化学工程与工艺专业 英文怎么翻译

作者&投稿:赖依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
化学工程与工艺 用英文怎么说~

I major in Chemical Engineering and Process(个人简介)
Major: Chemical Engineering and Process(求职信)
Major of Chemical Engineering and Process(学科介绍)

chemistry Engineering & Technical Process


英文翻译:Chemical Engineering and Technology

I graduated as a B. E. in Nantong Institute of Technology in 2004.

Chemical Engineering and Technology (CET) is an engineering discipline which lays emphasis on practical experiences.

The practical teaching method of chemical Engineering and technology specialtyis adopted to promote the innovative awareness and practical working ability of the students.

I major in Chemical Engineering and Process(个人简介)
Major: Chemical Engineering and Process(求职信)
Major of Chemical Engineering and Process(学科介绍)


Chemical Engineering and Technology Speciality

元阳县17198619527: 化学工程与工艺专业 英文怎么翻译 -
除致强筋: 化学工程与工艺专业英文翻译:Chemical Engineering and Technology 双语例句:2004年毕业于南通工学院,化学工程与工艺专业,大学本科,工学学士.I graduated as a B. E. in Nantong Institute of Technology in 2004. 化学工程与工艺专业是...

元阳县17198619527: 化学工程与工艺专业英语怎么说 -
除致强筋: chemistry Engineering & Technical Process

元阳县17198619527: 化学工程与工艺用英语怎么说 -
除致强筋: 化学工程与工艺业务培养目标: 本专业培养具备化学工程与化学工艺方面的知识,能在化工、炼油、冶金、能源、轻工、医药、环保和军工等部门从事工程设计、技术开发、生产技术管理和科学研究等方面工作的工程技术人才. 业务培养要...

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除致强筋: 有几篇,是华东理工大学 胡鸣编的 网址http://wenku.baidu.com/view/b2cf73630b1c59eef8c7b4e6.html

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除致强筋: 你好! 化工专业 Chemical industry professional

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除致强筋: 我翻译. 你认为我们可以,那么多少的地步. 如果有错误,也希望他能包含.合成H2tsalamo计??划1所示.该 thiosalicylaldehyde5b,反应12,13 1,2 - 双(氨氧基) ethane14得到47%的无色H2tsalamo crystals.15 H2tsalamo是非常稳定的,...

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