she is ill in the hospital 对吗?这是初二英语中的一句话,不明白为什么要加the 呀?

作者&投稿:播果 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
she was ill in——hospital,in 的后面需要加the吗,为什么,加与不加有什~

  不需要加,因为in hospital指的是住院,而in the hospital则是在医院这个地方,她生病住院了,所以要用in hospital



in hospital 表示生病住院
in the hospital 表示在医院工作或是去医院干嘛的,
所以这句最好吧the 去掉,


雁塔区19262885594: She is ill in the - ------- -
蒋岚舒肝: hospital她病了在医院

雁塔区19262885594: 英语翻译1.She is ill in the hospital.2.She is ill in hospital. -
蒋岚舒肝:[答案] in the hospital意思是在医院里,可能是到医院里转悠什么的 in hospital的意思是住院 所以1句:她生病了,在医院里. 2句:她生病住院了.

雁塔区19262885594: 英语补全对话A:can i help you?B:yes please I need to see my friend she is ill in the hospital IA:can i help you?B:yes please I need to see my friend she is ill in the... -
蒋岚舒肝:[答案] first( )Next( )then( ) 这三个空写怎么走.比如直走,转弯等等. A:it is about ( ) 这个空写 大约多远.比如500meters. B:HOW long ( ) 这个空写 大约花多少时间,即 will it take? A:About( ) 这个空写 花多少时间,比如 1 hour. A:you are welcome If you ...

雁塔区19262885594: 新目标英语八年级上册24页有这样一句话she's ill in the hospital. in the hospital -
蒋岚舒肝: 所以in the hospital的是指在医院这个地方,由于有了定冠词the的限制,可能是看护病人不等于,in the hospital 和in hospital的意思不一样的;in hospital的意思是“住院”.没有定冠词the的限制,hospital是一个抽象名词,所以in hospital整个短语的意思是相对宽泛含义的“住院” 而 in the hospital的意思则是“在医院”,可能是到医院工作,the hospital成为了一个具体指某个地点的名词

雁塔区19262885594: ...went to his home on time a____the classes were over at 4:002What do you t____of the movie?3.I'm going to see my grandma.She is ill in the h____二、句型... -
蒋岚舒肝:[答案] 1.He went to his home on time after the classes were over at 4:002What do you t____of the movie?3.I'm going to see my grandma.She is ill in the hospital____二、句型转换1.The boy is so young that he ca...

雁塔区19262885594: 根据句意或首字母填写,每空一词.1. I ride my bike to the subway s - ------, then I take the subway. -
蒋岚舒肝: 1. station 2. popular 3. number 4. hospital 5. worries

雁塔区19262885594: 1,what are the (differences)?为什么不用different?2,a kind of +名词复数?3,在具体数字后用away?后面还要加什么?far呢?4,she is ill in the hospital .这是... -
蒋岚舒肝:[答案] 1.你看到前面的the 了吗 它是修饰名词的.所以只能用difference. 2.必须是很多中才会说其中的一种. 3.不是很清楚问题 4..你说的是对的.我也不理解课本 5.就是形容词的两种形态,正常和比较形态.比较的时候就用后面那个了. 6.过去时,要看语言环境. 7...

雁塔区19262885594: I go to see my friend at the hospital.与I go to see my friend in the hospital.哪个正确?为什么? -
蒋岚舒肝:[答案] 第一个是对的.介词的用法中at+定冠词+地点

雁塔区19262885594: 在床上,英语怎么写? -
蒋岚舒肝: 在床上的英文:In bed. bed 读法 英 [bed] 美 [bɛd] n. 床;基础;河底, 海底vt. 使睡觉;安置,嵌入;栽种 vi. 上床;分层 示例:Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay. 在白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石...

雁塔区19262885594: in the bed和on the bed的区别 -
蒋岚舒肝: in bed:一般指生病卧在床.He is ill inbed. in the bed:一般指睡在或躺在床上.She is in bed. on thebed:一般指物品放在床上.The book is on the bed. ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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