请翻译 那位那位大哥大姐 帮忙 翻译一下 以下简历。 不要google翻译的那种啊! 专业点的 谢谢

作者&投稿:阳炭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

个人能力: Personal Ability
I am long engaged in metallurgy, cement, and electrolysis industries and have deeper understanding of them
I am long engaged in the design, type selection and commissioning of large and middle projects
I am long engaged in the mixed installation of the equipment made by Siemens and ABB,and have deeper understanding of DC equipment (6RA70, DCS500)
I am long engaged in the design and commissioning of automation and driving equipment, and have deeper understanding of Siemens S7 Series of PLC and the high power DC and AC equipment made by various main companies.
Be proficient in using design and commissioning softwares such as Office, CAD, protel, STEP7.
Work Performance (Project Name and Work Contents)
项目名称 主要工作内容
钢铁研究总院0.2HZ~10HZ/2500A.40V低频电源 利用S7-200PLC,和TD200,实现一个可以调整从0.2HZ~10HZ调整频率的交交变频。完成了程序的编写和调试,以及硬件回路的设计包括触发回路和检测回路的改进,并完成了现场的调试工作。(……) 0.2HZ~10HZ/2500A. 40V Low Frequency Power Supply. It utilizes S7-200PLC, and TD200 to realize AC frequency conversion adjustable from 0.2 Hz to 10 Hz. I completed the writing of program and the commissioning, as well as the design of hardware circuit, including the improvement of trigger circuit and detection circuit, and I completed the in-site commissioning of them.
江西铜业4KA电解铜整流装置 利用ABB公司的DCS500的控制电路,实现12脉波控制。完成了40KA整流设备的12脉波触发控制。并进行了现场的调试安装工作。
(……) 4kA(到底是4kA还是40kA?) Electrolytic Copper Rectifier. It adopts DCS500 control circuit from ABB company to realize 12 pulse waves (脉波,这里翻成脉冲波) control, and accomplish 12 pulse waves trigger control of the rectifier,and I completed the in-site commissioning of it.
铜陵冬瓜山铜矿2500A/690V矿井提升机 利用ABB公司DCS600的控制单元对现场一台老旧原装ABB公司10年前2500A矿井提升设备的直流传动装置进行升级改造,保留其晶闸管和阻容吸收等功率部分,更换控制以及检测,励磁控制部分.改造结束后配合PLC和机械方面完成了整套设备的调试工作。
(……)2500A/690V Mine Hoist. It adopts DCS600 control unit from ABB company to upgrade the DC drive apparatus from ABB company that was belonged to a 2500A Mine Hoist installed in 10 years before, the power part such as thyristor and resistance and capacitance absorption parts being preserved and the control and detection, and excitation parts being changed. After the upgrading I completed the commissioning of the whole set of the equipment working with PLC and machinery aspect.
沈阳大吉,盛达18KA,12KA,6KA电弧炉设备。 利用模拟电路设计的整流控制装置实现对熔炼钛金属的电弧炉控制,完成控制装置的先期调试和现场调试安装。
(……) Shengda 18kA,12kA,6kA Electric Arc Furnace (EAS). Using rectifier control apparatus designed with analogue circuits to realize the control on EAS that are used for melting metallic titanium. I also completed the primary commissioning and the in-site commissioning of the control apparatus.
郑州中铝冷轧厂 河南中铝2050冷轧厂使用的830V/4400A西门子混装模块的改进工作,包括检测电路,触发回路的改进。并参与了部分的现场传动调试工作
(……)Improving the 830V/4400A(混装) modules which were used in 2050 Cold Rolling Plant of (……), including the improvement of detection circuit and trigger circuit. In addition I participated in part of the in-site drive commissioning work.
天津荣程,青岛钢厂550A/380V电磁搅拌电源 参与完成了变频器的硬件设计工作,软件的改进和现场调试以及后期维护工作。
(……) 550A/380V Electromagnetic Stirring Power Supply. I participated in the hardware design of frequency converter, software improvement, in-site commissioning and later maintenance.
廊坊富鑫1050可逆单机架可逆薄板冷轧机组的现场安装调试 参与完成了由ABB公司的DCS500直流传动装置的控制电路和景新公司的功率电路组成的直流传动设备及SIEMENS公司的S7-400PLC构成冷轧机组的成套电气控制设备设备调试。
(……)The in-situ commissioning of 1050 Reversible Single Unit Reversible Cold Sheet Mill. I participated in the equipment commissioning on the DC drive equipment that is composed of the control circuit of DCS500 DC drive apparatus from ABB company, and the power circuit from Jingxin company, and the complete electrical control equipment that is used in the cold mill system composed of S7-400PLC of ABB company.
天津江林1100单机架六辊轧机混装模块新型触发板改进 现场晶闸管需要300MA出发电流,对原有触发板进行重新设计更改。
(……) The improvement of new trigger board of (混装) modules used in1100 Single Unit Six-High Mill.
The in-situ thyristor needs 300 mA(这里是mA毫安吧?MA是兆安了) trigger current so the original trigger board was redesigned and changed.
山东省青州市273无缝钢管生产线的现场调试 作为现场传动负责人,完成从安装完成的验收检查,产品检验,单机调试,自动化调试,系统联调,热负荷生产试车,正常生产,最后验收的全过程.
Qingzhou City,Shandong Province. The in-situ commissioning of 273 Seamless Steel Tube Line. As the in-situ drive responsible person I went the whole process from the installation checking and acceptation to product inspection, single unit commissioning, automation commissioning, united commissioning of whole system, pilot production, normal production, and final acceptance.
(……)1450 Single Unit Reversible Cold Rolling Machine. Be responsible for the detail design of the system, plotting the principle drawings, the selection of components and devices, and the arrangement of in-site wiring.
中冶陕压1150浙江协和可逆冷轧 系统详细设计,原理图纸的绘画,元器件选型,现场配线安排.
(……) 1150 Zhejiang Xiehe Reversible Cold Rolling Machine. Be responsible for the detail design of the system, plotting the principle drawings, the selection of components and devices, and the arrangement of in-site wiring.
鸡西北钢集团120吨转炉 北钢集团,炼钢厂,2套120吨转炉的炼钢设备现场调试
(……)Participated in the in-site commissioning of 2 sets of 120 ton converter
山东聊城中钢联无缝钢管 中钢联无缝钢管穿孔机,轧管机,定径机,矫直机的现场调试
(……)Participated in the in-site commissioning of piercer, tube mill, sizing mill, and straightening machine of seamless steel tube (……)
个人概述: Personal Brief Introduction
本人于2005年毕业后一直从事于电气自动化行业,在XX公司担任电气工程师至今。主要从事电气传动以及自动化的相关产品前期设计,改型以及现场的调试工作;成套设备的设计,绘图,选型以及现场调试,人员培训后期维护的工作。对电力电子技术,数模电路以及PLC相关知识有比较深的认识。长期从事直流变流,交流变频的相关领域工作。有比较丰富的冶金相关领域现场调试经验,诸如冶金厂,冷轧厂和熔炼厂等。具有良好的英语听说能力,团队协作精神,缜密的逻辑能力。长期的现场工作养成了良好的动手能力和认真细致的工作态度。Since graduated in 2005 I have been engaged in the profession of electrical & automation and as an engineer in ××company. My main job is the preliminary design, modification, and in-situ commissioning of the products related to electric drive and automation; the design, drawing plotting, type selection, in-situ commissioning, personnel training, and later maintenance. I have deeper understanding of electric and electronic technology, digital and analogue circuits, and PLC. I have long been engaged in the work in the field of DC and AC frequency conversion. Also I have relatively rich in-situ commissioning experience in metallurgy and related field, such as metallurgic plant, cold-rolling plant, and smelting plant. I have good listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English, team coordination spirit, meticulous logic reasoning ability, and good practice ability and serious and careful working attitude owing to long term in-site working.

