
作者&投稿:政司 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I this" big3S lady " has finally been object, that" he" is as everyone knows the nine grades. Not easy to get the" handsome " favour, must seize opportunity. Had heard that, as long as to this date, the days will be full of sunshine and rose ... ...Worse, the appointment time. Oh, look at me as a man, a leading open saliva does not close, almost missed the event. To wash my face, donning the cool sportswear, an appointment to go.I came to a close the cube room, here is really strange, the front wall is black, the back wall is white, on both sides of a window curtain, be like the Ming and Qing Dynasties relics, gives people a sense of nostalgia. I really don't know how he would choose such a strange place for a romantic themes of the story. I haven't had time to look at his handsome face, a cold voice came:" classmate, you are late today a quarter of an hour, please sit down in the back and talk to me, and, here a month health to you." The first date is so cold, could he be Conan? I hope he is, I'm sitting in the back of. The ghostly voice rang out:" I just love those diligent person, preferably grinding away, whether in the world that, are you?" In this case, I will say. I always used to free and easy, no way, for the love, it will say "yes" unwillingly. My head is not close:" you love or not love Yang Mi? You love or not love to see" the Smurfs"? Are you interested in basketball ... ..." " Please don't ask so idiot problem." He was impolite to interrupt me. " I have ' three not to talk about ' what I don't like entertainment gossip everyday, I love only one thing, you come to see." Ha ha, so quickly I set out the secret. I was glad to take a look at the past, what is this? A piece of white paper with ants, with bright red three numbers "150". I could not help but took a step back, I found his handsome face some grim, he said:" it is the only way to make me happy, if you want to get my love, you take it to my." " This is not easy, to write a do not have?" I underestimated.Suddenly, he grabbed my strength, great, that I can't stand. I tried to get rid of his hand, but I tried to never break. Watching my arm on the purple one, I shouted, it sounds could take a most romantic Oscar scream award. " The life honest valuable, love price is higher, therefore if for the freedom, do not run. Mama come, save your poor child!"Suddenly someone patted me, I could see, the original is next to the called" red wolf" partner is glaring eyes:" you have a nerve, sleeping pet fi, see your beauty." I was full of shame, she picked up a Chinese book.My first "date" that be defeated and flee to my end!

How much to pay, they will be rewarded. This is the so-called "No pain no gain" bar. �
Some people say that life is a tea shall sun glow, the breeze was blowing when the clear sip; cup lamp was among the most compatible bride ray lingering fragrance. Some people say that life is intoxicating liquor shall be sough cold drink volume hit the dust when the wind, which reflects peripheral vision of the sweet and hot flashes with only the best flavor. Often, hi tea, when those who would lament the thunder storm of life and ruthless, Lok spirits in the wind when you fell in love with life Xuri dull. �
While I do not want to do hi tea, nor spirits were willing to music. So, I want to live very colorful embellishment. �
No pain, which would be sweet! Happy is the secondary theme of campus life. In my journey of life and makes a fine fine for each Zhaomu the same time, I understand this truth: No pain, no gain. Namely: How many there are that many return for pay. �
Looking back looked, in our land of hard work, leaving my deep footprints. I believe that we will all reap rich fruits. Campus flowers, colorful; campus trees, robust upright; campus were genuine enthusiasm; campus colorful. 有多少付出,就会得到相应的回报。这就是所谓的“一分耕耘一分收获”吧。�
  有人说生活是清茶,须在斜阳夕照、微风拂面时清啜;那杯盏之间的一缕余香才最令人心怡。有人说生活是烈酒,须在飒飒寒风卷袭尘土时随风畅饮,折射出的闪烁着炙热余光的甘醇,才最有味道。而往往,喜清茶者会在暴雨雷鸣时悲叹生活的残酷无情,乐烈酒者在和风煦日时爱上生活的索然无味。�  我既不愿做喜清茶者,也不愿为乐烈酒者。所以,我要将生活点缀得五彩斑斓。�没有苦,哪会有甜!快乐才是中学校园生活的主旋律。在我精精细细地跋涉生活的每一朝暮的同时,我悟出了一个道理:一分耕耘,一分收获。即:有多少付出就有多少回报。�  回首望去,在我们辛勤耕耘的土地上,留下我深深的足迹。我相信,我们都将收获那丰硕的果实。校园的花,丰富多彩;校园的树,茁壮挺拔;校园的人真诚热情;校园多姿多彩。

what I have gained in my schoollife
I am goging to say good-bye to my three-year senior high schoollife.Look back at the past three year,I am surprised to find that there are many things that is worth remembering.I have learned what I could learn from books.The important thing is that I get on with my friends and my teachers.We sincerely treat each other and when someone is in trouble,we will give her our hand without hesitation.As we are growing old,we are resposible and are able to identify the authenticity.We can share happiness and sadness with our friends and parents.My schoollife will stay in my mind forever.

求一篇有含量的英语作文 题目妈妈我爱你
Mama I love you For me your everyday work from dawn to night Blink of an eye, I have 15 years old, in 15 years, you paid for me a lot. I want to thank you for your mother, thank you gave me life. I thank you for your meticulous care, take care of.Mother, you ...

