
作者&投稿:扶骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)







三年高考两年模拟 比五年高考三年模拟好得多,答案要选独立成本的,方便使用,适用于考试提分.

During your stay outside Hong Kong, you may have been exposed to certain infectious

diseases without your knowledge.
In case you develop any symptom (症状) such as fever, chills, skin troubles or vomiting

within 14 days of your arrival in Hong Kong, you should consult a doctor or attend an

accident & emergency department/general out-patient clinic. Please bring along this card.
The Port Health Office
Their staff(clerks) are glad to answer your questions about travel health.
Please enquire at : —Hong Kong Island 18/F Wuchung House,213 Queen's Rd. East,

Tel :2938840Fax: 29318848
Room 905, Government Offices, Canton Road
Tel :23683361 Fax :23683363
1. If you stay in Kowloon,you want to make a telephone call to the port health

office;the right number is_______.
A. 2938840 B. 29318848 C. 23683361 D. 23683363
2. The notice is to ________.
A. all citizens in Hong Kong B. all travellers to Hong Kong
C. all persons going to Hong Kong from Kowloon
D. all people travelling in the world
3. You may get some infectious diseases_________.
A. when you arrive in Hong Kong B. before you understand them
C. within two weeks of your arrival in Hong Kong
D. before arriving in Hong Kong
4. Where can you read this kind of notice?
A. At a hospital in Hong Kong.B. At the customs of Hong Kong.
C. On 18/F Wuchng House. D. In room 905,Government Office.

Register(注册) in person 1782N. Winchester St. Chicago Register by phone Call 264-8833
Register by mail Use form given
Basic Photography
This is an eight-hour course for beginners who want to learn how to use a 35 mm camera.

The teacher will cover such areas as kinds of film, light, and lenses. Bring your own 35 mm

camera to class.
Course charge: $50.00 Jan. 10,12,17,19 Tues. & Thurs. 6:00 ~ 8: 00p. m.
Marianne Adams is a professional photographer whose photographs appear in many

Understanding Computers
This twelve-hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers, but

who need to learn about them. You will learn what computers are, what they can and can' t

do, and how to use them.
Course charge: $75.50 Equipment charge: $10.00 Jan. 14,21,28 Sat. 9:00 ~ 11: 50a. m.
Joseph Saimders is Professor of Computer Science at New Urban University. He has over

twelve years of experience in the computer field.
Stop Smoking
Do you want to stop smoking? Have you already tried to stop but failed? Now is the time

to stop smoking using the latest methods. You can stop smoking,and this twelve-hour course

will help you do it.
Course charge: $30.00 Jan. 4,11,18,25 Mon. 4:00 ~ 7: 00p. m.
Dr. John 'oods is a practicing psychologist(心理学家) who has helped hundreds of people

stop smoking.
This course on weekday is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who

want to improve their typing. You are tested in the first class and practise at one of

eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each programmer

lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper.
Course charge: $125.00 Material charge: $25.00
Two hours each evening for two weeks.
New classes begin every two weeks.
This course is taught by a number of business education teachers who have successfully

taught typing courses before.
1. The word "professional" in this advertisement most probably means "______".
A. spiritual B. journalist C. professor D. experienced
2. The shortest course is_______.
A. Basic PhotographyB. UnderstandingComputers
C. Stop SmokingD. Typing
3. A course which can do something good for your health will cost _______.
A. $50.00 B. $30.00C. $10.00D. $25.00
4. There are typing courses ________
A. on Saturdays and SundaysB. from Monday to Friday
C. from Monday to Saturday D. on each day in the week

If you' re looking for the place that has everything, there' s only one place to visit,

and that' s New York. It' s a whole world in a city.
The World of Theatre
All of New York is a stage. And it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so

many shows in one place? Only in New York !
The World of Music
Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jazz of Greenwich

Village. Or rock yourself silly at hottest dance sports ( = places) found anywhere.
The World of Art
From Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees ( 圆锥形账篷 ).

Whatever kind of art you like, you will find it in New York.
The World of Fine Dinning
Whether it is roast Beijing duck in China town, lasagna in Little Italy, or the finest

French cog qu vin found anywhere, there is a world of great taste waiting for you in New

The World of Sights
What other city has a Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) ? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx

Zoo? What else can you take a horse-drawn carriage through the Central Park? Only in New

1. The aim of this passage is to________.
A. try to persuade the readers to pay a visit to New York
B. tell the readers what New York is like
C. supply the readers some information about New York
D. help the readers get a better understanding of New York
2. Which of the following programs can a visitor have only in New York?
A. To enjoy Beijing roast duck.B. To taste the finest French coq qu vin
C. To spend an evening with BeethovenD. To see the Statue of Liberty
3. The passage above may be taken from_______.
A. a handbook for an English learnerB. a guidebook for a foreign visitor
C. a pocketbook for a businessmanD. a storybook for native readers

Ellis Island is located in New York Harbor. Ellis Island is open daily year-round from

9: 30a. m. to 5: 00p. m, with extended hours during summer. It is closed on December 25.

