
作者&投稿:佛饰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Originally, I may be unrequited love is not it ......


Thank you(very much) for doing sth/sb's help


Thanks for the warning.

Thank you for your reminding.

Thanks for reminding me

Thank you for your advise.

Thank you for reminding me!


Thanks for telling
正式点就是 Thank you for reminder

Thank you for your remind.

Thank you for reminding me(of something).

Thanks for your love!

急求中翻英,需口语话翻译,不要机器翻。 非常谢谢你的回覆,真的非常谢谢...
Thank you very much for your reply and invitation me to your home. In order not to delay your next trip, I on 3\/17-3\/17 boarding in your home, I will first booked the hotel, around 3\/20 of the city about check-in, afternoon through the weekend vacation tourism in the...

既然你已经回到了美国,那你一定很忙吧.You have been in the USA now, I think you must be very busy.我感觉到了,因为你的回信一封比一封短了.I can feel that because the content of your replies are shorter and shorter.谢谢你的鼓励,我回继续学习钢琴的.Thanks for your encourage, I ...

excuse me , sir.打扰了,先生。I would like to know about the fitness training program in your club.我想知道在你的俱乐部的健身训练计划。I 'll have you speak with the director in charge of new accounts.我会让你跟负责新客户的经理谈一谈。What is the woman interested in ?这个...

4、XXX是您的账号,请核对下。谢谢。XXX is your account number, please check it. thank you.这部分内容主要运用了一般现在时的知识点:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指...


should I have done that Again I’m grateful for your affections 我不得不存在 在你的未来 最怕这样就是带给你永远的伤害 I have to exist In your future life So I’m most afraid of hurting you forever 说明 原文是中文,来自网络的歌词。汉译英:周柯楠 2019-04-27.深圳 ...

Thank you for your apple. (单数,一个苹果)Thanks for your apples. (复数,多个苹果)Thank you for your apples. (复数,多个苹果)Your apple is appreciated.Your apples are appreciated.Obliged for your apple.Obliged for your apples...您好,以上翻译均可,希望能帮到您,不明白可继...

1.请不要介意 Be relax, please. 或者,please dont take it serious.2.照片是在发廊里面拍的.当时在剪头发 the photo is taken in a hair saloon when I was having my hair cut.3.谢谢你的赞美 thank you for your compliment

Thank you for your letter,I like your being honest to me ,I'll be honest to you too. I think life's short that we should enjoy everyday.I'm a very traditional Chinese woman , I enjoy my family life,love taking care of children .And always put my family at first place...

聊城市15591965891: 中译英:谢谢你的提醒 -
卜初妥佳:[答案] 一般看你是如何回答的,随意回答 比如关系比较好点的 Thanks for telling 正式点就是 Thank you for reminder

聊城市15591965891: 中译英:谢谢你的提醒 -
卜初妥佳: 一般看你是如何回答的,随意回答 比如关系比较好点的 Thanks for telling 正式点就是 Thank you for reminder

聊城市15591965891: 翻译“谢谢你的提醒”
卜初妥佳: Thank you for your reminding.

聊城市15591965891: 谢谢你的提醒.用英语怎么讲?这里的提醒是正面的.是真的感谢的情绪.跪谢. -
卜初妥佳:[答案] I really appreciate your reminder

聊城市15591965891: 中译英:谢谢你的提醒,12月10日早上办完事情我会尽快回来公司. -
卜初妥佳: Thanks for your reminding. I will be back to the company as soon as I finish the business on the morning of December, 10th.

聊城市15591965891: 谢谢你的提醒英语咋说好 -
卜初妥佳: thank you for your reminding

聊城市15591965891: 求翻译 谢谢你的提醒,我以后会注意的 -
卜初妥佳:[答案] Thanks for your reminding and i will be careful afterwards

聊城市15591965891: 英语翻译希望语气比较正式一点:今后,我会注意到这个问题.感谢你的提醒. -
卜初妥佳:[答案] In the future,I will attach great importance to this problem and thank you for your proposal.

聊城市15591965891: 谢谢你的提醒用英语怎么回答 -
卜初妥佳: Thanks for you to remind me.Thanks for your warning.

聊城市15591965891: 翻译 谢谢你的提醒,错误已经被更正... -
卜初妥佳: 谢谢你的提醒,错误已经被更正. Thanks for your reminding, mistakes have been corrected. 我很感兴趣你推荐的产品,请发给我关于它的详细信息. I'm very interested in you recommend products, please send me information about it.希望可以帮助到您,谢谢!

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