
作者&投稿:庾贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?
What did you eat this morning? 你今天早上吃什么了?
Typhoon MeiLing came last week.台风“美玲”上星期;来了
What are you going to do today?你今天准备做什么?
It is a vacation!这是一个假期!
What is the matter with you?你怎么啦?
What will the weather be like tomorrow morning?明天早上的天气将会如何?
Will there be a roller coaster?将会有环滑车吗?
Can you put away your toys?你可以收拾好你的玩具吗?


Unit 1: Where were you last month? 重点单词:
1.good好的 2.bad坏的 3.tasty 美味的,可口的
4.yucky难吃的,味道不好的 5.spicy辣的 6.food食物
7.Canada加拿大 8.Thailand泰国 9.snowy下雪的
10.circus马戏团 11.many许多 12.place地方 13.week星期14.month月 15.from自…,从… 16.come from从…来17.Here comes… ……来了

Sounds and words:
1.dog狗 2.clock 钟 3.top顶部
4.jog慢跑 5.knock敲 6.shop商店

1.Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪里?
I was in Canada.我在加拿大。
2.What was the food like? 食物怎么样? It was tasty.很好吃。
3.Look! Here comes a circus! 看!马戏团来了!
4.Where did you come from? 你们从哪里来? Many places! 很多地方!
5.Where were you last week/month?上个星期/月你们在哪里?
We were in Beijing/Thailand.我们在北京/泰国。
6.Come on! Let’s go to Thailand.走吧!让我们去泰国。
Unit 2: What did you eat this morning? 重点单词:
1.go(went)去 2.eat(ate)吃 3.write(wrote)写 4.read(read)读
5.make(made)制作 6.ride(rode)骑 7.sing(sang)唱
8.drink(drank)喝,饮 9.morning早上 10.afternoon下午
11.evening晚上 12.beautiful美丽的 13.desert沙漠 14. rest休息
15.sick不适的,患病的 16.feel觉得 17.chocolate巧克力
18.chicken鸡肉 19.anything任何事物,任何东西 20.bottle瓶子
21.water水 22.genie妖怪 23.What a…!多么…啊

Sounds and words:
1.tall高的 2.ten十 3.tea 茶
4.teacher教师 5.twelve十二 6.toast吐司,烤面包

1.What did you do this morning? 今天早上你做过什么?
I read comic books.我看了漫画书。
2.Did you go to the beach after that?那之后你去过海滩吗?
No, I didn’t.不,我没去。(否定回答)
I went to the park.我去了公园。

3.What did Gogo do on Monday morning? 星期一上午Gogo做了什么?
He went to the swimming pool.他去了游泳池。
4.Wow! What a beautiful desert! 哇!多么漂亮的沙漠啊!
5.I feel sick.我感觉不舒服。 Let’s rest.让我们休息吧。
6.What did you eat this morning? 今天上午你吃了什么?
I ate cheese, chocolate, chicken and ice cream.
7.Did you drink anything this morning?今天上午你喝过什么?
No, I didn’t.不,我没有。(否定回答)
8.Oh, a bottle of water! I’m thirsty.哦,一瓶水!我口渴了。
9.That’s not water! That’s a genie!那不是水!那是妖怪!

Unit 3: Typhoon Meiling came last week.重点单词:
1.see(saw)看见 2.blow(blew)吹,刮 3.fall(fell)倒塌
4.sit(sat)坐 5.break(broke)打破 6.sweep(swept)扫
7.take(took拿) 8.come(came)来 9.happen(happened)发生
10.mess混乱,杂乱 11.typhoon台风 12.wind风 13.hat帽子
14.boat船 15.coat大衣,外套 16.say(said)说
17.blow away吹走 18.in the air在空中

Sounds and words:
1.cat猫 2.cap帽子 3.mad愤怒的 4.fat肥胖 5.nap小睡 6.sad伤心的

1.What a mess! 多混乱啊!
2.There was a typhoon.有台风。
3.What happened? 发生了什么事? Many trees fell.很多树都倒塌了。
4.The wind blew away my hat.风吹走了我的帽子。

5.Typhoon Meiling came last week.上星期台风美玲来过了。
6.There were chairs in the air.空气中有椅子。
7.My stuffed animals blew away.我的玩具动物吹走了。
8.Jenny saw a boat in a tree! 珍妮看见一艘小船在树上。
9.No, Gogo. I said a coat in a tree!不,Gogo.我说是一外衣在树上!

