
作者&投稿:闫安 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译如下:Analysis of Sichuan Province Neijiang city land use planning problems and suggestionsLand use planning refers to the land use in the process, to achieve a certain goal, for all types of land use structure and layout to adjust or configuration of the long-term plan. According to the land development and utilization of the natural and social economic condition, the historical foundation and current situation characteristic, the needs of national economic development, to a certain region within the scope of land resource reasonable use and management of a comprehensive technical and economic measures. This paper, in order to Sichuan Province Neijiang city as example, according to the Neijiang city land utilization condition, through to the Neijiang city land use planning content analysis, based on the existing problems in land use planning advice, Neijiang city land use planning reference. I will help him.

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Traditional culture covering a wide range of patterns, as an important part of traditional culture, has been throughout the Chinese history development of the entire process, in people's lives through from beginning to end, reflecting the different periods of life habits. From the primitive society of simple patterns to the slave society is simple, rough bronze ornamentation, and then to the feudal society exquisite complicated flower, birds, auspicious patterns, together with the corresponding period of the unique aesthetic view.

Traditional culture covering a wide range of patterns, as an important part of traditional culture, has been throughout the Chinese history development of the entire process, in people's lives through from beginning to end, reflecting the different periods of life habits. From the primitive society of simple patterns to the slave society is simple, rough bronze ornamentation, and then to the feudal society exquisite complicated flower, birds, auspicious patterns, together with the corresponding period of the unique aesthetic view.

Traditional culture involves quite wide, grain appearance as an important part of the traditional culture, has been through the whole process of historical development in China, through the always in people life, reflect different periods of life habit. From the primitive society simple pattern to slave society concise, straightforward bronze of grain, and then to the feudal society of heavy and complicated and exquisite water flea, birds and beasts, designs, all condenses corresponding period unique artistic aesthetics

Traditional culture covering a wide range of patterns, as an important part of traditional culture, has been throughout the Chinese history development of the entire process, in people's lives through from beginning to end, reflecting the different periods of life habits. From the primitive society of simple patterns to the slave society is simple, rough bronze ornamentation, and then to the feudal society exquisite complicated flower, birds, auspicious patterns, together with the corresponding period of the unique aesthetic view.

Traditional culture covering a wide range of patterns, as an important part of traditional culture, has been throughout the Chinese history development of the entire process, in people's lives through from beginning to end, reflecting the different periods of life habits. From the primitive society of simple patterns to the slave society is simple, rough bronze ornamentation, and then to the feudal society exquisite complicated flower, birds, auspicious patterns, together with the corresponding period of the unique aesthetic view

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