美国的气温多少度? 怎么翻译?

作者&投稿:国俩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



How is the weather in America?

用American是说美国的什么什么,或者美国人 的时候用的

How is the American weather?

  The United States in mainly situated in the northern temperate zone.But,owing to its large size and varied landforms,it has different types of climate in different areas.

  The climate of New England is relatively cold.The winters are long and hard.In many parts of Maine, there is snow on the ground from early November to late May.The summers ate short and warm.The fall,however,is a beautiful time of year.In the fall,the leaves of trees turn different colors,giving the hills and woods a bright look.This change of color is a memorable sight,and many people visit New England at this time of year just to ride through the woods and enjoy their beauty.

  The climate of the Middle Atlantic States region is generally pleasant.There are four definite seasons.The winters are cold and snowy,and the springs are warm,with plenty of rain to help the growth of crops.Summers are short and hot but pleasant,while the falls are cool.

  The South enjoys a warm climate and abundant rainfall.Many of its states lie within the band that stretches across the entire southern third of the nation known as the Sun Belt.The climate, however,varies with the geographical position of each state.Virginia and North Carolina have a temperate climate like that of Maryland.In southern Florida,on the other hand,the climate is almost trop.cal.Georgia,Alabama,Mississippi,and Louisiana all have warm climates with almost no cold or winter weather.Some states in this region are sometimes harassed by the disaster of hurricanes.

  Since the Great Plains stretch from the Canadian border to Texas,the climate in this region varies widely.North Dakota has extreme temperatures,strong winds,and low precipitation.Oklahoma,on the other hand,has a more temperate climate.The open treeless,unbroken land offers little protection against storms or against the rapid changes of weather that occur in this area.In winter,snow piles up to 6 meters high in some places.In summer,in these same places,both plants and animals may die from the extreme heat.In many parts of the plains states there is little rain. Water in such areas becomes more important than land.For thousands of farmers,a few inches more or a few inches less of rain during the growing season may make the difference between success and failure.Extended periods of very hot weather during a summer without rain may not only destroy crops but also turn the land into dust.This dust often turns into the infamous dust storms of this area,destroying farms and farm buildings and leaving the land bare of all fertile soil.

  The climate of the Midwest is temperate. The region lies in a great valley between the Allegheny Mountains to the east and the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains to the west. This is a largely open country, and the wind blows freely, often bringing sudden and extreme changes in temperature. Midwest summers are sometimes very hot; winters are sometimes extremely cold.

  The states west of the Rocky Mountains have sharply different climatic conditions. This is largely because of the effects of the mountain ranges and the Pacific Ocean. Winds from the Pacific bring plenty of rain, yet these winds are conditioned by the mountains along the coast. Generally speaking, the western slopes of the Coastal Mountains are cool, rainy, and cloudy. The part of Washington near the Pacific Ocean has the highest rainfall in the country. But after crossing these mountains, very little rain falls and deserts appear.


What's the temperature in the United States (或U.S.)?


what is the temperature in the US?

What's the temperature in the States?

What's the temperature like in US?

天全县18015545338: 明天的气温是多少度 英语1 明天的气温是多少度 ( 用一般将来时,还是一般现在时翻译?)2 昨天的气温是多少度?3 昨天的气温是 5 度 / 是零下5度 (表... -
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称清澳特: 华氏x度(美国用的)和摄氏y度(中国用的)之间的关系: x-32/9=y/5 y=(x-32)*5/9 所以,华氏104度是摄氏40度.

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天全县18015545338: 气温总是保持在二十几度 英文 -
称清澳特: Temperatures usually stay in the low 20s (C).请注意, 在美国如果你说low 20s 他们会以为是摄氏零下, 因为美国用的是华氏, 华氏的20几度相当于摄氏的零下为了避免这种歧义, 应该在后面加上一个摄氏温度符号*C因为气温不是指一天的, 所以一般在报天气时用复数, 这里也应以复数为佳

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称清澳特:[答案] Today's temperature ranges from 17 to 21 degrees centigrade.

天全县18015545338: 今天气温有多少度 英文 -
称清澳特: exact centigrade What's the exact centigrade of the temperature today? 今天气温多少度?

天全县18015545338: 美国的98.4度转换成中国的温度是多少? -
称清澳特: 如果你说的是华氏度的话, 相当于36.9摄氏度.

天全县18015545338: 美国今年最高温多少度? -
称清澳特: 北美今年特别热,多少年不遇的高温,美国录得50度高温,热死4个人(单日)加拿大也一样,非常热,今天的体感温度近40度---

天全县18015545338: 今年美国七月14到八月5日的天气情况
称清澳特: 这要看你去哪里.如美西(洛杉矶,旧金山,拉斯维加斯之类)比较热,我去年9月中下旬在那也是夏天,跟上海7、8月差不多.那里的7、8月会更热些,但那里很少下雨,(听洛杉矶的朋友说那里终年很少下雨,以至于下雨了有人不会开车,会请假不上班).如是美东,(纽约,华盛顿等)就会凉些,但现在也是夏天,30度上下吧.这里雨多些.去年去就遇到雨,还不小.美南没去过,但听朋友说冬天也是夏天.夏威夷(美西过去5-6小时飞机),基本上也都是夏天吧,阳光灿烂,但每天会有一点点蒙蒙雨,正好给酷暑降点温,不会影响游玩.

天全县18015545338: 英语翻译1 今天的气温是 零下8度2 明天气温是 零下5 度 ,并且有5级左右的大风3 今天的 / 明天的 气温是多少度?4 今天吹的是什么风?东风,还是南风?5 ... -
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