
作者&投稿:父元 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

狼(学名:Canis lupus)共有46个亚种,体型中等、匀称,四肢修长,趾行性,利于快速奔跑。头腭尖形,颜面部长,鼻端突出,耳尖且直立,嗅觉灵敏,听觉发达。犬齿及裂齿发达;上臼齿具明显齿尖,下臼齿内侧具一小齿尖及后跟尖;臼齿齿冠直径大于外侧门齿高度;齿式为。毛粗而长。前足4~5趾,后足一般4趾 ;爪粗而钝,不能伸缩或略能伸缩。尾多毛,较发达。善于快速及长距离奔跑,多喜群居,常追逐猎食。食肉,以食草动物及啮齿动物等为食。栖息于森林、沙漠、山地、寒带草原、针叶林、草地。除南极洲和大部分海岛外,分布于全世界。
The wolf (scientific name: Canis lupus) a total of 46 subspecies, are of moderate size, well proportioned, slender limbs, digitigrade, to run fast. Palatine pointed head, facial minister, nose prominence, tip of ear and erect, sensitive sense of smell, hearing developed. Canines and carnassials developed; upper molars with significantly lower molar tooth tip, inside with a pinion tip and heel tip; molar crown diameter is larger than the lateral incisor tooth type for height. Hair thick and long. The front foot 4 to 5 toe, 4 toe claw foot general; coarse and blunt, not or slightly retractable telescopic. Ota Mo, the more developed. Be good at fast and long distance running, more gregarious, often chasing prey. Carnivorous, with herbivores and rodents for food. Inhabits forest, desert, mountains, tundra, coniferous forest, grassland. In addition to Antarctica, and most of the island, distributed all over the world.



Similar shape and wolf dogs, but the kiss a little long and pointed, mouth slightly wide, erect ears are not music. Straight-shaped tail drooping; coat brown ash. Habitat for a wide range of adaptability, where mountains, forest, grassland, desert, semi-desert, tundra and even wolves are to survive. Apart from China, Taiwan, Hainan other provinces, autonomous regions are produced. Wolf not only heat, but also afraid of cold. Nocturnal. Keen sense of smell, hearing good. Of cruel and alertness, very good run, often used in hot way to get prey. Omnivorous, mainly deer, antelope, rabbits, etc. for food, sometimes also eat insects, wild fruit, or stealing food pigs, sheep and so on. Ability hunger, Sheng also full.



Similar shape and wolf dogs, but the kiss a little long and pointed, mouth slightly wide, erect ears are not music. Straight-shaped tail drooping; coat brown ash. Habitat for a wide range of adaptability, where mountains, forest, grassland, desert, semi-desert, tundra and even wolves are to survive. Apart from China, Taiwan, Hainan other provinces, autonomous regions are produced. Wolf not only heat, but also afraid of cold. Nocturnal. Keen sense of smell, hearing good. Of cruel and alertness, very good run, often used in hot way to get prey. Omnivorous, mainly deer, antelope, rabbits, etc. for food, sometimes also eat insects, wild fruit, or stealing food pigs, sheep and so on. Ability hunger, Sheng also full.

The wolf(scientific term Canis Lupus) Latin literature:Canis lupus
English:Wolf, Gray wolf
Or be called the ash wolf, class of mammals, dog section, house the ancestry of the dog, for living a dog section the type of figure in the animal the biggest now.
Chinese nickname:The ash wolf, jackal and wolf, 姑斯 opens, the orchid reach, just the promise, 纽鲁 is strange, hair dog, Zhang San

The species assigns name to person and age:Linnaeus,1758

The wolf once distributed extensively in the whole world, however main appear in Asia, Europe, North America and Middle East currently.
The wolf belongs to a living creature chain upper level to hunt for food, usually the community act.Because the wolf will prey for food sheep etc. domestic animal, so is all caught to kill in great quantities by the mankind before last phase till 20 centuries, some second kind,such as Japanese wolf,'s waiting all has already become extinct.

The section belongs to a classification:
Carnivorous eyes Carnivora,
Dog section Canidae
The dog second section Caninae
The dog belongs to Canis

Living temperament

The wolf lives together a sex very high species.The amount of a group of wolfs about between 5-12, at winter cold of time can arrive 40s at most or so, usually from a rightness of advantages to lead accidentally.The wolves contain realm, and usually also all is it movable scope, individual amount inside the cluster if increment, the realm scope will contract.The realm scope of of cluster isn't layer after layer, will announce scope toward the other cluster by 嚎 voice.Usually the community catch to kill a large find.Will stay in the cluster to look after a sister-in-law after young wolf grows up, may also inherit an advantage position inside the cluster, have of then will move to go out(mostly is

Wolves live in groups called "packs". They have a family unit within that group. The leaders are the alpha male and the alpha female.

