
作者&投稿:沈阮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我给你介绍一个10分钟口语对话 不过你要自己要去申请免费体验,看一下吧,老外和你一对一口语测试。顺便还可以知道你的口语等级。

A is watching an interesting television programme.His younger sister keeps moving about and asking silly questions .Eventually A begins to get irritated.
A:Stop running around,will you ?
B:Who's that man ?I was wondering why you're so interested in him.
A:He's a detective,a man who cathes bad men.
B:why's he got funning ovice ?
A:i don't know,maybe ……Look ,why don't you stop talking and just watch?
B:I am watching.Why hasn't he got any hair?
A:I wish you had more common sense.He's geting a little old.Don't you see?
B:How about Father,he's getting old,but he has lots of hair!
A:Now,I am really fed up with you!What questions!Not all elderly men are bald !
B:I see.And why is the woman there crying ?
A:Well ,you can see that she's lost her money.
B:She has?When did she lost her money?
A:Why don't you sit still and watch?
B:I 've tired ,but i can't stand the bald man talking so loudly.
A:Then stay away !Nobody's keeping you from doing that.
B:Don't be so irritable!I just don't understand the programme,that's all.
A:All right ,I'll explain to you later on.Now scram!
B:I wish you wounldn't be so selfish!
A:What ?I am selfish?Oh,you know I'm anything but that to you.
B:Okay .I'll wait untill you've had your fun,if that's what you want.
A:That's exactly what i want ,thank you.
B:Isn't it about time that the programme ended?
A:Oh,shut up!

a: hi, mike
b: ya, what can i do for you?
a: do you know how useful the computer in our life?
b: of course i do know it, my major is computer science you know.
a: let's discuss about it.
b: computer helps us edit our documents. you can modify your document freely, it can copy and paste the useful words, save your time.
a: right, and...
b: it can analyze a lot of data, some routing work like statistics and calculation can be done by computer. actually i hate that job wasting my time too much
a: Hey, don't say taht, do you know how cool you are when you manage to work out the problem faced with such comlex data. And is there any more?
b: Oh, that's very nice of you to say so. Let me see......yes, we have ignored the most important thing just now,Internet.
a: Yes, since we made use of that almost every day.
b: Of course, Internet is developed based on computer science and now it has more ways to surf the Internet, such as cellphne.
a: Really, this function of a cellphone does work especially when you have a boring class.
b: hehe, I dare you not say that before your teacher.
a: hey, just joking Okay? It's enough, thank you for your patience ~
b: You're welcome~


【第一个】:Todd: OK. We're back with Jeanna. You wanna talk about your summer vacation.好的,吉娜。能谈谈你的暑假吗。Jeanna: Sure. I went to Las Vegas, Nevada; Reno, Nevada; Tahoe, California; and San Diego, California and I went to Disneyland.好的。我去了内华达州的拉...

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A:Hello,nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you too.My name is terry,and I'm the plant buyer.A:Oh,I see,what a good job it is!B:Just so so,and you?A:I'm safety engineer,my name is Frank.B:Frank,how long have you been this plant?A:Last year after I graduated ...

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请您重复一 下,好吗?A:我叫许凡,许是我的姓,中国人习惯把姓放在名字前面。B:我该称您许小姐还是许太太?A:咱们不用客气了!就跟我所有的朋友那样,叫我许凡好了(将她的名片交给他)。您有没有未随身带的行李?B:没有。我旅行总是带这个皮包或者带一个小皮箱。A:那咱们走吧!

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Sure! Here's a three-minute dialogue between two university students discussing the topic of friendship and movies:A: Hey, Lisa! How are you doing? The final exams are just around the corner.B: Hi, Mike! I know, it's quite stressful. But hey, let's take a break and ...

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