求助英语高手啊。。。麻烦帮忙翻译成英文啊,同学都不会 羡慕英语好的童鞋

作者&投稿:晨宁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求助英文翻译:"果然多童鞋", "果然多"是童鞋里的一个牌子名称帮忙翻译成英语吧。谢谢!!!~

Taizhou Grand Tradings Co., Ltd.

Grand:读音:[ɡrænd] 格兰德,与“果然多”谐音。会有较好:宏伟的、壮丽的、极好的

Finally have a girl friend.Finally have a girl friend.baby I will cherish

Reinforce the supervision of offshore accounts and ashore accounts rigidly. At the same time of developing offshore business, we should strict the management of both accounts respectively, and strengthen the control of offshore accounts by the local monitoring authorities. The local authorities can ask relative sections to summit the variety of datasheets of offshore accounts or contemporarily required special ones in order to know the size of this business and oversee the execution of each regulations and rules. In detail, the banks can take the following measures: separation of the supervision of both offshore and ashore business; the underlying three cases are allowed for getting in and out freely: non-residential properties remitted to the offshore accounts, offshore accounts properties remitted to abroad accounts and the remittance between offshore accounts. during the fund transfer between offshore and ashore accounts, both banks should obey management regulation of settlement of exchange, sale and purchase of foreign exchange and payment as well as the rules of trade import payment(export receives) monitoring, and declare to the upper stage according to For reporting balance of payments statistics method. The limitation of offset and term between offshore accounts in a bank and ashore accounts are checked by State Administration of Foreign Exchange. To avoid the case that clients take the advantage of offshore account to laundered money, the regulation says the offshore accounts are not allowed to accept of withdraw cash.

Strict offshore accounts and strengthen bet account management. Our country in developing offshore business to strict account and bet offshore accounts of separate management, and strengthening the supervision authorities of offshore accounts of control. Regulators may require offshore account regularly submit the statement or temporary requirements of the special report, for his understanding of the business and supervise the scale offshore various management regulations of implementation. Specifically, the bank can take the following measures: bank to offshoring should bet with bank business by separating type management; The residents to remit assets offshore accounts and offshore account funds remitted outside account and offshore accounts of capital between the free pass in and out, offshore accounts and bet between accounts funds and remit goes (import line) shall abide by the settlement of exchange, ?

Strict offshore accounts and strengthen bet account management. Our country in developing offshore business to strict account and bet offshore accounts of separate management, and strengthening the supervision authorities of offshore accounts of control. Regulators may require offshore account regularly submit the statement or temporary requirements of the special report, for his understanding of the business and supervise the scale offshore various management regulations of implementation.Specifically, the bank can take the following measures: bank to offshoring should bet with bank business by separating type management; The residents to remit assets offshore accounts and offshore account funds remitted outside account and offshore accounts of capital between the free pass in and out, offshore accounts and bet between accounts funds and remit goes (import line) shall comply with settlement, sale and payment management regulations and trade import payments (export proceeds) verification regulations,And according to the statistical report of international payments methods of register; Bank account with offshore accounts positions bet the limit and mutual offset positions by the state administration of foreign exchange approved term; To prevent customers use of offshore accounts "money laundering," requires offshore account shall not accept or extract cash.


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贾钞德孚: when you need help,you always ask

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贾钞德孚: 你好 !我的译句如下,供你参考 :Well, how are you recently ? It seems to me that you have been home for long time ! However you always hide yourself silently, living in a desolating space, thinking with self-delusion that others have forgot you ! ...

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贾钞德孚: 英语:Even if you do not believe that a miracle will occur; Even if you do not wait for tomorrow, there are dawn; Even if you do not recognize, opportunities still exist; Even if ...

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贾钞德孚: I know I am not good enough. But I have never given up that I love you.Unlukily, it is you that choose to leave me. Despite that, I am trying my best to prove that I am changing bit by bit.

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贾钞德孚: 给你提供最佳译文,望能辨别优劣.注意,根据英文习惯,信件的日期应放在右上方.目前在“张三”处暂用了“Mr. Zhang San”,如是女士可改成“Ms…”.祝你好运!译件一:Certification of Income March 17, 2009 To Whom It May ...

弋江区13022285230: 求助英语翻译麻烦大家帮我翻译成英文句子,初中水平 1.他们感到高兴 2.我们知见他正在河里游泳 3.他问了我一个问题 4.那个男孩死了 5.学生们每天打扫教... -
贾钞德孚:[答案] 1.They feel happy. 2.We see he is swimming in the river. 3.He asked me a question. 4.That boy is dead. 5.The students clean the classroom everyday.

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贾钞德孚: I have raised tens of thousands of pigs and ducks and chicken and... 我养了成千上万的猪,鸭和狗 pigs前是不是多了个t

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贾钞德孚: you know what? i really can't forget about you, i don't know how you feel about me, perhaps no feelings. hehe, remember when i first sent you a message, said i like you but your reply was, "i also like having you as a friend". i don't know if you ...

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贾钞德孚: 1 if there is no miracle, go create one.2 make what you holding into what you want, and make what you want your possession.3 safety is lucky, contentment is blessing, a clear mind is salary, desire less is longevity.4 there is nothing i want that i cannot get.5 may happiness and healthiness be our company for ever.

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贾钞德孚:This was one related loyal, takes revenge and seeks for the just western, reactionary gang member Charles and Brother Mi Ji has kidnapped Sheriff Stanley, hoped that might be under the small town domination. Simultaneously Charles family littlest...

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