The tree was lying across the road.It______doewn in the storm.

作者&投稿:双泡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
He said that there was a tree lying across the road, and that the telephone lines were down.~

是进行时 一棵树躺在地上
这是一个句型There be ...doing 所以放在a tree 的后面

都是“横穿马路”之意,但是cross是动词,across为介词,cross the road = go across the road



新罗区19368892986: cut down 有被动语态吗?并给出例句 -
虫霍黄芩: 有呀 The tree was cut down by him yesterday.这棵树是被他昨天砍倒的 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

新罗区19368892986: The tree was lying across the road.It - -----doewn in the storm. -
虫霍黄芩: b

新罗区19368892986: The tree was cut by workers two days ago.变为特殊疑问句? -
虫霍黄芩: 您好!变为特殊疑问句需要看您就哪一部分提问: 如果是就时间进行提问,表达如下:When was the tree cut by workers? 如果是就人提问,表达如下:By whom was the tree cut two days ago? 如果是就物提问,表达如下:What was cut by workers two days ago? 望采纳!

新罗区19368892986: 帮忙分析下The tree that the farmer planted was blown down的句子成分是哪些,谢谢 -
虫霍黄芩: 主句是The tree was blown down.其中主语是the tree,谓语是was blown down.that the farmer planted是定语从句,修the tree.其中,主语是the farmer,谓语是planted,宾语是关系代词that.句意:农民种的那棵树被风吹倒了.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!

新罗区19368892986: 《龟兔赛跑》英文主要内容 急!!急!!急!! -
虫霍黄芩: 龟兔赛跑-The Race Between Hare and TortoiseThe Race Between Hare and Tortoise One day, a hare and a tortoise decided to have a race to see who was faster than...

新罗区19368892986: the tree is in flower是什么意思 -
虫霍黄芩: 这树在开花期 in flower 处于开花期 The trees are in flower.树都开花了.满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

新罗区19368892986: the tree is flown to new york是什么意思 -
虫霍黄芩: the tree is flown to new york 这棵树被飞到纽约 例句:1.We've both just flown thousands of miles to new york. 我们都飞越了数千英里来到纽约.

新罗区19368892986: tree是什么意思!
虫霍黄芩: tree: [ tri: ] n. 树 词形变化: 形容词:treeless 动词过去式:treed 过去分词:treed 现在分词:treeing 第三人称单数:trees 例句与用法: 1. We plant trees and flowers in spring. 我们在春天种花种树. 2. In the storm I took shelter under the tree. 暴...

新罗区19368892986: 男孩和他的树 阅读答案 -
虫霍黄芩: 第一处是 男孩在树上玩 很高兴,他把树当作他的朋友, 树为能给男孩带来快乐感到幸福;第二处是 树为能给男孩儿帮助 解决男孩的困难感到幸福.树为自己没能做到最好,给男孩更多更好的帮助感觉是对男孩儿的愧疚! 所以多次说抱歉 树像一个宠爱孩子的母亲,给了孩子无私的奉献,献出了自己的全部,甚至生命!但是这个男孩一点也没有为树想过,他只是一味的索取,从来没用过回报.男孩在经历了很多很多的事后,才明白最幸福,最温暖的地方一直是父母的怀抱,那个永远属于你的家!

新罗区19368892986: The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom翻译过来是什么
虫霍黄芩: 按汉语的习惯说法,可以作如下翻译: 1、树上开满了美丽的粉色花朵. 2、枝头挂满了艳丽的粉花. 3、这棵树盛开着靓丽的粉花. 注:be covered with 直译出来是“用...覆盖着”或“满满地盖着...”,这个句子指的是树上的花朵,因此应该把它翻译为“挂满”或者“盛开”. 盖满,

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