the abuse; Second, notice the registration system is the principle of civil law in a concrete manifestation of faith; again, notice the registration system is to protect the weak Civil value. Zai modern economic life, most often found in real estate transactions, commercial housing transactions and land use rights in flux, especially in many of Houses Sold in home buyers in a weak position generally, legislation to require advance notice registration system can provide enough room purchased to provide access to housing law is expected to protect the security of real estate transactions, is also very good solution to the economic life of many problems in real estate sale. But now, people notice the registration of the lack of knowledge, do not know how to consciously use the registration notice of the legal system to protect their rights, the notice of the registration system in China there are many problems. I notice the registration on the meaning, nature, effectiveness, value of exposition and analysis of current Chinese real estate pre-sale registration, notice of registration of the status quo, reference foreign legislative practice, we establish and improve China's advance notice registration of the legislative proposal.



principle of stare decisis就是遵循先例原则。stare decisis是拉丁文。






法律法规 Laws and regulations 1、Laws :法律 2、regulations:n. [管理] 条例;规程(regulation的复数);章则。普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。3、and regulations:以及规章制度。

Because the civil law adjusts legal relationships between civil subjects with equalstatus.

If after judicial practice, civil fraud charges competing with the existing criminal law, the by想象竞合犯approach, breaking from the Department can be a felony.

所有被巩固的债权人可以(原则上)执行受其他先得权或相似的兴趣支配,虽然受诚实的采购员支配权利(不那么可能在变卖)。Bankruptcy法律也许任意和清楚地有时提供销售由委托人(体会估计过高)受根据他们的等级付清的被巩固的债权人支配出于收益(或被给alter ...

经联合国人口活动基金会(UNFPA)请求,承包方须采取一切必要措施,执行所有必要文件,并依照可适用法律要求全面协助保护此类专有权利并将其移交给联合国人口活动基金会(UNFPA)。5 In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause constituting force majeure, the ...

2、In respect of\/ in connection with\/ with respect to 就……在英语合同的翻译中,我们经常会遇见这样的表达,以表示对相关事物的限定。而在一般的英语文本中,当表达或提及到某一特定的事物时,我们通常会用concerning\/regarding\/in relation to\/relating等。这些词如果放在法律文本中,则会让人感觉...

参考译文:Party A undertakes that, with respect to information on assignors of claims and borrowers provided by Party B to Party A, including but not limited to contact information, information on claims assignment, loan demand, guarantee (if any), income, rating of the assignors ...


可翻译为:在囊,苹果声称 (1)商标侵权,虚假的名称或来源,和错误的描述,在§43(一)的制定法,15U。SC§1125(一);(2)稀释,在§43(C)的制定法,§15 U.S.C. 1125(C);(3)普通法上的商标侵权;(4)加利福尼亚工商职业代码§14247和普通法下的稀释;(5)虚假广告在§43...

二、法律英语翻译的同一律原则 在法律翻译的过程中,为了维护同一概念、内涵或事物在法律上始终同一,避免一起歧义,词语一经选定后就必须前后统一。在认准用准了某一个词语之后,千万不要怕重复使用。如果在法律英语翻译中缺乏一致性和同一性无疑会使法律概念混淆,使读者不必要地去揣测不同词语的差别...

三原县15940025534: 谁会翻译这段法律英语呀?谢谢 -
蒋伦夏天: 动机是关于契约的法定价值概念.它是与他人签约时对他方承诺的全部价值.它可以表现为价金、实物、服务、承诺行为、拒绝条件行为等很多形式.在“先在责任”的概念下,如果无论是要约人还是承诺人已经有了法律.....

三原县15940025534: 请各位高手帮我翻译下这段法律英语,非常感谢!
蒋伦夏天: 删减后 复制给我 这是美国人翻译的 他不是法学专业的 但是语法应该没问题了 应付你们老师肯定可以了 呵呵 Advance notice registration system is the civil law on real property its important system changes, the so-called notice of registration is to ...

三原县15940025534: 请懂法律英语的朋友帮忙翻译一下这段话.关于英美法中“先例拘束力”的.谢谢 -
蒋伦夏天: 判例主义(又称遵循先例原则)规定,在符合以下条件的情况下,法官或者治安法官受约束于(必须遵循)另一法院的较早的案件裁决: (1)该法院是与地方法院处于同一分级系统内的较高级法院;且 (2)较高级法院判例的案件事实与较低级法院审理的案件事实相同或者极为相似.请楼主参考.

三原县15940025534: 希望高手帮忙翻译一段法律英语,句子太长不知如何下手,另外,有些语言不知怎样表达符合法律文书习惯. -
蒋伦夏天: 此抵押物当具有持续性,且其有效期效力截止到已担保债务全部清偿为止,且不能(或被认为)因任何中期清偿或赔付,或因已担保债务或债权人和债务人或第三方在其他账户已和解而免除其赔偿责任.一旦出现任何赔偿或任何已担保债务因某...

三原县15940025534: 麻烦翻译一段法律英语,谢谢Assignor hereby irrevocably assigns,conveys and otherwise transfers to -
蒋伦夏天: 迪威公司,其各自的继承人和被许可人的所有权利,所有权和利益在全球的工作和所有的专有权利.包括,但不限于,所有版权及所有合同和特许权及所有索赔和任何上述行动方面的原因,无论是现在已知或以后成为已知

三原县15940025534: 翻译一段法律英语.谢谢!· -
蒋伦夏天: 本协议可以正本一式两份的形式签署,或以复本形式签署,与双方签署协议正本具有同等效力.发送原始签名的传真给对方,与发送签名原件具有同等效力.

三原县15940025534: 寻找一个能翻译法律英文摘要的朋友!!!帮忙一下!!200左右!!!谢谢
蒋伦夏天: As a legal term, as a result of the dispatch of institutions created a new form of labor, should be used "to send labor" (to send employees) words that should not be used to send personnel, personnel leasing, labor dispatch, the dispatch of the ...

三原县15940025534: 求法律英语高手翻译这篇文章(不要电脑直译) -
蒋伦夏天: 布鲁克林法学院法学硕士项目为外国受训的律师有机会学习美国法律,美国律师的方法学习如何对特定类型的法律问题.该方案还旨在通过法律英语培训外国教育的律师,因为它是在美国的法律实践中使用.我们的计划有利于专门研究在三个主...

三原县15940025534: 英文法律求翻译~谢谢The dismissal or an employment contract termination for a worker who has completed a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months ... -
蒋伦夏天:[答案] 如果一个工人连续工作满12个月或以上,要想解雇他或终止雇佣合同,雇主需要支付该工人裁员费. 除了那些专适于某类特定工人、或在条款或合同中规定的集体约定条款,伴随津贴不得低于以下 要求:: 1.在同一家机构,工作时间不足五年的,...

三原县15940025534: 跪求法律英语翻译
蒋伦夏天: Subrogation is the legal successor inherits a special form, our system of succession to the subrogation provisions are made. With the international and domestic legislation, the Succession generated on behalf of the basis concept of subrogation ...

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