
作者&投稿:邲点 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Right now I'm very sad
because that yesterday night I had a fever, and my father is getting married again, but she doesn't treat my grandma nicely.我父母离婚时,我还是一个孩子,如果没有奶奶的悉心照料,我恐怕活不到今天。
When my parents divorced, I was only a child, if my grandma wasn't there, then I probaly can't live through the days.
And next year if I went overseas, I can't take care of my grandma
I didn't want much, I just wanted my grandma can enjoy rest of her life, is that really hard?

Dear professor,

I believe as you read my personal statement, i should have entered another stage of self-actualization in my life. My name isXXX, a student from the university of XXX. I was not academically excellent when i was in high school, i did not do well in 2003 university entrance exam, and i was depressed. I always believed that if others can make it, i can too. After that, i made up my mind and stayed for another year. After another year of hard working, eventually i got into where i am now. This is the first time i have surpassed myself, i was excited. I have never settled easily during my years in university, i take up the role of student representative. I lead our class to earn the champion title in the tug of war organised in my school. At the same time, i also organised many other activities which earned the praise form teachers, students. I have never lagged behind due to my many involvement in other activities, i have always been the top few academically. I consider this to be my second self surpassing. When i am about to graduate, i thought a lot, i think i shall go to the U.S. to embrace my third self surpassing.

I have come to realise that your school is an university with long tradition and history. The course i want to apply to is "corporate media", i believe this course will be an hot subject in the future. As in a era with speedy flow of information, a firm needs an excellent public image. This also ensures the safe and sustained development of a firm. Media is the "communicator, loudspeaker, an initiator for the firm to go to the market place, at the same time, it is also an propeller. Modern competitions are not competitions of products, price, services, but competitions of brand, company, reputation and culture. Company image and brandname depend much on the media's support. I love knowledge of corporate structural communication and marketing operations. In the days of studying and working, i challenge myself to think and sharpen my mind, i believe these qualities are going to help me succeed in the studying of "corporate media"

I hope the above statements will help you know more about me, i am a person with dream, a person who love challenges. I hope with this chance, with my hard working, i will be able to have my third self-surpassing coming. Thank you.

建议:把自我超越,给成自我实现. 给些更稳固,可信的证明. 单单给班里组织活动好像不是很有说服力. 另外, 如果有其他申请介绍你大学的那些活动的话,这里就别介绍了, 在personal statement里面主要是介绍你的内在, 比如人生的兴趣, 志向, 喜好, 以及你学得科目如何帮你达成理想, 你对于学科的看法, 还有你选择那个大学的原因等等. 总体来说还不错, 不过有些地方还需要思考. 上面给的翻译只是建议. prof要看到的是你真实的想法, 尽量多表达写自己内在的思想吧.


Dear professor
I am 888, a student of 888. I am a bright student and good at communication with others. I am a mature and resourceful person. I am highly responsible and love challenges. I work hard to attain my dream. I like sports.

I took "Project Management" as major in the university. I choose this profession because I am very interested in studying the relationship between culture and architecture. I know that every classic building has a unique cultural background. The main task of "Project Management" is to coordinate projects in each sector. Its demands strong ability to organize and coordinate.

I understand that your university has a long tradition and history. The course I want to apply to is "International Corporate Media", I sincerely believe this course will be immensely useful and prove fruitful in the future. Being in an
era of high speed communication, a corporation need to use this field to build an excellent public image. This also ensures the safe and sustained development of a corporation. This is because Media is the “communicator” and serves as an initiator for the corporation to rule the markets. In the present scenario, competitions are not only based on products, prices and services but also on the reputation of the organization. A Company's image and brand depend much on the media. I am confident that the two realms "Project Management" and " International Corporate Media " have the same basis because both are based on the development of coordination and culture for survival. "Building" and "corporation" are the starting points for the culture. "Management" and "Media" raised the company's prospects through organization and coordination. I love to accrue knowledge in the fields of corporate structural communication and marketing operations. During my tenure of study at the University, I wish to challenge myself. This course will certainly fulfill all my dreams. I believe my career at the university will upgrade my personal qualities and competence.