Wolves make a noise called a "howl". They howl to communicate with each other. Sometimes they howl because they feel like it. There are many different types of wolves such as the Arctic Wolf and the well known Gray Wolf. Many wolves are listed on the endangered species list. Even though many people think that wolves are terrible, mean creatures, they are actually very gentle. The main reason wolves get violent is for food or to protect the pack. Many people around the world, especially in Canada and Alaska, have wolves as pets.

A few years ago wolves were put back into Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. The wolves have been very successful in the park. There had been no wolves there for a long time. Many people were not happy about this. They were afraid that the wolves would eat the sheep and cows near the park. However, wolves only eat livestock when they can't find wild prey.

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武强县13993291933: 关于狼的简介(英文版) -
尉亲五氟: Either of two carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, especially the gray wolf of northern regions, that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and game animals.

武强县13993291933: 狼的英文简介 -
尉亲五氟: 狼外形和狼狗相似,但吻略尖长,口稍宽阔,耳竖立不曲.尾挺直状下垂;毛色棕灰.栖息范围广,适应性强,凡山地、林区、草原、荒漠、半沙漠以至冻原均有狼群生存.中国除台湾、海南以外,各省区均产.狼既耐热,又不畏严寒.夜间活...

武强县13993291933: 急求一篇英语关于狼的作文 介绍关于狼的外形,和生活习性 在半个小时内完成, -
尉亲五氟:[答案] Form a small (coyotes),medium (Minnesota),large (prairie wolf),kissing a long and sharp,his eyes slightly on the pick.Because... 腿细长强壮,善跑.灰狼的体重和体型大小各地区不一样,一般有随纬度的增加而成正比增加的趋势这一说法.一般来说,肩...

武强县13993291933: 狼的英文简介 70个单词左右,包括它吃什么,住在哪儿,能发出什么声音,有什么特点.等我会给你加分的 -
尉亲五氟:[答案] Wolf,a large carnivore related to the jackal and domestic dog.Wolves are known for their keen intelligence,skilled hunting,and highly organized social structure.Wolves have strong jaws,powerful legs,a...

武强县13993291933: 分几个方面狼的英文介绍 -
尉亲五氟:[答案] 狼(Wolf):主动攻击时连击两下的特技在开局是很好用的,虽然是肉搏兵种,但是经常在初期被当作主力使用.郊狼(Coyote):又译土狼、美洲野狗.叉角羚(Pronghorn):美洲奔跑最快的野生动物Wolverhampton(伍尔弗汉普...

武强县13993291933: 关于狼的英文介绍(20句之内) -
尉亲五氟: 20词吧

武强县13993291933: 狼的英文简介 70个单词左右,包括它吃什么,住在哪儿,能发出什么声音,有什么特点...........等 -
尉亲五氟: Wolf, a large carnivore related to the jackal and domestic dog. Wolves are known for their keen intelligence, skilled hunting, and highly organized social structure.Wolves have strong jaws, powerful legs, and bushy tails. Certain features of the skull ...

武强县13993291933: 介绍狼 英语短文 -
尉亲五氟: Form a small (coyotes), medium (Minnesota), large (prairie wolf), kissing a long and sharp, his eyes slightly on the pick. Because the origin and genes are different, so fur is also different. Common sallow two colors, red and white and other colors ...

武强县13993291933: 各位帮忙写一篇介绍狼的英文短文 -
尉亲五氟: A wild member of the family Canidae. A brownish-gray dog which resembles a German Shepherd dog with a long nose and a bushy tail, noted for its ferocity as a hunter of game. Called also Canis lupus, other species Canis rufus (red wolf).

武强县13993291933: 求对狼的外貌进行英文介绍的文章介绍的基本外貌和生活习性、地区等. -
尉亲五氟:[答案] -They have long broad snouts,huge paws and erect ears.They have thick shaggy fur and long whiskers and tall bushy tails.Grey wolves can look a lot like husky dogs. -wolves usually hunt in packs checkout the site,more info

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