英语国庆假期计划作文 注意要用现在进行时表示将来 初二水瓶 60词左右 有翻译 谢谢

作者&投稿:裘闸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In London it's five o'clock and people aren't working.They're leaving work and aer going home.
In Moscow it's eight o'clock and people aren't having afternoon tea. They are having dinner at home or in restaurants.
In New York it's middy and people aren't working.They are having lunch.
In Los Angeles it's nine o'clock and people aren't getting up, washing or getting dressed. They are working.

1.He is running in the playground. 他在操场上跑步
Is he running in the playground? 他在跑步吗
2.Mr.Black is reading a newspaper in the living room. 布莱克先生在客厅里读报纸
Is Mr.Black reading a newspaper in the living room? 布莱克先生在读报纸吗
3.I'm doing my homework. 我正在做我的家庭作业
Are you doing your homework? 你在做你的家庭作业吗
4.She is playing basketball. 她在打篮球
Is she playing basketball? 她在打篮球吗
5.My mum is cooking in the kitchen. 我的妈妈在厨房里做菜
Is your mum cooking in the kitchen? 你的妈妈正在做菜吗

The national day is coming soon. At that day, I would like to go to Beijing,Because I never have been there before. This year, we will have eight days off, so my parents decided to go to Beijing for a trip for my pleasure. Our plan is following.
The first day, we will visit Tian'anmen square. On second day, we are going to go sightseeing. And on third day, we decided to go camping, and on the last day, we plan to retun home. I think it will be a best day, because my parents and I are going the trip together. And I hope that we have a good fun on the trip.

两篇日记。妈妈说了,学要专心,玩才会开心。第二天(10月2日)我和爸爸妈妈到容县黎村泡温泉。从第三天(10月3日)到最后一天(10月7日)我们去南宁表姐家玩。玩的时候每天完成一篇日记。老师布置背诵的7篇课文,我已经背诵了4篇,剩下的在假期结束前一定完成。希望今年的国庆节过得开心快乐 ...


小学生国庆节假期作文 450字
国庆节对每个中国人来说是个充满喜气的日子,62年来中国人民铸就了又一部辉煌的历史。在国泰民安的今天,节日的南通城被装点得妩媚动人,分外妖娆,到处扬溢着浓浓的节日气氛。通城的人们在同一片蓝天下休闲、旅游、购物、聚会……尽情享受着金秋的阳光和欢乐。 你瞧,濠西文化广场人流如织,花团锦...

国庆假期作文100字左右写法如下:一、与家人团聚 国庆假期,是我国重要的节日之一,是人们放松休息、欢度佳节的时刻。国庆假期是一个很好的机会,让我们有时间与家人团聚。可以一起享受丰盛的餐桌,亲近彼此,分享快乐和温暖。二、旅行与探索 国庆长假也是人们出游的好时机。可以选择去旅游景点,欣赏美丽的...

快乐的十一假期作文 450字 急!
星期一至星期三我们按照计划把语文作业写完了。今天是星期四我的科学也背完了。以后还有星期五、星期六、星期日,我会如期把作业完成。 啊!过假期的感觉真爽呀!!!今天是我盼望已久的节日——十月一日国庆节。今天早上我穿上新衣服、戴上太阳镜,和爸爸、妈妈还有舅舅全家一起准备到沈阳的动物...

时光如流,国庆依然一年比一年隆重。 然而,现在近在迟尺的街上也不愿意去,满目的大削价商品对我已毫无吸引力。 不过我想,孩子们永远是快乐的。 孩子们快乐了,大人们也就都快乐了吧。 忙碌的国庆 又一个国庆节到了,我们学校也放了假,我的爸爸妈妈也可以休息七天。 这七天的假期小朋友们打算怎么过呢?是去外地旅...

I have a happy winner holiday with my famliy.The best day in the winner is the new year eve.All my famliy menbers stay together,and all of us feel happy.Look,the children play together.we dress in the colorful clothes and everyone has a big smile.There are a lot of thing...

这次的十一国庆节可真快乐呀!快乐的十一假 啊,终于放十一假了。放学了,我向头野马似的奔回了家,回到家我把书往沙发上一扔,一蹦三尺高,我高兴地喊道:“终于‘解放’了!!”晚上,我躺在床上计划着假期要干什么?于是我找了张纸把假期的计划写在了上面,计划如下:星期六写数学的二分之一...



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钟韵丙戊: National Day is coming soon, and I have a plan on that day.Firstly, I need to complete all my homeworks. After that, I am going to invite my friends to come to my house and play the games.Secondly, I think it's the time that everyone is present.So I am...

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钟韵丙戊: The National Day is coming. We'll have seven days vacation. I am going to visit my parents with my parents on National Day. The next two days I will stay at home and finish doing my homework. I will help my parents with the housework,too. Then my ...

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钟韵丙戊:[答案] National Day is coming.This my vacation plan.I like traveling very much.I want to travel all over the world.Because I think traveling is quite interesting.At the same time,we can watch beautiful scene...

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