高手 来翻译几个英语句子,比较难的哦!来挑战一下 吧!

作者&投稿:照俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Many overseas Chinese are very dissatisfied with the government's propaganda of patriotism, because the government has always stressed the patriotism of the government support, while ignoring the contains a sense of belonging and sense of cultural identity. 2 The city due to serious pollution to the environment is known, and is listed as one of the world's ten largest city pollution. And the local government's ability to govern iscriticized. If you talk to local residents, it is difficult for you to get them to the local government for any positive evaluation 3
Here four seasons climate, hot summer and cold winter, like most of the world, but has the characteristics of the air is dry here. Especially in the winter, if you stay in a no air humidifier heating room, your skin will feel very uncomfortable.
4 if you have the opportunity to come to my hometown, you must not miss this pasta. It is said that the total eat better than in other parts of the world where more pasta

5 in the China tourism is not a pleasant experience, because China different tourist attractions will always take the same kind of pattern of development, landscape, Forest Park, historical sites, ancient town, the playground...... These spots are all have their own template, there is almost no difference between the same kind of attraction. This leads to even the most keen to travel, will feel boring, not to mention the number of super many visitors inconvenience caused.
6 all the nuclear pollution protection experts know that Chernobyl is a worthy ofinvestigation, but is willing to go to the people is less and less
The gender imbalance in 7 China for social security problem of the future lay a great hidden danger, the number of men more than women thirty million. Try to think in Chinasuch a prohibited transaction state what it means -- not to release the desire oftenconverted to detest the world and its ways of emotion, it produces a large number ofpotential criminals.
8 I very much oppose excessive pursuit of equality between men and women. Because men and women have their own unique characteristics, have their own good at work,has a unique and irreplaceable beauty, blindly ignore these differences bring any benefit to the development and human rights.
9 are not satisfied with the status quo is the person's nature, such as when we are living expenses of tension, will envy the very wealthy, and wealthy people but often miss thelife without a care. So we live in a science and technology developed so fast in the community, always can hear on the industrialization development of criticism. However,this is our human nature to an important reason has made such progress.
10 I thought I was ugly, and when the others for some purpose hypocritical to say mehandsome, but I will work hard. For example, when I go to buy something or get something to eat, if the attendant said to me "the handsome boy, what do you want for your time," I will be in my heart never to come to this place second times, because italways sounds like a kind of satire. I always think I like this ugly and know one's limitations and a lot of people, but the strange thing is a little common sense psychologydo not understand the business is so much.
有些不会的是还是看了翻译器翻译出来的 写了很久不容易 望采纳

1, chemistry is the study of the material composition, structure, properties, and the change rule of science.
2, the father to the more busy later, every day to see a lot of a lot of guests.
3, flowers red as fire, white as snow.
4, subject examines the judgement of the triangle with similar properties, and the comprehensive strong, is relatively complex, difficult.
5, I why so hasty think is the old man took the watch? I said I don't despise them, but to their bones or trust but. B: yes, I mean person of heart, for the abdomen.
6, chemistry is one of the important basic science, biology, and physics, in subjects such as astronomy geography, the mutual infiltration, obtained a rapid development, but also promote the other disciplines and technology development.

1. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.:

2,The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward ,not only the means of sustenance,but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms .

3,It is no use inviting the politician or the professional or business man , who has been working , or worrying about serious things for six days , to work or worry about trifling things at the weekend

4,I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us. 我坚信将这种想法注入当今世界是可能的,而这些想法也最终会毁了我们。

1,Each day is a holiday ,and ordinary holidays ,when they come ,(似乎少主语) are grudged as enforce interruptions in an absorbing vocation. 1.日子就像假期一样,每一天都像,但是他们一出现.我们就不得不被迫中断这段美妙的假期
2,The long hours in the office or the factory bring wieh themas(好像分开写8"bring with them as") their reward ,not only the means of sustenance,but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms
2.长时间呆在在办公室或是工厂工作,作为回报 它带给我们的好处有这些:不仅仅是学会了谋生的手段这么简单,更重要的是它培养了我们哪怕对极其弱智极其平凡的小事的都能保有极大兴趣的嗜好
(这句话就是说办公室的工作太乏味,让"你闲大了" 闲到让你没意思找意思 即使你找来的事也很无聊 你都会觉得比工作有意思)
3,It sis(应该是it's) no use inviting the politician or the professional(没有"S"?) or business man , who has been working , or worrying about serious things for six days , to work or worry about trifling things at the weekend.
3.这周末,找那些已经在重要问题上都担心/工作6天了的政客,专家 或商人来为这些微不足道的小事操心是没有用的
(猜的:可能政客专家工作时间太长 再为小事操心就没那么有效率啦?)
4,I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us.

