
作者&投稿:宣行 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In May, I joined in the warm-hearted journey which was organized by our city.

The topic is Loving Parents and Taking Care of Elderly. Around 80 old people joined in the activity.

I went to Guiling by train. When we visited Lijiang by boat, we were so impressed by such a beautiful scene covered graceful mountains and rivers.

The jourway has lasted for 35 years. All the elder people was taken good care of( by us).

They thanked their sons and daughters for their love.

They wish that more elder people can achieve it.

A great student
Hong Zhanhui is a 24 year-old university student, he was born in a poor family.
在他小时候,他的妈妈因为家里穷离开了他的家庭,所以他不得不要照顾他的弟弟、他领养的妹妹和生病的爸爸(adopted sister)
In his childhood, his mother left his family because his family was poor,so he had to look after his younger brother, adopted sisterand his ill father.
He lead his sister to go to college, he studied very hard, and worked after school.
The life is hard,but he refuse other's help.
Hong Zhanhui has done a lot,we should learn from him.


Last weekeng,my father and I went fishing. I was really excited.Father prepared for everything and we sit near the river.We kept waiting and waiting,but the fish didn't appear.I began to lose patience.My father said to me:"Keep quiet and don't give up."Half an hour later,we catched a big fish and I was very happy.I know that doing things needs patience.

last weekend,father and I went fishing,I was very exciting.
father prepared everything,we sit on the riverside.
we waited for a long time,but there was no fish come out.
i began to lose my patience.
my father told me:"keep quiet,and never give up"
half a hour later,we catched a big fish,i was so happy.
and then,i know that patience is needed in every working

last week,I went fishing with my father.I was very excited!~ my father prepared everything,we all set at the edge of river.
we wait over and over again,but no fish appeared.i had lose my patient,but dad told me that:"Be quiet,don't give up" after half an hour,we had a big fish!! i was so happy that i knew,we should have patient to do everyting!

Last weekend, my daddy and I fished, I was very happy. Daddy prepared all, we sat on the riverside. we waited for a long time ,but the fish did not appear. I started to lose my patience. Daddy said to me that “Keep silent, do not give up”. Half an hour later, we fished a big fish, I was very happy. I have known handling the matter needs the patience.

Creation brief history This be a relevant modern science development history of since popular easily understand again fascinating book, author the cosmos massively explodes mankind civilization a development progress in take place of the story be 11 income style of writings.Returned to trace...

楼上翻得不错,但有些不通顺啊,我重翻了一下www One day, the god asked all the animals to join a race, the first twelve animals who arrived could be the twelve years During their race, there was a pool, the ox, the cat and the mouse met there. The cat andthe mouse ...

藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsoni)藏羚羊简介 藏羚(Pantholops hodgsoni)英文名:Tibetan antelope或ChiruTibetan Antelope Conservation and the Shahtoosh Trade Extensive global media coverage during 1999 and 2000 alerted the public to the critical status of the Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii)....

水的英文英标是(_w__t_(r))。水的英文是water,可以根据英标(_w__t_(r))进行拼读。相关例句:His eyes watered when he heard the news当他听到这个消息时,他泪流满面。Please give me two glasses of ice water请给我两杯冰水。


帮找一下400 个关于水的英文单词..要中英文对照的..谢谢哈
400个,我昏...你要把人给累晕累昏啊!!!不过我去查了一下,还真有几百个关于水的单词。我真佩服自己,一个一个复制粘贴,拷了100个,鼠标都快点麻了,坚持不下去了。不过顺便自己也过了一遍这些单词,现在满脑子都感觉进水了,呵呵 water n.水, 雨水, 海水, 水位, 水面, 流体 vt.喷淋, 供...

初中英语作文:生命的杀手——吸烟 Since *** oking has so much harm, *** okers should get rid of the bad habit. You can try to change it little by little. When you want to *** oke, eat some nuts or sugars. You can also do some interesting things to divert your attention. Please...

水 这字 英文怎么写怎么说???
2. I am running the bath water.我正在放洗澡水。中文的"放洗澡水"在英文里成了 run the bath water 或是 fill the tub。这个 tub 就是指洗澡用的大浴缸。的确差蛮多的吧!这句话如果你妄想照字面直接把中文翻成英文肯定是要失败的。3. I need to take some water.我需要喝点水。喝水要...