翻译成英文是:Who can help me translate and translate


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nothing is impossible 没有什么是不可能的 That's Where You Find Love 就在这里你将找到你的爱 maybe tomorrow 也许就在明天 miss you nights 今夜想你不能入眠

现在更有水泄漏的问题。软管出售后几乎不到两个月,便出现这种种状况,也正因此,上千的产品被退回,建筑商们都索取赔偿。They want us to pay the technicians who had changed the hoses!他们要我们缴付工资给那些更换了软管的技术人员。参考资料:自己译的。意思上不尽完美。希望帮得上忙吧。

是说如果再收不到,他便不会再补寄,建议你要先换过另一个地址。完整翻译如下:We have arranged for a further replacement order for the missing items to be processed. The reference number for this order is 20578441.我们已安排了失件另一次更换订单重新处理,订单的参考号码是: 20578441。P...


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金堂县19346488014: 帮忙翻译英语句子(急!)我叫 XX ,我有一个好朋友,他很优秀.在篮球场上,常常可以看见他的身影.哦!他是谁? 他就是 XXX .谢谢了! 帮忙翻译一下! ... -
殳俭那妥:[答案] 我叫 XX ,我有一个好朋友,他很优秀.I am XX and I have a good friend who is outstanding 在篮球场上,常常可以看见他的身影.I always see him (his image)in the basketball court. 哦!他是谁?他就是 XXX .Oh!Who is he?He is XXX

金堂县19346488014: 急!!!谁能帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!!!
殳俭那妥: Through the analysis of the international treaties and all countries and regions on the leased rights legislation, define the subject, object. On the right content analysis at the same time, based on the close relationship between copyright and property ...

金堂县19346488014: "期待缘分的到来" 英语怎么说.谁能帮忙翻译下..谢谢...急..! 麻烦了.. -
殳俭那妥:[答案] 如果“缘分”指的是感情的话,Waiting for love. 就可以了,加上个小尾巴 to come 也可以.

金堂县19346488014: 急,谁能帮我翻译一下,谢谢了~ -
殳俭那妥: "The Sound of Music" is a musical by the American scholar Richard Rogers (Richard Rodgers) and Oscar Hammerstein II (Oscar Hammerstein II) According to Maria Von Trapp (Maria Von Trapp) of autobiography: "Von Trapp family singers" ...

金堂县19346488014: 帮忙翻译一下谢谢
殳俭那妥: 1 the child behaved badly at the party 2 in his sleep in the shade The 3 visit to the the Imperial Palace is worth 4 they were observed to enter the bank 5, we should respect the dead in the war. 6 boss does not want to hurt her, but that conversation ...

金堂县19346488014: 谁能帮忙翻译一下啊!!用翻译软件翻译的很不标准啊!!谢谢大家了~~ -
殳俭那妥: Hello Mrs Dorothy, 你好桃乐茜女士 I am sorry i cant speak chinese so i will like you to try as much as possible and fill the needed information so that i can get on with the delivery of your draft . 真的很抱歉,我不会说英语,所以我希望你能够尽量填...

金堂县19346488014: (急)谁能帮我翻译成英文 谢谢了__!
殳俭那妥: 生活就是这样_____太多挫折'回忆____我们要做的____努力面对______下一刻会更美好The life has too many setbacks and the recollection like this. What we must do is the endeavor faces, lets the next quarter be able to be happier谢谢采纳~~

金堂县19346488014: 急!!! 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!! 谢谢啦!!!
殳俭那妥: Dear XXX,It is nice to hear from you and thanks for your carefulness. Now I have another question: in your last mail, 8 types of products were mentioned, while at this time, only 7 types are involved. Moreover, there are 9 types in the CAD drawing. ...

金堂县19346488014: 请帮忙译成英文,谢谢!急!急!!! -
殳俭那妥: See attached sample file reports, etc., when you come next week, can only give you to see a part of the material Most of the material is at the end of this month to receive, but also the National Day soon came, one week of vacation time; Therefore, ...

金堂县19346488014: 谁能帮忙翻译一下啊,急!!! -
殳俭那妥: 1、The基本的过滤器收藏家或baghouse能够经营超出99%效率,虽然系统的令人满意的操作是视被去除的气体小河和粒状物质而定的特征. 2、The高能洗气器或者文丘里管,给予高速度通过converging-diverging输送管部分供气小河,并且与小河联系用被注射的水. 3、The气体由高压放电电离,并且粒状物质由气体离子的互作用充电.

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