我最喜欢的乐队(组合) 英语作文 ,,!!!跪求!!!

作者&投稿:陀垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2014, I met you, you said, about ten years, I think the ten years I was only nine years old, once a year, not me, but I can say for sure, I will love you nine years!
In this world, there are a bunch of idiot, they are like three people, but they are one family, not rivals, they all know, three of his love, sooner or later there will be a day would be holding a woman's hand, to fool to declare their love, but not a fool or not leave them, the fool is one one zero year agreement, agreed to accompany them every ten years! In the eyes of outsiders, they are crazy, one hundred percent maniacs, they were often asked: you do? It is not worth the problem is you can't control, let me give up them, may also give up on themselves, they are our life, although not! Every few hours, to update micro Bo, look at the micro Bo, see the latest photos of them will be very difficult to survive, even if is full of frustrations......
TF boy, I'm sorry. Now of I, is a student at the party, I can't give up studying, because I hope to see you again. So I must work now, I will always be a four leaf clover!

My favorite band EXO is a Korean Boy Band. There are 12 members in total and equally divided into to bands, EXO-M which stands for EXO-Mandarin, and EXO-K which stands for EXO-Korean. They are two bands when seperate and one whole band when thery're altogether.

I like them not only because they're good looking, they're also very talented as well. Dancing, singing, rapping and even things that are not related to their career. They're alwasy really nice to the fans and they're also very respectful. I love their songs and my favorite song is MAMA(这个可以按照喜好改一下0. 0). The 12 boys are all well trained in SM Entertainment and they put a lot of effort into their dreams.

我觉得这段应该写一段自己最喜欢的人0. 0 就简单介绍一下不会太难。。。

I love watching them because they make my happy. They're the ones that made me smile when I was upset. Even though they're stars, but they're still cute boys whom are still not grown up yet.
EXO is the shining star in my world, so no matter what happens I'll still support them, guard them and love them forever.

I love EXO. We are one!

以上绝对原创0. 0没有采用翻译软件或者复制粘贴= =
如果觉得不好可以改一下,或者你可以找我按照你的一间帮你重写= =
喜欢就给分吧0. 0

My favorite band EXO is a Korean Boy Band. There are 12 members in total and equally divided into to bands, EXO-M which stands for EXO-Mandarin, and EXO-K which stands for EXO-Korean. They are two bands when seperate and one whole band when thery're altogether.

I like them not only because they're good looking, they're also very talented as well. Dancing, singing, rapping and even things that are not related to their career. They're alwasy really nice to the fans and they're also very respectful. I love their songs and my favorite song is MAMA(这个可以按照喜好改一下0. 0). The 12 boys are all well trained in SM Entertainment and they put a lot of effort into their dreams.

我觉得这段应该写一段自己最喜欢的人0. 0 就简单介绍一下不会太难。。。
I love watching them because they make my happy. They're the ones that made me smile when I was upset. Even though they're stars, but they're still cute boys whom are still not grown up yet.
EXO is the shining star in my world, so no matter what happens I'll still support them, guard them and love them forever.
I love EXO. We are one!

My favourite band
My favourite band is BEYOND.I like the band very much.Because BEYOND is one of the most popular band with China.There are four peoples in it.They are Wang Jiaju,Wang Jiaqiang,Wang Guanzhong and Ye Shirong.They are tall.All of them have long hairs.They look like very cool.And they like music very much.Their songs sound very nice.So when I listen to their songs,I feel very exciting.I hope they will make more nice songs.

My favourite band is BEYOND.I like the band this is why like it.BEYOND is one of most popular bands in China.There are four people in it.They are Wang Jiaju,Wang Jiaqiang,Wang Guanzhong and Ye Shirong.They are tall.All of them have long hair.(注:此处为了多点内容可写,没有按照实际) They look very cool.And they like music very much.Their songs sound very nice.So when I listen to them,I feel very excited.I hope they will make more nice songs.


I like EXO very much. It's makes up twelve boys..[MAMA] this song is very well.I like it very much.[MAMA] is their first mini record.I think they are going to have new record.I will love they to the world over.




3、狮子合唱团 狮子合唱团是在近些年时间里较为火热的音乐组合乐队,在音乐风格上一直秉承着摇滚魅力,同时充满爆发力的乐风也是深受大家所喜爱的原因之一。虽然如今国内娱乐圈市场之中优秀的音乐组合团队不多,但是我相信在大家的共同支持与努力之下,一定会有越来越多的乐队组合不断诞生与发展,你心中最为...

My favourite band is BEYOND.I like the band this is why like it.BEYOND is one of most popular bands in China.There are four people in it.They are Wang Jiaju,Wang Jiaqiang,Wang Guanzhong and Ye Shirong.They are tall.All of them have long hair.They look very cool.And they...

The Oriental Funk乐队。是由推动泰国唱片工业,开拓本土泰式音乐的Rewat Buddhinan(1948-1996)所创建的,Rewat Buddhinan(1948-1996)他是泰国最大的唱片公司,跻身全球前二十的歌莱美(GMM-Grammy)的创办者之一。Rockestra乐队。这支乐队的成立也是在泰国本土摇滚乐的萌芽时期,大众在一定程度上更倾向于...

比如说《爱不爱我》、《每一夜每一天》、《00:00:00》、《越来越》等歌曲。2014年,零点乐队成员重新组合,重组的乐队成员由吉他手李瑛(大毛)、键盘手朝洛蒙、主唱薛晓光(老五)、鼓手段丝梨(SARA)及贝斯手杨海东组成 。在第二年的时候他们启动了巡回演唱会《爱从零开始》 。我最喜欢的是《爱不...

、《相信自己》、《我还爱着你》等。五、超载乐队 超载乐队,是中国第一支激流金属摇滚乐队,成立于1991年9月。超载乐队的音乐风格在当时以狂放的吉他失真、高速猛烈的节奏以及狂野的台风为主。超载乐队的技术出众,吉他手李延亮是业界公认的中国最具国际水准的职业吉他演奏家,被喻为"公共乐手"。

当时只要是听V.U.的,无不自己搞起乐队,可见他们对当时及后世的摇滚极具影响。 最后补充说一下,只有自己喜欢的乐队才是自己心中最顶级的乐队 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 仪明智旗语 2020-02-26 · TA获得超过3万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:9593 采纳率:26% 帮助的人:...

1986年自资发行首张专辑《再见理想》。1989年凭借歌曲《真的爱你》获得第12届十大中文金曲奖、第7届十大劲歌金曲奖。1990年凭借歌曲《光辉岁月》获得第8届十大劲歌金曲奖。2002年获得第25届十大中文金曲金曲银禧荣誉大奖。2005年Beyond正式解散。 4、单向乐队 单向乐队是一支来自英国\/爱尔兰的男子乐队组...

乐队组合比较辉煌的组合有有BEYOND、小虎队、零点乐队、温拿乐队和黑豹乐队等等。1、BEYOND 中国香港的殿堂级摇滚乐队,成立于1983年,其队名的中文意思为“超越”。是当今华语乐坛最具代表性的乐队之一。不但在香港、中国大陆及台湾均有乐迷,远在日本、新加坡、马来西亚和海外华人地区亦有众多粉丝。2、小虎队...

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邹油滇白:[答案] My favourite band My favourite band is BEYOND.I like the band very much.Because BEYOND is one of the most popular band with China.There are four peoples in it.They are Wang Jiaju,Wang Jiaqiang,...

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