
作者&投稿:庄全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

For this year's golden week to a conclusion, so I thought of these four words,crowded, chaotic, plugging, insurance. This year's golden week tourists gatheredall the attractions, passenger flow blowout, and constantly refresh the tourist city,the number of tourists. But the golden week highway toll free, follow close on succession is the phenomenon of road congestion, it also become the Golden Week holidays in addition a popular landscape. And the phenomenon is not without the people longing for the holiday, but such a special moment of the golden week is the national tourism, so to say, what we should do to prepare, can reallyhave a relaxed and happy holiday travel.
Gold Zhou Dai noun -- extrusion
Every holiday, the Imperial Palace is the visitors tourist resort, the Imperial Palaceis also constantly refresh record, this record has been more than 170000 passengers, so visible, such a large crowd, so the scale of shock, jostle one another on the way around, surging crowd, with a packed has become pale. Thenthe crowded not just the Imperial Palace attractions around, appear so.
Gold Zhou Dai noun -- block
And the crowds, and traffic. Some people must use the traffic, so many people,must be to take the car, but the high speed free release, as a result, the car withas many people, everywhere is the car congestion phenomenon. Then have to remind, stuck in traffic requires patience, travel, food preparation, water, diapers and other tourist necessities, to avoid traffic jam.
Gold Zhou Dai term -- risks
So many tourists, so many cars, so traffic jams, the risk will occur, fog, rain and causes the traffic accident, have a good mood with the traffic accident and become depressed, but mostly just a vehicle accident, no injuries reported, it is fortunate that.
Gold Zhou Dai noun --.
Random word has shown, is not only the tourist area of chaos, more is the result oftourist uncivilized phenomenon of chaos, uncivilized now occur frequently, never change, this kind of phenomenon have worrying.


中度污染的地区分别是:其中包括乌鲁木齐(新疆),白银(甘肃)和铜川(陕西) 等14个城市。这些地区的水质测量出仅相当于第四级水质标准.占全区总面积的27.2 % ,影响该占区域23.9 %的人口。该水质基本可用于灌溉,但不能饮用.如果不加以遏制,便会加入严重污染区域行列。
尚未受到污染的地区包括27个城市.虽然占全区总面积的59.8 % ,但大多城市都坐落在沙漠中,仅仅涵盖该地区总人口的20.9%。

Good morning, I came from the beautiful city of Jade Carving "unwise," and Zhuge Liang's hometown - Nanyang. I am a lively, cheerful girl likes to sing and is eager to broadcast chair. I dream that one day can become a host, but today we are here also, I can understand the honor. I will try hard hard, and I lay a solid foundation for the future. Young likes to sing on the dance I hope that when they grow up to become a singer, dancer, but they were only childhood dream. Now I dream that one day could become the future of a well-known host, from the stage of the program for the tens of millions of viewers. Dream is looked at in the distance and not that, so from now on I have to learn more to the sprint for my dream. In my family, my father, mother and three individuals. We are all concerned about each other mutual understanding and happiness of living together. They were the first and the feelings Never mind all the more uncomfortable, but the parents can not stay around children. I love them like they love me. My interest in broad, like singing,听歌, Internet chat, shopping with friends and eat snacks. On the weekends I like to call on friends to the movies, shopping eat. My greatest love is sleep, sleep for me is a very beautiful thing ah. .

very good

1.在井旁边有一堵残缺的石墙。第二天晚上我工作回来的时候,我远远地看见了小王子耷拉着双腿坐在墙上。我听见他在说话:“你怎么不记得了呢?”他说,“绝不是在这儿。” 大概还有另一个声音在回答他,因为他答着腔说道: “没错,没错,日子是对的;但地点不是这里…” 我继续朝墙走去。我还...

1.我谁也不模仿.我不去奴隶似的跟着别人走.我只要看上去就像我自己,非我莫属!I am nobody's mirror. I am no one's humble follower. I am myself, just look like myself.2.没有善良-- 一个人给予另一个人的真正发自肺腑的温暖--- 就不可能有精神的美!Without goodness, the warmest ...

我是一个文静的女孩,但和朋友在一起是我就变成了一个活泼的人。I am a gentle and quiet girl, but with friends is my becomes a lively.不过我兴趣爱好十分广泛。But my hobbies is very extensive.绘画、古筝、奥数、阅读、英语。Painting, guzheng, mathematical olympiad, reading, English.我...

