八年级下册仁爱版英语课本43页WORH ALONE习题的答案

作者&投稿:英琪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
八年级下册仁爱版英语课本43页Work Alone习题的答案~

Red means "stop".Green means "go".Yellow means "wait".
There is a crossing ahead.It warns us to be more careful.
Don't park here.
No left turn(画个圆形,里面一个左转的箭头,再画道斜杠)
Go straight ahead(画个圆形,里面一个向上的箭头)


1.The man makes the girl laugh.
2.The teachers make him headmaster.
3.The woman lets her son not watch TV.
4.The man makes the horse run faster.
5.The good news makes the students excited.
6.The girl lets her teacher konw about her sadness.

Red means "stop".Green means "go".Yellow means "wait".
There is a crossing ahead.It warns us to be more careful.
Don't park here.
No left turn(画个圆形,里面一个左转的箭头,再画道斜杠)
Go straight ahead(画个圆形,里面一个向上的箭头)



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