初中三年的学校生活就要结束了;回 顾三年的学校生活;你(Jack)感慨万分。 校园网的英语论坛开辟了“My Sch

作者&投稿:爱蒋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初中三年的学校生活就要结束了;回 顾三年的学校生活;你(Jack)感慨万分。 校园网的英语论坛开辟了“My Sch~

  I'm lucky to study in this beautiful school.And i still remember that time I first went into the school gate,i saw my new classroom and teachers and thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you'll find interesting is,.Our school is so clean and beautiful that i loved it more than i can say. Now i‘m going to graduate, i will never forget my wonderful school life 。
  Jack from Class

One possible version:I’ m lucky to study in this beautiful school. The teachers are great. They always try to make their lessons lively and interesting. The classmates are lovely and friendly. The school life is rich and colorful. They make me happy every day.In the past three years, I am hardworking and have made great progress. I do well in the exams. I am good at communicating and I like to make friends with others.However, I have problems, too. I will spend less time online. I will do more sports and become stronger.Thank you my teachers and classmates. Wish my school more beautiful, my teachers and 试题分析:这是一篇命题作文,写一写自己初中三年的学校生活。由于在要点中只给出了写作的大致方向,需要自己发挥的地方较多。动笔前要围绕要点组织材料,确定时态主要词汇等问题,根据要求可知本句主要是过去时态,人称是第一人称。写作中,应注意描述的全面性;语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符合英语的表达习惯。点评:本题给出的材料较为简略,可发挥的空间较大,所以自己可以选择自己比较熟悉的内容发挥,利用自己熟悉的单词句式等。

  I'm lucky to study in this beautiful school.And i still remember that time I first went into the school gate,i saw my new classroom and teachers and thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you'll find interesting is,.Our school is so clean and beautiful that i loved it more than i can say. Now i‘m going to graduate, i will never forget my wonderful school life 。
  Jack from Class


I'm lucky to study in this beautiful school.And i still remember that time I first went into the school gate,i saw my new classroom and teachers and thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you'll find interesting is,.Our school is so clean and beautiful that i loved it more than i can say. Now i‘m going to graduate, i will never forget my wonderful school life 。
Jack from Class 3




只有做好了规划,才能坦然地面对大学四年和未来的生活。目标进大学后,明显会有点失落感,哪怕是再好的学校,身在其中也感觉不出它的好来……这个很正常的,大学说白了就是一个学习的场所,“师傅领进门,修行靠个人”,学校哪怕再不堪,其实也不会影响真正热爱学习的人。 三年的大学生活规划书 追随梦想,充实自我 ...

中专三年是我一生的重要阶段,是我学习专业知识及提高各方面能力为以后谋生发展的重要阶段,我知道,这又是我人生中的一大转折,角色的转换,这除了有较强的适应力和乐观的生活态度外,更重要的是得益于中专三年的学习积累和技能的培养。 通过三年的学校生活和社会实践,我不断的挑战自己、充实自己,为实现今后人生的价值时...

Hi everyone, I'm Lucy who is graduating from my junior school. It has been a really unforgettable memory in this school. I have learnt and played with my friends in this school. I'm best at my Chinese subjuct. I get along with my friends pretty well.I grown up with my ...



中专三年是我一生的重要阶段,是我学习专业知识及提高各方面能力为以后谋生发展的重要阶段,我知道,这又是我人生中的一大转折,角色的转换,这除了有较强的适应力和乐观的生活态度外,更重要的是得益于中专三年的学习积累和技能的培养。 通过三年的学校生活和社会实践,我不断的挑战自己、充实自己,为实现今后人生的价值时...

在中专的生活中我课余生活丰富,参加学校组织的各项学生活动、体育项目比赛等。踊跃参与到全市“星光杯”比赛中来,参加“现代物流”与“硬笔书法”两个参赛项目。自身也不断参加各种社会实践活动,丰富自己的人生阅历。 通过三年的学校生活和社会实践,我不断的挑战自己、充实自己,为实现今后人生的价值时刻准备着。三年里...


中专四年是我一生的重要阶段,是我学习专业知识及提高各方面能力为以后谋生发展的重要阶段,我知道,这又是我人生中的一大转折,角色的转换,这除了有较强的.适应力和乐观的生活态度外,更重要的是得益于中专三年的学习积累和技能的培养。 通过四年的学校生活和社会实践,我不断的挑战自身、充实自身,为实现今后人生的价...