Unit 5: What are you going to do today? 重点单词、词组:
1.take a test做小测验 2.go on vacation去度假
3.get a haircut理发 4.see the doctor去看医生
5.shop for clothes买衣服 6.have a party进行晚会
7.write letters写信 8.meet some friends与朋友会面
9.tonight今晚 10.tomorrow 明天 11.the day after tomorrow 后天12.bored感到厌烦的 13.ask提问 14.question问题

Sounds and words:
1.ship轮船 2.big大的 3.trick魔术
4.trip旅行 5.pig猪 6.brick砖

1.What are you going to do today? 今天你准备做什么?
I’m going to write letters.我准备写信。
2.Are you going to write to your uncle?你准备写信给你的叔叔吗?
No, I’m going to write to my aunt.不,我准备写信给我的姑妈。
3.What’s he going to do in the afternoon?下午他打算做什么?
He’s going to meet some friends.他打算与朋友会面。

4.I’m bored.我无聊。
5.Are you going to cook some food/shop for clothes/get a haircut?
No. I’m not.不,我不是。(否定回答)
6.I’m going to ask you questions.我准备回答你的问题。

Unit 6: It’s a vacation! 重点单词、词组:
1.have a picnic去野餐 2.visit relatives探访亲戚
3.help Dad帮助爸爸 4.take some photos拍照
5.play with friends和朋友玩 6.make models制作模型
7.surf the net上网 8.read some books看书
9.vacation假期 10.the Great Wall of China中国长城
11.next下一个 12.fruit水果 13.do tai chi打太极拳

Sounds and words:
1.diary日记 2.dumplings汤圆 3.doll玩具
4.dictionary字典 5.doughnuts炸圈饼 6.dollar美元重

1.What are you going to do on vacation?假期你打算做什么?
I’m going to surf the net/play with friends.我打算上网/和朋友玩。
2.What are they going to do? 他们准备做什么?
They’re going to read some books.他们准备看书。
3.What’s Gogo going to do? Gogo准备做什么?
He’s going to see the Great Wall of China.他准备去看中国长城。
5.Next week is a vacation.下星期是假期。
6.What are you going to do with your friends?你和朋友准备做什么?
7.We’re going to have a picnic.我们准备去野餐。
8.What are you going to eat on your picnic?野餐打算你们吃什么?
9.We’re going to eat fruit.我们打算吃水果。
10.What are you going to do there, Gogo?Gogo,你在那里准备做什么?
I’m going to do tai chi.我准备打太极拳。

规则动词的过去式词尾变化有几种:1.一般情况下加ed,如watched, planted, watered, pulled, climbed, picked。2.以不发音字母e结尾的加d,如liked, moved, tasted。3.以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加ed,如study——studied。4.以1个元音字母加1个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个辅音...

人教版五年级 英语音标题目下册
人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册单词带音标 Unit 1 do morning exercises 晨练['mɔ:niŋ] ['eksəsaiz]eat breakfast 吃早饭[i:t] ['brekfəst]have English class上英语课[hæv ] ['iŋgliʃ] [klɑ:s]play sports进行体育运动[plei] [spɔ:...

PEP五年级下册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1 do morning exercises(晨练) eat breakfast(吃早饭) have english class(上英语课) play sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner(吃晚饭) when(什么时候) evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……点钟) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb ...

人教版小学英语五年级下册单词Unit 1do morning exercises(晨练)[du:] ['mɔ:niŋ] ['eksəsaiziz] eat breakfast(吃早饭)[i:t] ['brekfəst] have English class(上英语课) [hæv] ['iŋgliʃ] [kla:s]play sports(进行体育运动)[plei] [spɔ:ts] eat dinner(吃晚饭)[ i:t]...

音节:音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。一般说来,元音可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节。但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音...

接下来我主要从以下六个方面来展开我的说课:一、说教材 二、说学情 三、说教法设计 四、说学法指导 五、说教学过程 六、说板书设计一、说教材1、说教材地位与作用本课时是PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit4的第一课时。主要围绕“What are you doing ? ”这个核心话题来展开教学活动,这个话题是小学英语日常交际的...

一到五、D B B B A 。六、tried took stopped won waited。七、1、wait。2、reading。3、are。4、picked。5、looks。6、Learning。7、are。8、is playing,is having。

school.We usually go by bus. Do you go to bed early? I dont go to bed early. I read for a long time every night. Take the medicine three times a day,janet. And stay home for one day. 就这些了,合适记得给我悬赏哦,我也是五年级小学生哦!

pep小学英语五年级下册 全套教案 ,共86页,这里无法全部复制,你到我们网站去下载吧Unit 1 This My Day 第一课时 一、教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:eat breakfast, do morning exercises, have English class, play sports, eat dinner. 2.能够听懂问句:When do you do morning exercises \/ …...

