
作者&投稿:黄昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Forrest Gump is an imbecile with an IQ of only 75. In order to avoid the bullying of other children in school, listen to a friend Jenny's words and start "running". He ran to avoid being teased.
In high school, he ran into a school football field to avoid others, so he ran into college. Forrest Gump was admitted and became a football superstar. He was received by President Kennedy.
After graduating from university, Forrest Gump enlisted into the army and went to Vietnam. There, he had two friends: Bubba, a shrimp-loving man, and Captain Deng Taylor, an awesome governor. By this time, Jenny had degenerated and lived a dissolute life.
Forrest Gump has always loved Jenny, but Jenny doesn't love him. After the war, Forrest Gump was received by President Johnson as a hero. At a peace rally, Forrest Gump met Jenny again, and they met and broke up in a hurry.
Guided by the doctrine of "Do what you say", Forrest Gump finally broke out into a sky of his own. In his life, he met many American celebrities.
He informs the Watergate eavesdropper, and as a member of the American table tennis team, he went to China and made a contribution to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.
Elvis Presley and John Lennon, two music stars, also created many popular songs through their association with him. Finally, Forrest Gump became an entrepreneur through shrimp fishing.
In memory of Bubba's death, he founded Bubba Gan Company and gave half of the company's shares to Bubba's mother to become a gardener himself.
Forrest Gump has gone through various historical periods of the world's vicissitudes, but no matter when, wherever and with whoever, he is still the same, simple and kind.
In his seclusion life, he often missed Jenny. At that time, Jenny had gone astray and was in despair. Finally one day, Jenny came back.
She and Forrest lived together for some time. One night, Jenny threw herself into Forrest Gump's arms and then quietly left at dawn.
Forrest Gump wakes up sitting on the bench in front of the door and suddenly starts running. He ran across the United States and became a celebrity again.
在奔跑了许久之后,阿甘停了下来,开始回自己的故乡。在途中,收到了珍妮的信。他立刻去见找她。在公交站台候车时。 阿甘向他人讲述了他之前的经历。
After running for a long time, Forrest stopped and began to return to his hometown. On the way, I received a letter from Jenny. He went to see her immediately. Waiting at the bus stop. Forrest Gump told others about his previous experience.
So he saw Jenny again, and a little boy, his son. Jenny had an incurable disease. Forrest Gump and Jenny returned home together and spent a happy time together.
Jenny died and their son was old enough to go to school. Forrest Gump took his son to the school bus and sat on the bench at the bus stop, recalling his life experience.


Forrest Gump movie is destined to become one of the greatest men, the rich experience of his life, but always to intuition and the nature of the face of this changing world, he witnessed the history and human nature. His low IQ does not make him lose, on the contrary, he is among us that can maintain the self-minority.

"Stupid is as stupid does," says Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks in an Oscar-winning performance) as he discusses his relative level of intelligence with a stranger while waiting for a bus. Despite his sub-normal IQ, Gump leads a truly charmed life, with a ringside seat for many of the most memorable events of the second half of the 20th century. Entirely without trying, Forrest teaches Elvis Presley to dance, becomes a football star, meets John F. Kennedy, serves with honor in Vietnam, meets Lyndon Johnson, speaks at an anti-war rally at the Washington Monument, hangs out with the Yippies, defeats the Chinese national team in table tennis, meets Richard Nixon, discovers the break-in at the Watergate, opens a profitable shrimping business, becomes an original investor in Apple Computers, and decides to run back and forth across the country for several years. Meanwhile, as the remarkable parade of his life goes by, Forrest never forgets Jenny (Robin Wright Penn), the girl he loved as a boy, who makes her own journey through the turbulence of the 1960s and 1970s that is far more troubled than the path Forrest happens upon. Featured alongside Tom Hanks are Sally Field as Forrest's mother; Gary Sinise as his commanding officer in Vietnam; Mykelti Williamson as his ill-fated Army buddy who is familiar with every recipe that involves shrimp; and the special effects artists whose digital magic place Forrest amidst a remarkable array of historical events and people. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide

Forrest Gump is the Baby Boom generation's tribute to itself, a panorama of American culture from the sleepy South of the 1950s to the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. The film is a technical masterpiece, skillfully weaving together numerous cultural reference points, all without ever causing the audience to pause for thought. Director Robert Zemeckis and a team of top-notch special effects experts convincingly combined actors with archival footage so that Gump (Michael Conner Humphreys as a child and Tom Hanks as an adult) gets to interact with many famous personalities of the day. Of particular note are Gump's scenes at the University of Alabama, where Forrest meets then-governor George Wallace (via newsreel footage) and football coach Bear Bryant (actor Sonny Shroyer). Similarly outstanding are the sequences set in Vietnam and the later shrimpboat scenes with Gump's best friend (Gary Sinise), a legless war veteran. Forrest Gump won six Oscars, including Best Picture, over critical favorites Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption. An interesting sidelight to Hanks' Best Actor win is Jessica Lange's also set-in-Alabama Best Actress performance in Blue Sky in the same year. The wins, however, did not lead Hollywood to rush to set more films in the "Heart of Dixie" state. ~ Richard Gilliam, All Movie Guide


《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导,汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特、加里·西尼斯等主演,艾瑞克·罗斯、温斯顿·格鲁姆担任编剧的励志剧情电影,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。 【故事梗概】 阿甘是个智商只有75的低能儿。在学校里为了躲避别的孩子的欺侮,听从一个朋友珍妮的话而开始“跑”。他跑着躲避别人...


