sat 语法题啊 求各大神解答啊啊啊 急急急急急急急急急急!

作者&投稿:郑强 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一道SAT语法题 求解啊啊啊~

1. the Dracula orchids 是复数,that 是单数。这已经让D错了。

2. 括号中的若改为 named as such because their 语法本身倒是可以了,但与 A 相比,很显然不够简洁!更何况此改法备选项中压根儿就没有。


1. more A than B.句中A是moviegoers是人,所以B也必须是人,any musical显然不是人。
2. 是
3. their 应该换成his,因为指代的是最前面的主语Gillbert,like此处是介词,引导了一个介词短语。
4. result 没有和as 搭配的,此处叙述原因,用results from,此句的后半句是learning far more useful than learning which results from students sitting through a lecture.
5. 主语有两个是lifelong和murder,所以谓语动词用复数。
6. 不用,one是不定代词,指人。
7. 不知道。
8. 此处把tips 当做一个整体理解,是一种最不容易的收来源。就像把human beings作为一个神奇的物种一样。Human beings are one of the strangest species.
9. 屡败屡战。加油

2.since 连接的是从句 另外的是主句 是介词“像”后接名词等 their 改为his
5.prove对应His lifelong as a drug dealer and his murder of three FBI agents
6.无具体对象 任何一个人
7.that 引导主语从句 主系表结构 unclear 表语 为整体。小费是收入的一种

1.The award-winning Sound of Music has been seen by more moviegoers than any musical film in the history of the movies.
题目划线处any musical 错了。为什么?

any muscial film是说所有的,就包括了前面说的



3.Gillbert W.Davis is a first-rate trial lawyer who,like a wary predator on the prawl, has mastered the art of capitalizing on the mistakes and weaknesses of their opponents in the courtroom.
题目划线处their 错了,这个句子该怎么分析?第一行的like为什么没有错?


4.The experience of taking a car on the road with a driving teacher fosters learning far more useful than that which results as students sit through a dull lecture.


5.His lifelong as a drug dealer and his murder of three FBI agents proves that he is one of the most notorious criminals in American history.
其中proves 错了,为什么?不是his lifelong 对应proves么?

【his lifelong……】和【his murder……】有两个,主谓一致

6.When visiting a foreign country, one can......
问:one 不需要变成he or she么?


7.That Charles in fact sent the e-mail to Rose is unclear.....

这个应该是 【C到底有没有发邮件给R不确定】 的意思吧~

8.Tips are one of the most difficult sources of incomes .....
问:are 为啥后面可以加one?


同备考~我106考 攒人品 一起加油吧

9. 多做题~

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