The news sounds exicting (or excited)??

作者&投稿:绪官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、Are you excited about going to Beijing?你要去北京了,感到兴奋吗?
2、He told us an exciting story yesterday.他昨天给我们讲了一个使人激动的故事。
3、It's nothing to get excited about.这没什么可值得激动的。
4、I've got an exciting piece of work.我得到了一份令人兴奋的工作。

1 You look _good ___ today, Rose. 露丝,你今天看起来气色不错.
2 We have _never__heard of that before, have we?我们从来没听说过那件事情,不是吗?从have we?看出前面应该选择一个表示否定意义的词,所以选D .
3 The meeting hall in our school is large enough to hold 3,000 people. 我们学校的会议室足够容纳3000人.形容词+enough表示足够...
4 Grandpa Li is still in danger, He is no better than he was last week. 李爷爷病情还很危急,他并不比上周好多少.从than排除A. 从句子意思知选择B.
5 We can _ hardly__ believe that the lazy boy works so _hard__ now. 我们几乎不敢相信那个懒男孩现在工这么努力.第一个用hardly,副词,意思是几乎不,第二个用hard,意思是刻苦的.
6 Please try to do the work better with _less__ money. 尽量用最少的钱做好工作.要填的词是与better对照的,所以应该用比较级,c,d排除.另外,money是不可数名词,所以应该用less.
7 The exicting_news made all of the students exicted那个激动人心的消息使得所有的学生都很激动.第一个exciting修饰news,表示令人激动的,第二个excited主语是人,表示主语自己很激动.
8 This is an exicting___ book. You'll get exicted__when you read it. 这是一本很振奋人心的书,你读了一定会很激动的.原因同上.
9 Rose always studies as hard as her brother. C 露丝学习一直和她哥哥一样努力.首先hardly 意思是几乎不,大概不...,所以排除a,b,根据句子意思选择表示肯定的c.
10 Mike told us that he was very happy, for he was getting better and better. 迈克告诉我们他非常开心,因为他做得越来越好.根据句子意思排除b,另外,better本身就是比较级,前面不可加more.




新闻听起来exicting (或兴奋) ? ?

灯塔市13427988807: The news sounds - ----- -
生连肝喜: A sound是系动词,后面得用形容词作表语.而现在分词表示主语的特征,故只能用A.

灯塔市13427988807: The news sounds - ----(encourage) -
生连肝喜: encouraging

灯塔市13427988807: The news sounds encouraged to me怎么改啊
生连肝喜: encouraged 只能修饰人哦.应该改成encouraging

灯塔市13427988807: 不可数名词后的动词变单三不变? -
生连肝喜: 不可数名词后一般跟三单形式,你追问的这个应为The news ( sounds) exciting

灯塔市13427988807: The news sounds exicting (or excited)?可是.你咋知道是修饰物的?这则消息听起来很激动是消息激动还是激动人心呢~ -
生连肝喜:[答案] exciting 你这样记住,如果是修饰人的,用ed 如果修饰物,用ing 肯定对

灯塔市13427988807: 英语翻译1 This news sounds encouraging,but wu are not encouraged.2 All but one were here just now.3 Mr Smith has changed a lot,and many of his friends say... -
生连肝喜:[答案] 1 This news sounds encouraging,but wu are not encouraged. 这个消息听起来很令人振奋,但是我们一点也高兴不起来. 2 All but one were here just now. 刚才除了一个人不在其他人都在. 3 Mr Smith has changed a lot,and many of his friends say that he ...

灯塔市13427988807: “这条新闻听起来令人激动”用英语翻译
生连肝喜: the news sounds (听起来) exciting 不懂追问、谢谢采纳 新闻听起来令人激动.这里修饰的应该是新闻.不是修饰人.用exciting.不懂就不要乱说,晕

灯塔市13427988807: the sports news sounds对吗 -
生连肝喜:[答案] 不对啊.news要加所有格.

灯塔市13427988807: 选什么,为什么?详细解答
生连肝喜: A 原因:A.ing形容物. 翻译:这消息很振奋人心B.ed形容人 (排除)C. encourage 动词,一句话中不能出现两个动词 sound已经是动词了 .排除D. 没有这种用法!! (eg:sounds great)

灯塔市13427988807: This news sounds - __.A:encouraging B:encouraged C:encourage D:to encourage 选哪个?B:encouraged 用了过去式,看不出来对不对.A也看不出来对不对 ... -
生连肝喜:[答案] A:encouraging 意思是令人振奋的一般是修饰 物 B是 人 感到振奋 这里 sound是系动词 后+形容词作表语 所以C不对

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