我的 翻译一段话(汉译英) 我们刚刚经历过了北京奥运会那激动人心的场面,那一枚枚沉甸甸的金牌,是我们每一个中国人的骄傲。我们刚刚见证了神州7号成功升天的伟大时刻,这是华夏神州的神州的盛世。在这风和日丽... 我们刚刚经历过了北京奥运会那激动人心的场面, 那一枚枚沉甸甸的金牌, 是我们每一个中国人的骄傲。


forever!3, Thank you for taking the picture with me and nice to meet you, my present is a oxhorn and the sculpture on it is sybolism of bravery. I believe you are a courageous man who can become a winner in your life.Wish you always happy!楼上的翻译...不解释......

the complete text of the money and then give a beggar 50. Beggars very pleased agreed.郑二就把自己的好衣服拿出来给乞丐换上。 Let painter painting shining. Painted painted, this old beggar will open the hearts of small thinking. The less the value of these clothes are also dozen...

"Come on, miss!" he shouted. "Shut the door, please!""Oh, I just want to kiss my sister goodbye," she called back."You just shut that door, please," called the guard, "and I'll see to the rest."一位列车员正要发出信号让火车启动,这时他看见一位很漂亮的姑娘站在站台...

有人将汉语成语“望子成龙”译为expect his son to become a dragon,让英美人看了十分奇怪,中国人怎么希望自己的小孩变成“魔鬼”、“怪兽”呀? It was the Chinese idiom "Wangzichenglong" translated expect his son to become a dragon, Britain and the United States to let people read ...

英:黄昏总是会让我觉得很无助 Dusk always make me feel helpless 好像一切都要结束了 as if everything would be over.可是新的开始又毫无踪迹 but new coming has no trace 所以我从小就害怕面对这个时候 so I am afraid of this moment till now 好像身边的一切很快就要消失 it seems that ...

红桥区17662659511: 句子汉译英可以把这段文字翻译成英文吗?今天是大年初一,下起了今年的第二场雪.雪很大,但我们一家人必须去亲戚家拜年.说实话,我不喜欢这样到处去... -
岛希丹片:[答案] Today is the lunar New Year,the year of the second snow.The snow is very big,but we must be paid to the city.To tell you the truth,I don't like to go,but think of adults will give us the money,I still go.Because I want to go to a play.Very happy today,get a lot of ...

红桥区17662659511: 翻译这段文字.汉译英 当喜欢上一个人的那种感觉,那简直太美妙了.祝你天天开心,幸福 -
岛希丹片:[答案] That is wonderful when you fall in love with someone.Hope you are happy every day.

红桥区17662659511: 帮忙翻译这段文字(中译英) -
岛希丹片: I do not have wings, but eager to fly. Let kites with my yearning, Piaoxiang sky. The azure blue sky, longing for the place, not have been forgotten. Shanzhao gold dream, opening their wings. Illuminate the night, bringing light. It turned out that dream ...

红桥区17662659511: 把这段文字翻译成英文 -
岛希丹片: I'm li hua, is an 18-year-old boy. I'm very interested in English, while I'm at school is love for members of the club, since I have a wish that is when a volunteer. I hope I can be accepted. .

红桥区17662659511: 将这段文字翻译成英文
岛希丹片: Every year, hundreds of millions of used out of the battery is only used,But because the collection is not in place, These used batteries to the environment has caused great harm,This has become a human can no longer ignore the issue of.Waste ...

红桥区17662659511: 英语翻译谁能帮我把这段文字翻译成英文?:在我们的生活中,运动是少不了的,很多人都非常喜欢运动,运动有利于我们保持健康,使我们的身体变得更... -
岛希丹片:[答案] In our daily life,sports is very important for us.it is good for us to keep health to make our body to be stronger.that is why so many people like sports.so let us keep doing exercise every day!

红桥区17662659511: 汉译英[把下面这段文字译成汉语,要人来译的] -
岛希丹片: Sun Wukong is four name 著s in China-《Journey to the West 》a important person of inside, he is many Chinese kid hero within heart.He is very kind, brave and...

红桥区17662659511: 用英文翻译这段文字 -
岛希丹片: I am a person. . . . . . Really just a Things in life never speak to anyone Because they can not get to tell people Themselves are reluctant to mention I have been to take up a Happy and have things their own smile Unhappy when left alone to put up ...

红桥区17662659511: 请人帮我把这段文字翻译成英语.
岛希丹片: Because of you ,I Learn about a lot

红桥区17662659511: 求英语高手帮我将这段文字翻译成英语 -
岛希丹片: Yu Qing River solitary audience, many pedestrian middle tears. Northwest Wang Chang, poor countless mountain. Castle not cover the river from flowing eastward. Jiang later Zhengchou I, deep mountain partridge smell.

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