我也是五年级的。给你吧,但要给我分哦!Unit 1 do morning exercises ___晨练 eat breakfast ___ 吃早饭 have English class ___ 上英语课 play sports ___进行体育活动 eat dinner ___吃晚饭 When ___什么时候 evening ___夜晚 get up ___起床 at___在几点钟 usually___通常 noon__...

鼓楼区19721589884: 开心学英语五年级下的主要句型是哪些? -
种峰少腹:[答案] 第六册Book6: Unit 1: Where were you last month? 重点单词: 1.good好的 2.bad坏的 3.tasty 美味的,可口的 4.yucky难吃的... Gogo准备做什么? He's going to see the Great Wall of China.他准备去看中国长城. 5.Next week is a vacation.下星期是假...

鼓楼区19721589884: 谁知道五年级下册英语(开心学英语)的重点句式? -
种峰少腹: Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?What did you eat this morning? 你今天早上吃什么了?Typhoon MeiLing came last week.台风“美玲”上星期;来了 What are you going to do today?你今天准备做什么?It is a vacation!这是一个假期!...

鼓楼区19721589884: 五年级下册英语1 - 6单元的重点句型(谢谢,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢,谢谢) -
种峰少腹: 我最喜欢的节日MyFavoriteHolidayMyfavoriteholidayisMid-autumnDay.Doyouknowwhy?Firstly,it'sdayforfamilygathering.OnMid-autumnDay,familieswillstaytogetherandeatabigdinner.Myfamiliesalwaysmakeverydeliciousfood.Afterdinner,...

鼓楼区19721589884: 小学五年级英语下册1~3单元重点句型 -
种峰少腹: http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=N6Ot9Oj8pVe4E2k-IBnID9BKsttWfA6-KVHAUNp6X9DlyNssAsdIZkwgXq7yXe4TMjcrI75TaWTBRQCb3XqtNC2-mrp3iLrdBlXR6cdpFSi

鼓楼区19721589884: 五年级下英语所学过去式总结 -
种峰少腹: 1、直接加ed.(如played、watched等) 2、单词最后有t,加ed,读[Id].(如wanted、needed等) 3、重读闭音节,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed.(如skipped等) 4、不规则变化.(如am-was、is-was等)

鼓楼区19721589884: 五年级下册英语归纳总结 -
种峰少腹: 一.单词 1.汉语 2. 英语 3. 哦 4. 数学 5. 有趣的 6. 减去 Chinese English er Maths interesting minus 7. 美术 8. 学科,科目 9. 告诉;讲述 10. 窍门 11. [缩写]体育 12.星期 Art subject tell trick PE week 13. 科学,自然科学 14. 星期日 15.星期一 16.星期...

鼓楼区19721589884: PEP五六年级英语的重点句型.比如There be句型什么情况下用am/is/are.(要全.) -
种峰少腹: There is/are表示某处有某物,there is +可数名词单数,或不可数名词如:there is a book on the desk.there is a book and two pens on the desk.(就近原则) there is water in the glass, There are+可数名词复数.there are books on the desk.或表示时间的包含关系there are seven days in a week. 很简单的,

鼓楼区19721589884: 小学五年级英语下册必须掌握的英语句子
种峰少腹: Unit 1. 1. above the chimney 在烟囱上 2. on the roof 在屋顶上 3. behind the tree. 在树后 4. above the tree 树的上方 5. in front of the car 轿车的前面 6. There are four birds on the tree. 有 四只鸟 在树上 7. like to draw. 喜欢 (做) 8. every day, 每天 ...

鼓楼区19721589884: 人教五年级下册英语新版小学生该懂的句式(就是句型结构)
种峰少腹: Where is the sp. How can sb. help sb. 以后再说.

鼓楼区19721589884: 五年级下册的英语中的现在式有哪些 -
种峰少腹: 小学需要学会的是: 现在进行时:be doing的形式,e.g.(例子)i am doing my homework now.我现在正在做我的家庭作业,(强调现在做某事). 一般现在时:v.(动词)为原型或单三形式,e.g.i do my homework everyday.我每天做我的家庭作业,(强调频繁做某事). 亲,认可的话,记得点赞

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