There is no admission( 入场 ) charge to Ellis Island; donations(捐款)are gratefully

At Your Fingertips
Park information ( 212 ) 363 ~ 7620
Emergencies( 212 ) 363 ~ 3260
Ferryboat information( 212 ) 269 ~ 5755
Lost and found ( 212 ) 363 - 7620
Dining, gift, & audio tour ( 212 ) 344 ~ 0996
Stature of Liberty and Ellis Islan Ferry: Boats leave from Battery Park, Manhattan, and

from Liberty State Park, New Jersey. They run about every 30 to 45 minutes beginning at

9:15a. m. (ferry schedule subject to change)
Hours: May vary; call the number above
Closed: December 25
Ferry fees: ( Includes Liberty and Ellis Island) adults, $7; senior citizens, $6;

children ( age 3 to 17 ) $ 3. ( group rates are available for 25 or more adults)
Tickets & schedule information: (212)269 ~ 5775
1. In summer,visitors will have_______to visit Ellis Island.
A. no enough timeB. longer time
C. shorter time D. a wonderful time
2. Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill?
A. (212)344~0996B. (212)363-7620
C. (212)363~3260D. (212)269-5755
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. People can visit Ellis Isalnd free of charge.
B. The boat departure time from battery Park is at 9:15a. m all the year round.
C. Ferry fees for children are cheaper than for adults.
D. Ferry fees for group visitors can be discounted(折扣).
4. We may infer from the passage that _________.
A. visitors prefer to go to Ellis Island by boat B. there are more visitors in winter
C. Ellis Island is open every day D. boat is the only transportation to Ellis Island

There is a poster below. Read it carefully.
Come and see the African elephants and the new tigers from India. The Arctic bears are

waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from Zaire are waiting to throw things at you. The

hyenas (a flesh-eating animal, like a wolf, with a howl that sounds like wild laughter)

from Tanzania are waiting to laugh at you,and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look

down on you.
Adult: $1.20
Children: Over 12: 80 cent
Under 12 :Free
Opening Time: 9: 00a. m. ~4: 00p. m.
Except Fridays: 10: 00a. m. ~3: 00p. m.
1. If you want to visit the Swansea Zoo,what is the best time to go there?
A. 4:00 p. m on Sunday.B. 4:00 p. m on Friday.
C. 9:00 a. m on Friday. D. 9:30 a. m on Sunday.
2. If you want to buy tickets for you and the two of your sons who is 14 and 10, how

much should you pay?
3. Which of the following is allowed in the Swansea Zoo?
A. To give an orange to a monkey.B. To pat a tiger on the head.
C. To go near a hyena.D. To sing a song if you like.
4. A giraffe must be a kind of animal which is _______.
A. fat B. small C. strong D. tall

1 1-4C BDB 2 1-4 DABB 3 1~3ADB 4 1-4BCBD 5 1-4D B D D



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双桥区18077772678: 英语题高考题,高手来看下!!
庾疤硫酸: B such...as用于引导定语从句,C if ony 要是...就好了,用于表示后悔在这里, 用虚拟语气,根据意思,我现在学习不好,推断他很后悔,说 要是没有浪费那么多时间在网络游戏上就好了

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庾疤硫酸: 菜单的翻译,你可以下载有道词典,有准确的翻译的,以下供参考: 1:.泡椒凤爪Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 2:麻辣肚丝Shredded Pork Tripe in Chili Sauce 3:夫妻肺片pork lungs in chili sauce 4:红烧狮子头braised meat balls in brown sauce

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庾疤硫酸: 软实力英语课堂(1):cost, spend, take, pay, spare, charge用法辨析 1) sb. +pay +钱 / sb + for sth; 2) sb./sth./It + takes / took +时间 / 金钱 to do sth 3)Sth./ It cost(s) (sb) + 钱 / 时间 4) Sb +spend +时间 / 钱 + ( in ) doing sth.Sb +spend +时间 / 钱 ...

双桥区18077772678: 高考英语练习 -
庾疤硫酸: C表示部分倒装 而D则有点强调的口吻 Only放在句首引起部分倒装

双桥区18077772678: 高考英语题 -
庾疤硫酸: "The time is not far away"那个时间不远了,哪个时间?用when引导一个同位语从句(同the time).用before先从意思上就说不通,要用的话应是"There is not much time beforemodern communicatio...

双桥区18077772678: 高考英语题目 -
庾疤硫酸: 首先哈 A.consider后面不能加to do 其次,这是主动态的 C项也只能是 to be produced D也是不可能的啊

双桥区18077772678: 高考英语试题
庾疤硫酸: involve常用的短语 be involved in 包含在...; 与...有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做) be involved with 涉及 become involved in 卷入, 陷入 get involved with 给...缠住 应该选B.整句话的意思是“他非常聪明,知道如果他被这种人群缠住(扯上关系),他迟早会被他父亲惩罚的.” 这里if引导的是条件语句,只能用一般现在时,而非将来时.

双桥区18077772678: 英语题高考题目
庾疤硫酸: D是"除非'的意思, 有否定的意义在里面 B是"如果"的意思,是肯定的意义 这句话的意思是:"除非在特别声明的情况下,菜单上所有的菜都是供两至三人食用" 如果选B的话,后面就不是这句了,而是如果特别声明的情况下供几人食用了

双桥区18077772678: 几道英语高考题,帮忙给看看哈.
庾疤硫酸: 1.选d ,倚靠 2.选b ,起来,起身 3.选a ,对付,be+形容词+to do 4.选a ,后一句说了,这很重要 5.选a ,do+动词原形,表示强调 6.选c ,时间状语从句,当...的时候,强调句强调时间,时间状语前要用介词at,on,in等

双桥区18077772678: 高考英语试题
庾疤硫酸: C which


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