With the sustained and rapid development of economy in China, the income level of resident continuously improve, financial management consciousness gradually enhanced, and the personal financial management business as a business bank of the development of a key. This article in view of China's commercial Banks of the personal financial management business situation, combined with developed countries and regions, the development situation of the analysis of the current problems, and to our country commercial bank of the personal financial management business development put forward reasonable Suggestions and targeted strategy.

Experience using green PCB (Tianjin) plastic Co Ltd business development 2007.11-2010.3· Is responsible for new product development and preliminary preparation, as well as a quote.· Clamping fixture with suppliers, raw materials issues such as communication.· Communication with customers, conduct business negotiations.· Order processing and service of communication and to help meet the customer's problem.Weishishi civil service (Tianjin) technology sales engineer 2010.3-present· Responsible for Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other parts of sales operations (including equipment and spare parts).· Develop annual sales plans, track sales, completion of expected sales target.· Collect market information, understand customer needs, potential purchasing power.· Strengthening the communication and management of regional agents, mobilizing the enthusiasm for sales agents.· Provides technical support and follow up after the contract of sale.Working practice of self-evaluation through the years, I realized that the need for and the importance of communication and team cooperation. In order to get the trust of customers, must stand on the users position, proper for the other party to resolve issues and establish a friend; in order to get recognized by the company, must stand in the company position, to do their jobs in a down-to-earth manner, bearing in mind the image of individual words and actions on behalf of the company; in order to get his colleagues recognized, must make their own work is as easy to bring to others.Professional skills · by national English exam, good command of written and spoken English.· Skilled Auto CAD, SolidWorks, Office Office software.· C driver's license, driver's 8 years old.