一共九门课程对我们来说真的非常的累,根本就没有那么多的经历去学习每一科。但是老师管的也不是那么的严因此我觉得高一的生活还是可以的。高二的生活 高二已经是分完文理的了,我们又会重新的分班,但是不会像之前那么的有新鲜感了,我们通过一年的时光对于学校的所有都已经有了连接了。但是高二的...

哈密地区19251037130: 三年初中生活马上就要结束了,回想初中生活的点点滴滴你会幸福,快乐,也会悲伤,难过.请以“Frien -
连新齐克: 黑夜那么长,都是为了黎明那道曙光,前路哪怕再艰难,你终会抵达梦想的彼岸,就算没有人陪伴,你也要做自己的太阳.

哈密地区19251037130: 三年的初中生活就要结束了,在我们的成长过程中,既有快乐,也有烦恼.请用英语写一篇短文,内容包括:1What's the biggest problem you met in... -
连新齐克:[答案] My middle school life is coming to an end.During the three years not only did I have happy time,but I had kinds of problems.My biggest problem was too much homework.(最大的问题是什么)It made me ...

哈密地区19251037130: 初中三年的学校生活就要结束了;回 顾三年的学校生活;你(Jack)感慨万分. 校园网的英语论坛开辟了“My Sch -
连新齐克: I'm lucky to study in this beautiful school.And i still remember that time I first went into the school gate,i saw my new classroom and teachers and thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our...

哈密地区19251037130: 求写一篇满分英语作文!初中三年的学校生活就要结束了;回 顾三年的学校生活;你(Jack)感慨万分. 校园网的英语论坛开辟了“My School Life”专栏,... -
连新齐克:[答案] I' m lucky to study in this beautiful school. The teachers are great. They always try to make their lessons lively and interesting. The classmates are lovely and friendly. The school life is rich and ...

哈密地区19251037130: 议论文含抒情作文难忘的初中生活600字 -
连新齐克: 光阴似箭,岁月如梭,一转眼初中生活就要结束了,回首这三年的点点滴滴,数不清在校园里留下了多少欢乐与痛楚,而现在心里有一些留恋,在过去的日子里我们一起努力过,失败过,一起为了我们班的荣誉加油,这个初中生活对于我来说很...

哈密地区19251037130: 三年的初中生活就要结束,崭新的高中学习即将到来.回顾过去,你一定有许多成功的喜悦与失利的遗憾;展望未来,你肯定有美好的憧憬和实实在在的打算.... -
连新齐克:[答案] Unforgettable Memories How time flies!Three years passed in a blink.Lots of memories left in my head.Teachers,classmates,... And I always make mistakes which can be avoided. Senior middle school life is a new beginning and it gives me a chance to ...

哈密地区19251037130: 三年的初中生活即将结束,你将展开全新的人生旅程.给亲爱的自己写点什么吧,回忆一下刚刚踏人初中校门的你,三年中不断变化成长的你,描绘一下今后不... -
连新齐克:[答案] To the dearest self How time flies!Three years passed in a blink.(总体说明三年初中的时间之快)Lots of memories left in my head.Teachers,classmates,hard work and above all friendship stay in mind.Looking back,I have gone through either the joy of ...

哈密地区19251037130: 三年的初中生活,就要结束了,在最后的晚会上放出光芒,放出青春,请帮我写一段感人的开幕词? -
连新齐克: 光阴似箭,“弹指一挥间”,三年匆匆而过.初中生活即将悄悄地走进了回忆,所有的往惜都可忆而不可重逢了.三年前,我们怀揣梦想,携带着美好的憧憬,迈着稚嫩的脚步来到了环境优美,窗明几净的XX学校.从那时起我们开始用生命和心灵...

哈密地区19251037130: 初中学习生活就要结束了.请用英语记录下在初中三年学习中最值得回忆的一件事.包括时间 人物 经过和事后的感想 -
连新齐克:[答案] Today is a normal day.but as for me,it's an wongerful day.When I am after school as rural,I met a friend that we hadn't met for 10 yers since his home moved away from our hometown.We were so...

哈密地区19251037130: 初三校园生活即将结束,与同学告别的一段话. -
连新齐克: 今天的结束,是我们明天的开始,是为未来的奋斗,让我们承载着理想与抱负开始另一段人生旅程,加油!


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