如果你是小学生,作文如下:I love my school very much. I have many fellows there. They are all my good friends. We help each other on study and play together. My teachers are all kind and good. They really teach well. In my school, there are big buildings,green trees and ...

Thus, in our memories, life in junior high school was content and variable; but life in high school was plain like a cup of water ("所以在我们的记忆中初中生活五彩斑斓而初中生活就像白开水一样平淡。" 这一句原文似乎有问题,你是想说“高中生活就像白开水”吗?). Before I entered ...

岳塘区15860568183: 中文翻成英文(初中水平)Go Fishing上周末,我和爸爸去钓鱼,我非常的兴奋.爸爸准备好一切,我们坐在河边.我们等啊等,鱼没有出现.我开始失去我的耐... -
骆衫卡托:[答案] Last weekeng,my father and I went fishing.I was really excited.Father prepared for everything and we sit near the river.We kept waiting and waiting,but the fish didn't appear.I began to lose patience....

岳塘区15860568183: 求初中八年级中文单词翻译成英文
骆衫卡托: 足够的、enough 呆、stay(指停留)stupid(指呆笨) 应该、should 能够、can 英里、mile 奶昔、milk-shake 照顾、look after 更好 better

岳塘区15860568183: 将下列汉文翻译成英文(初中水平)急急急!!!!
骆衫卡托: In my before the age of five, I am a pupil, very naughty. Should young and often makes mistakes. Then I really like robots. Now I've read a teenager, met many good friends, understand a lot of truth. At home will also help my mother do housework. 5 years later I think I'll be a college student

岳塘区15860568183: 将下面的汉语译成英文帮忙把下面的汉语译成简单的英文 初中的水平就可以 今天轮到我演讲了 说实话 我很紧张 因为第一次在这么人面前讲话 今天我想给大... -
骆衫卡托:[答案] Today it is my turn to have a speech.Frankly speaking,I am nervous.Because this is my first time to talk in front of so many people.Now I will tell a small story for you.I hope you like it.

岳塘区15860568183: 英语翻译= 就是初中英语那等级.是汉语翻成英语.就几个句子.如下.1、我认为我们的英语老师郭老师非常可爱,你们也是.2、希望以后可以和你们好... -
骆衫卡托:[答案] 我觉得我们的英语老师郭老师很可爱. I think our English teacher miss guo is very lovely. I like 郭老师 I like miss guo 希望今后我们好好相处 Hope in the future,we have to get along

岳塘区15860568183: 《飘》的女主角英文介绍不用太多,大概初中水平可以直接把下面这一段中文翻译成英文一个猫一样的女人.有着猫一样的目光,猫一样的微笑,猫一样的步伐... -
骆衫卡托:[答案] Scarlett O'Hara (full name Katie Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler) is the protagonist in Margaret Mitchell's 1936 novel...considered to be the most likely choices until they were supplanted by Paulette Goddard. The young English actress Vivien ...

岳塘区15860568183: 将汉语翻成英文请尽快上交你的作业 Please hand in your homework----我认为他不会来了 I think - - - he will come -
骆衫卡托:[答案] Please hand in your homework qulikly I don't think he will come

岳塘区15860568183: 中学面试,中文自我介绍求翻译成英文. -
骆衫卡托: 额,我只是初中水平.(快毕业了) hello every teacher My name is XX, my English name is XXXX,I am very proud of taking part in it..I'm 12 years old this year.I have a lot of hobbies.For example,I like........In daily life,i like leaning very much.I hope i ...

岳塘区15860568183: 这些汉语翻译成英语,怎么写?初中水平````
骆衫卡托: That sounds very boring. on my last weekend help mom and dad clean the yard Since I overslept, I was late for school. Driving around is very interesting. We had a good time in the school travel. They went to school by bus last week.

岳塘区15860568183: 中文句子翻成英文句子
骆衫卡托: 1 our television cannot work any more, we have to buy a new one. 2 i don't like watch black-and-white TV, we need to buy a color TV. 3 you can take care of babies, but it is not the thing you have to do.

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