
作者&投稿:储衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 他们的脚步声越来越远。。。
2 一个亲密的朋友会与你同甘共苦

where to put my feet 是做wonder的宾语
It takes sb some time to do sth。 做某事花费某人多长时间 是固定句型
metal footrest 金属搁脚板

Germs are everywhere around us.They make us sick.
The hand is the main way of spreading germs.It's important to form a habit of washing hands frequently.
My way of washing hands is to make my hands wet, put on the washing liquid(or soap),and then wash them with running water.
Washing your hands frequently keeps you from diseases and helps you grow up happily.

Germs everywhere on the germs people sick.
Hand is the primary means of transmission of infection, and cultivate the good habit of washing hands frequently very important.
My method is to wash hands wetting, washing hands, rub liquid (or soap), and then rinse.
Always wash hands to you from disease, healthy growth.

The germ is ubiquitous, the germ causes the human to fall ill. disseminates germ's main way, forms the good habit which washes the hands industriously to be very important. I wash the hands the method am let the hand be moist, rub the hand soap (or soap), then strips with water. washes the hands industriously causes you to be far away from disease, healthy development.

bacteria,which causes deseases,is all around.Hands in the main way of being infected. So it is important to get into the habit of washing your hands.My way is to keep hands wet,put on hand washing liquid(or soap),then wash by water.Washing hands often may keep deseases away and lead a healthy life.

Germs everywhere on the germs people sick.
Hand is the primary means of transmission of infection, and cultivate the good habit of washing hands frequently very important.
My method is to wash hands wetting, washing hands, rub liquid (or soap), and then rinse.
Always wash hands to you from disease, healthy growth.

The germ is ubiquitous, the germ causes the human to fall ill. disseminates germ's main way, forms the good habit which washes the hands industriously to be very important. I wash the hands the method am let the hand be moist, rub the hand soap (or soap), then strips with water. washes the hands industriously causes you to be far away from illness sickness, healthy development.

Germs which make people sick exist everywhere.
Hands are the main medium of spreading germs, so it is very important to develop/build up/cultivate the habit of washing hands often.
I often wash my hands in following steps: Firstly, have them wet; then, scrub with liquid or soap; at last, wash with clean water.
Washing hands often keep sickness/diseases away and help you grow up healthily.

翻译用英语如何说 翻译用英语怎么说
翻译用英语怎么说 1、翻译英文有translate、interpret。2、音标:translate英[tr?ns?le?t],美[?tr?ns?le?t];interpret英[?n?t??pr?t],美 [?n?t?rpr?t]。3、相关短语:to translate sth from English 将什么自英文翻译过来 to translate sth into English 将什么译成英文 to interpret s...

翻译的英文写法是translate,解析如下:一、音标:英 [træns'leɪt]     美 [træns'leɪt]二、意思:v. 翻译;解释;转移;调动;从事翻译工作 三、词语搭配:translate an article 翻译文章 translate well 译得好 translate easily 容易翻译 translate exactly 确切地翻...

名词:translator翻译(员);translation(翻译)如果是口译:interpret 口译(动词)interpreter口译员(名词)interpretation口译(名词)

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1、翻译的英语是translate,读音是英 tr#230ns#39le#618t,美 tr#230ns#39le#618tv 翻译解释转移调动 例句Be you plan to translate the novel?翻译你计划翻译这部小说吗短语translate。2、1the first day 第一天,the second day 第二天,the third day第三天,the fourth day 第四天,the ...

英文是:translate 英[trænz'leɪt]释义:vt.翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动 vi.翻译 [第三人称单数translates;现在分词:translating;过去式:translated;过去分词:translated]短语:Translate and edit Method 编译方法

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书差拜斯: 如果直翻的话,一下两个朋友的都OK,不过应该是PAIN,而不是painful. 如果 意翻的 话 ,本人觉得可以是(若有异议请指教): I will be out of this world,when the pain comes to me. 或 If the pain comes,I will seem to be forgotten. 或 Pain makes a empty world for me.

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书差拜斯: 1.This book is three times as much expensive as that one.2.His culinary arts is nothing like yours.3.People are always impressed with this story.

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书差拜斯: I am looking forward to meet you in this summer holiday.①我盼望暑假见到你(look forward to' I let my father pick me up at the school gate.②我让我父亲在校门口接我(pick up) I am sorry to tell you that you have to take the exam again, in other words, you failed in the exam. ③很遗憾告诉你你不得不再参加一次考试,换句话说,你考试不及格(in other words)

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书差拜斯: 我尝试着去改变你,希望我也会被改变. chang 应该是 changed 谢谢采纳O(∩_∩)O哈!

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书差拜斯: My favorable book is The book tells the story of an urban...

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