前三句出自新东方《Born to win(生而为赢)》中的《work and pleasure》.文章给出的翻译如下:

2句中 wieh themas 是啥意思?

安多县17786082743: 有英语高手吗?有几句比较难翻译的句子需要请教 -
枝炊健脾:[答案] it is nice to be paid to keep fit这句话怎么分析(没见过这样的句式啊)以上为动词不定式被动语态做主语,意思花钱来保持身体健康是件好事情To be paid to keep fit is nice =It is nice to be paid to keep fitregi...

安多县17786082743: 求高手翻译高难度英语句子 -
枝炊健脾: Since/Though you can't change something destined in your life,you can still strive for the worth of life.

安多县17786082743: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子,有点难度,最好是英语专业的高手来 -
枝炊健脾: 1 Many overseas Chinese are very dissatisfied with the government's propaganda of patriotism, because the government has always stressed the patriotism of the government support, while ignoring the contains a sense of belonging and sense of ...

安多县17786082743: 我有几句比较难翻译的英语句子,谁能帮助我? -
枝炊健脾: 我有几句比较难翻译的英语句子,谁能帮助我?I have several English sentences which are so difficult to translate .I have several English sentences diffficult to translate I have serveral English sentences to be translated into Chinese with great difficulty please send me those English sentences need translating into Chinese asap, thanks!

安多县17786082743: “史上巨难翻译”的英语句子,务必务必高手进(解释不清楚的请别回答)
枝炊健脾: 原文幽默,We have met the enemy, and he is ours. We bought him at a pet shop.是说,我们遇上敌人了,而且是我们自己买来的.我们是在宠物商店买下它的.接下去,作者解释了人类的疾病大部分是由其他动物传染,美国孩子就会传染上非洲雨林猴子的疾病.在这里 ours 是“属于我们的”,“我们拥有的”意思.从下文,可以看到作者的幽默感.

安多县17786082743: 超级难英文句子翻译:谢谢~~~~~求教高手高高手 -
枝炊健脾: 应该是:i am on cloud nine 意思是:我很开心.cloud nine ph. 1. 【口】极乐心境,狂喜状态;飘然(的感觉)

安多县17786082743: 一个极难翻译的英语句子 - -------------务必高手帮忙 -
枝炊健脾: 我把句子这样分开写,然后意译如下:When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two choices.当我们面对挑战时,我们通常有两种选择.We can try to beat it off,我们可以尝试克服它 or we can 【decide】 that the thing 【presenting】...

安多县17786082743: 几个较难解释的英语句子,在线等下面的两段描述的是地震来了的时候的场面.请高手帮忙解释3个问题.I hunched(蜷曲)forward on my knees and pressed ... -
枝炊健脾:[答案] 1、fragile pale脆弱且苍白的 2、cease to exist=disappear 停止存在、消失 3、the impending horror of my death即将到来的恐怖死神 翻译:我的身体向着膝盖蜷曲着、面部紧紧地压向手指.我注视着手指的背面,傻傻地看着我那脆弱苍白的头发从毛孔...

安多县17786082743: 一个很难翻译的英语句子,高手帮忙 -
枝炊健脾: 中央公园沿着树林外面,观看(树林中的)野生动物——有人类(估计是野人)和各种动物.可以拨打(212)360-3465 或者(212)360-2726 咨询日常活动和旅游事宜.中央公园从第59街延伸至第110街,从第5大道延伸至中央公园西(就是说明中央公园的具体位置).Sts. 是 街道streets 的缩写,Ave. 是 大道avenue 的缩写animal varieties 在这里是表示动物种类多种多样stretch 伸展,拉紧;延伸,绵延例:He had burns that stretched from his neck to his hips. 他从脖子到臀部均被烧伤.

安多县17786082743: 一个很难翻译的英语句子 - --务必高手进 -
枝炊健脾: 1、we set out to deliver them. 中的deliver的意思.就是把食物 发 给乞丐们.2、 We would pull aside a panhandler,中的pull aside是短语吗?什么意思? 可以认为是短语,意思就是把乞丐拉到一边. 楼上那个是神经病,原文是说我和麦当劳的两个女孩子很好心的将免费午餐送给乞丐们吃.别听他胡扯.我靠.

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