Money is important but I'd rather earn it by working hard than get by asking others for it.翻译

作者&投稿:贰裘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
How much you earn is not very important. It is how you earn the money that counts 这题 怎么翻译~







龙安区15519414457: Although money is important,many said they want to do jobs they enjoy.这是九年级教材上的一句话,为什么want 不用过去式wanted呢?请问该怎么解释? -
慈邵人工:[答案] 因为他们现在也想要做自己喜欢的工作. 一般want,like,have等表示意愿,所有权之类的不需要用过去式.

龙安区15519414457: Money is important 辩论正方辩词
慈邵人工: I think money is important. Lots of things need to done with money, although its merits can only be guaranteed under the credit of government. Just considering there are so many children in close or remote place having no access to education, you ...

龙安区15519414457: 18.--Money is important but it doesn't mean - ______,you know. - -I agree with you. -
慈邵人工:[选项] A. as B. anything C. something D. everything

龙安区15519414457: Money is important 辩论正方辩词要正方提问反方的问题,越难越好 -
慈邵人工:[答案] I think money is important.Lots of things need to done with money,although its merits can only be guaranteed under the credit of government.Just considering there are so many children in close or remote place having no access to education,you will ...

龙安区15519414457: 英语补全单词yes,money is important,but money is not e______ --
慈邵人工:[答案] 这个单词应该是everything.横线上应填verything. 例句:发言人强调指出金钱并非万能这一真理. 翻译:The speaker brought into relief the truth that money is not everything.

龙安区15519414457: Money is important,but it isn't ().(一切) -
慈邵人工:[答案] everything.

龙安区15519414457: Money is important,but it doesn't mean - ____是everything 还是anyting老师解释是everything 理由很牵强否定句不应该是anything anything还可以表 任何事 -
慈邵人工:[答案] 是everything 是所有,一切的意思,但钱总还是有用的; 钱就是这么用的; 如果选ANYTHING就成了,钱无用了,一无是处; ---------------- 但是anything也是可以用的 it doesn't mean anything 这些对我来说都不算什麽

龙安区15519414457: 求一篇五分钟左右的英语演讲稿!内容“money is the most important thing in the w...求一篇五分钟左右的英语演讲稿!内容“money is the most important ... -
慈邵人工:[答案] of course not. there are too many things improtant in our lives. but what's the most important thing? this question is a little bit deeper. but i guess everyone will have different answers depending on their personalities and character traits. for some of us, ...

龙安区15519414457: Money is important - ---------- - it's not the most important thing. -
慈邵人工: B 试题分析:考查连词.句意:钱是重要的 但是不是最重要的东西.根据两个句子之间的关系,一个重要一个说不重要,所以表示转折,故选B项.

龙安区15519414457: 急需!!!英语小辩论money is most important in our life正方反方的都要,开头结尾可以省略,要有说服力 -
慈邵人工: 正:Money is not the most important thing,because it can't buy anything.Can you use it to buy a friend?If you say yes ,I will tell you the friend you buy isn't a ture can't buy turth、love and friendship And you are ill,parent's care is better than anything.反方想不出了555

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