电影《阿甘正传》的英文名是《Forrest Gump》。《阿甘正传》是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特等人主演,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。主要剧情:阿甘是常人眼中的弱智和白痴,但他天性善良单纯,加上天赋异禀,使他先后成为大学美式橄榄球明星、越战英雄、世界级乒乓球运动员、摔跤...

阿甘正传 外文名: Forrest Gump 其它译名: 福雷斯特·冈普 出品时间: 1993年 制片地区: 美国 导演: 罗伯特·泽米吉斯 编剧: 瑞克·罗斯 类型: 爱情,剧情,喜剧,励志 主演: 汤姆·汉克斯,罗宾·莱特·潘 片长: 142 min 上映时间: 1994年 分级: USA:PG-13 对白语言: 英语 天空中...

阿甘正传简介 《阿甘正传》是一部由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导,汤姆·汉克斯主演的电影,于1994年上映。这部电影改编自温斯顿·格鲁姆的同名小说,通过描绘主人公阿甘的人生经历,展现了坚韧不拔、勇敢面对生活挑战的精神。一、基本剧情概述 电影的主线围绕智商略低的阿甘展开。尽管他因小时候的...


在奔跑了许久之后,阿甘停了下来,开始回自己的故乡。在途中,收到了珍妮的信。他立刻去见找她。在公交站台候车时。 阿甘向他人讲述了他之前的经历。于是他又一次见到了珍妮,还有一个小男孩,那是他的儿子。这时的珍妮已经得了一种不治之症。阿甘和珍妮三人一同回到了家乡,一起度过了一段幸福的时光...



永吉县18947291733: 阿甘正传的英文简介字数在200字左右,内容尽量完整一些,用简单句成文就好. -
芒恒复方:[答案] Forrest, Forrest Gump is a simple man with little brain activity but good intentions. He struggles through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny. His 'mama' teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny. Forrest joins the army for ...

永吉县18947291733: 阿甘正传英文读后感 150字左右 -
芒恒复方: The lines touching me most in the book is 'My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are goanna get.' Yes, life is full of uncertainty & puzzle. For someone, they wish to have the power to forecast future. ...

永吉县18947291733: 阿甘正传剧情介绍 -
芒恒复方: 电影《阿甘正传》主要讲述的是阿甘(汤姆·汉克斯 饰)于二战结束后不久出生在美国南方阿拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的妈妈是一个性格坚强的女性,她常常鼓励阿甘“傻人有傻福”;,要他自强不息.阿...

永吉县18947291733: 阿甘正传的英语简介 -
芒恒复方: The story follows the life of low I.Q. Forrest Gump and his meeting with the love of his life Jenny. The film chronicles his accidental experiences with some of the most important people and events in America from the late 1950's through the 1970's ...

永吉县18947291733: 阿甘正传英文简介(不要多,6行字左右) -
芒恒复方: Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

永吉县18947291733: 谁有看过阿甘正传,求用英语写一篇读后感! -
芒恒复方:[答案] To be honest,I've never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with ... 老实说,我从没看过有人喜欢《阿甘正传》电影之前.阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人低智商和肌肉的问题,通常人们总是认为这...

永吉县18947291733: 求《阿甘正传》的英文观后感100字左右即可,要求全英文,不要百度翻译翻译过来的,需要现写, -
芒恒复方:[答案] 亲爱的楼主:To be honest, I've never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think t...

永吉县18947291733: 求阿甘正传剧情简介或者感想(英文) -
芒恒复方: "Stupid is as stupid does," says Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks in an Oscar-winning performance) as he discusses his relative level of intelligence with a stranger while waiting for a bus. Despite his sub-normal IQ, Gump leads a truly ...

永吉县18947291733: <阿甘正传>简介.(是英文介绍的!!!) -
芒恒复方: <阿甘正传>简介.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of ...

永吉县18947291733: 阿甘正传简介感想 英文 本人才初一. -
芒恒复方:[答案] 阿甘正传的个人影评, Forrest Gump An absolute film favourite of mine,mainly because there has never been a movie character that I have appreciated so much as Forrest Gump.A simple man who experiences (and creates) some of the most ...

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