Work experience Jabil green (Tianjin) plastic Limited Business Development 2007.11 - 2010.3
responsible for the company's new product development and the preparation and quotation.
with supplier for fixture, raw material problem of communication.
to communicate with customers, business negotiations.
order processing and after sale services communication and assisting with the issues raised by customers.
Granville world Lau (Tianjin) technology Limited Sales Engineer 2010.3, so far
responsible for Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other parts of the business (including equipment and spare parts).
the formulation of the annual sales plan, tracking sales, is expected to complete the sales target.
the collection of market information, understanding of customer needs, and tap the potential purchasing power.
to strengthen regional agents communication and management, arouse the enthusiasm of sales agents.
to provide technical support and follow up customer service return contract.
Self evaluation through this a few years working practice, made me realize communication with the importance and necessity of team cooperation.In order to obtain the trust of customers, we must stand in the position of the user, and for each other to solve problems, establish a friend relationship; in order to get recognized by the company, must stand in the position of the company, do a solid job in their work, remembering individual words and deeds on behalf of company image; to colleagues recognized, must make his work as much as possible give others convenience.
Professional skills? Through national English four levels of tests, have good English reading and writing ability.
CAD SolidWorks, Office Auto skilled, office software operation.
C driver's license, 8 years driving experience.


again, too much work for me... pass...

南川区18595144265: 英语翻译请大哥大姐们帮我把下面几句话翻成英文1、 把烟吹走 2、那把刀从他手中落下.3、他掉进了湖里.4、我们不应该把今天的工作拖到明天.5、他把车停... -
枞茜碘解:[答案] 1.Smoke blows away 2.The knife fell from his hands. 3.He fell into the lake. 4.We should not put off today's work until tomorrow 5.He parked inside of the gate

南川区18595144265: 那位大哥大姐,帮我翻译一下这句英文,急!pls hold on the recruitment at Yantian till I discuss with Daniel -
枞茜碘解:[答案] 在我和Daniel 商讨之前,请先暂停盐田的招聘工作.

南川区18595144265: 无论什么时候发生什么事我都不会放开我的手 英语哪位大哥大姐帮我翻译这句话 无论什么时候发生什么事我都不会放开我的手 -
枞茜碘解:[答案] No matter when and what happend ,I will not give up my hand.(我断了下句)

南川区18595144265: 英语翻译哪位好心的大哥大姐帮我翻译一下!(1)小的时候就开始喜欢足球它让我心中有理想(2)给我的童年带来很大的乐趣 (3)因为踢足球我的身体现... -
枞茜碘解:[答案] 1,When I was a kid,I used to play soccer which guide me to my dream2,It brought a lot of fun to my childhood3,To play soccer bring me a strong body.4,I met a lot of friends by playing soccer with them

南川区18595144265: 英译汉.麻烦那位大哥大姐帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!在线等A( )is a dedicated storage network that provides access to consolidated,block level storage.It is ... -
枞茜碘解:[答案] 一个()是一个专门的存储网络,提供获得巩固,块级存储.它主要是用来标记存储设备访问到服务器,使设备出现本地连接到操作系统. 信息是对你没好处如果你不能(72)它.定位尺寸信息手段获得的信息获取没有你在哪...

南川区18595144265: 有些事,错过了就是永远;有些人,一转身就是一辈子.用英语怎么说啊?哪位大哥`大姐的帮个忙,翻译下,急` -
枞茜碘解:[答案] 有些事,错过了就是永远;有些人,一转身就是一辈子. Miss something may miss forever while someone leaves also.

南川区18595144265: 哪位大哥,大姐,世外高人帮忙翻译一下这个句子呀!谢谢了!拜托了!
枞茜碘解: Not only the unsteady winglets elevate the efficiency of the wings, they also act as propellers for the aircraft during the course of transition from steady airflow field to unsteady airflow field.

南川区18595144265: 那位大哥大姐帮我英语翻译!!!
枞茜碘解:Unfortunately, when it comes to education, many people just using the test to measure. There are two boys standing in front of the house,they are in the same age but in different height.

南川区18595144265: 请哪位大哥大姐翻译一段话,谢谢了 -
枞茜碘解: 应该是:这些志愿营救队员筋疲力尽地倒在沙滩上,他们告诉村民营救船不能容纳更多的遇险渔民,所以不得不留下一个人,因为哪怕超载一个也肯定会翻船,那样一来所有的人都得丧命.

南川区18595144265: 那位大哥大姐,帮忙翻译一下
枞茜碘解: 安贞桓nyeong , *** 警告! 这封信含有病毒,其中已 成功地查出和治愈的. *** 妇女被称为鸽派由人民的多多纳北 北卡罗来纳州海岸,某些海港,抑郁症和 信用的崩溃,和inthere持续开放的窗口 轻轻地,没有人可能知道,温和宜人的权力,其姊妹 对西部地区,保持'在乡下人情愿 大白菜的目的,但会说没有,有没有哪 推出从大厅后面,收集量.

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