求一篇200字的英语作文,简单点的!题目“My college life”
写作思路:详细地介绍一下自己的大学生活,中心要明确,语言要通顺等等。正文:My college life As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies. Recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind.我大学二年级的时候,感觉时光飞逝。回忆过去的一年,我的脑海里涌动着...

以下是三篇以《my school rules》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。❤第一篇英语作文 写作思路:介绍自己所在学校的规定和制度,重点描述其中的一些重要规定。正文:My School Rules My school has many rules to ensure that students can learn and grow in a safe environment. One important rule...

5.调查一下你全家人喜爱的电影或电视节目,并写成一篇短文。(不少于35词)6.给你的朋友Jane写封信,介绍一下一天的生活,不少于40个词 7.以My friend为题,根据提示写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文。要求:语言流畅,条理清楚,不少于50词。(下面提示只限于本题)提示:1.)他是一个中国女孩,今年13...

200单词的英语作文任选两个题目 急!!!
我选的题目3 生活在大城市的问题。I want to talk about is the problem of living in a big city, also is the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city. Big cities in addition to the air, as the country in general are better than the countryside.For housing, health ...

谁帮我写一篇英语作文,80字左右,题目是 How I learn English
【1】My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in primary school. So, I started to learn English when I was little. At first, I learn to name the things of my home, such as bed, door, sofa, window and so on, and then to animals or things outside. After that, I ...


My family I have a warm family(我有一个温馨的家庭)。 At home with mom and dad and a cute puppy(家里有爸爸妈妈和一只可爱的小狗)。I was the only one child at home(家里只有我一个小孩)。Our family favorite is a day out for a walk after dinner(我们一家人每天最喜欢的...

Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It’s small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk . There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books are in the shelf . I like the books ...

我的一天 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don't go to school. I want to go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is nearly . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I ...

高唐县19876493932: 一篇英语作题目:,在即将毕业的时候,请你写篇文章,说说你在三年的高中学校生活中,得到了什么、有何感想. -
弘昆沐舒: Today is my last day in xx high school. I feel the time is very fast,in my memory,when I went this high school just like the thing happened in yesterday.In the three years,i study a lot knowledge ang the way to keep health,and i get the real friden---XXX,...

高唐县19876493932: 请以“one thing l'm proud of”为题,用英语写一篇短文,记叙一件在高中三年的学习生活中你自己认为自豪的事情 -
弘昆沐舒:[答案] One possible student version:One Thing I'm Proud ofI still remember how I became a good table tennis player.The first day I went to high school,I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis.Amazed...

高唐县19876493932: 假定你是即将毕业的高三学生李华,受学校英文报的邀请,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你高中学习和生活的收获开...假定你是即将毕业的高三学生李华,受学校... -
弘昆沐舒:[答案] High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior three student, it won't take long before I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow students. Firstly, I would lik...

高唐县19876493932: 写一篇关于高中结束的英语作文高中三年的学习生活即将结束、三年来、在校学习生活以及与同学们的交往中、有让你感动的瞬间吗、有那些往事让你记忆犹... -
弘昆沐舒:[答案] I 'd like to say something about my school life . There are many wonderful memories during my three years' school life. But our monitor ,Limei , impressed me most. She is an outgoing and easy -going g...

高唐县19876493932: 求一篇一百词英语作文:高中生活也许是人生中最美好的时光,除了学业之外,我们还会收获许多其...求一篇一百词英语作文:高中生活也许是人生中最美... -
弘昆沐舒:[答案] For our lifetime best time for a high school life. We are working tirelessly to learn. Although very hard but we are not left to regret graduation. In our study, while of course not forget the teach...

高唐县19876493932: 急!急!求一篇一百词英语作文:高中生活也许是人生中最美好的时光,除了学业之外,我们还会收获许多其... -
弘昆沐舒: For our lifetime best time for a high school life. We are working tirelessly to learn. Although very hard but we are not left to regret graduation.In our study, while of course not forget the teachers. Their selfless dedication. and students with a certainly a ...

高唐县19876493932: 在这三年学习中你想要得到什么用英语写一篇作文 -
弘昆沐舒: You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. I hope you don't have to face this too much, but it happens. Again, not much you can do but to heal, and to move on with your life. Let these pains become stepping stones to better things in life, and learn to use them to make you stronger.

高唐县19876493932: 急求一篇英文作文:我这学期最大的收获 到目前为止遇到的最大困难急求一篇英文作文,120个单词左右就可以了,英文作文内容包括:我这学期最大的收... -
弘昆沐舒:[答案] Gain And Difficulty How time flies!The first half semester is over.Looking back,I have achieved much over the term.I have learned how to play football.I have made many good new friends in school.But my biggest gain is that I have improved my English a ...

高唐县19876493932: 急求一篇英文作文:我这学期最大的收获 到目前为止遇到的最大困难 -
弘昆沐舒: I have made many good new friends in school.The greatest one at present is that I am still poor at maths.What't give up!The first half semester is over;ll keep working hard,though I have studied it very hardGain And Difficulty How time flies.I have ...

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