
作者&投稿:阴疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When was the factory opened/工厂何时开张?
Is the Building厂房类型: Steel/钢构 0 Masonry/砖石 0 Others/其它:
Condition/状况: AVERAGE/一般
Factory layout/工厂布局
Comments/评定: Good/好 0 Average/中 0 Poor/差 0
Housekeeping/厂房管理Good/好 0 Average/中 0 Poor/差 0
Size of Factory/工厂规模
Monthly total output/月产量 - Factory Declared/工厂申报数: Approved/核实数: Pcs.
Total number of employees in this location/员工数量:
a) QC’s (In-line / End-Line / Final)检验员数(线上/线末/最终):
b) Total QA (i.e. Auditor)/质保人员数:
c) Production Supervisors/领班数:
d) Production Workers/工人数:
e) Number of Sewing Lines/缝制生产线数:
f) Average Number of Sewers per line/平均每条线上缝纫机数:
QA Manager available/有否质保经理?Reports to/向谁汇报:
Does QA Manager have other responsibilities/质保经理还负责其它什么业务?
If yes/如果有, please clarify/请列明:
Does the factory have a generator/工厂有自备发电机吗?
Is the Quality Department independent of Production/质量部门是独立于生产部门吗:
Factory Training/工厂培训情况:
a) Does the factory have a training scheme/工厂有培训大纲吗?
b) Do they keep Training / Skill records for each employee/工厂保存有每个员工的培训/技能记录吗?
c) Does the factory have an internal or external technical training programs / courses/工厂有进行内部或外部技术培训日程/课程吗?
d) How many operators are in the training/有多少员工在培训? 2 – 4 worker under short term training each month/每月有2~4名参加短期培训
What other training does the factory give their employees/工厂还向员工提供什么其他培训? Not available/没
Initial attitude & concept of Management is/管理层的态度和想法: Satisfactory/满意0 Unsatisfactory/不满意 0
Is subcontractor being used/是否有下级供应商?
If yes, please give details such as Name / Address & Products / Operations/如果有,请具体给出如名称、地址、产品和业务范围等:
a) Does the factory test any Material, Accessories or Finished Product/工厂是否对原料、辅料或成品进行测试?
If yes, please describe what is being tested/如果是,请列明所做的测试: Checking color by light box/在灯箱下检查色度 Yes/是 0 No/否 0
b) Is there an In-house lab/厂内有否实验室? If no, please list labs used for testing/如果没有,请列明所使用的实验室 - If applicable/是否在用:Yes/是 0 No/否 0
Labs used/使用的实验室: Factory mainly use external labs for testing, they only equipped with light box for checking colors/工厂主要利用外部实验室进行测试,工厂自已只是用灯箱来检查色度。
If yes, please comment on Procedure & Equipment/如果是,请说明过程和所用设备:
c) Does the factory have records of lab test results on all fabrics/工厂是否保存有所有面料实验室测试的结果记录? Yes/是 0 No/否 0
Other components/其它材料Yes/是 0 No/否 0
Garments/服装 Yes/是 0 No/否 0
COLOR & PRINTING PREPARATION/颜色和花样: 0 Mark ( X ) if not applicable/如果不做打X
Color sample, Lab dip, Strike-off preparation/色样Yes/是 0 No/否 0
Yarn dyed knit down, handloom preparation/色织样/手织样Yes/是 0 No/否 0
If no, please list source used/如果没有,请列出来源:
If yes, please comment on Procedure & Equipment/如果是的,请列出过程和所用设备:
Documentation/文件 Acceptable/行 0 Unacceptable/不行 0
Laboratory recipe/实验室设置: Acceptable/行 0 Unacceptable/不行 0
Lead Time/货期: Yes/是 0 No/否 0
Light Box/灯箱
If Yes, light source used/如果用,所用的光源: Ultralume/ 3000 0 D65 0 D75 0
Other: China Branded Machince/其它中国品牌机器 Yes/是 0 No/否 0
SAMPLING/取样: 0 Mark ( X ) if not applicable/如果不做打X
Pattern generation/打样:Manual/手工 0 Computerized/电脑 0
Pattern grading/放样:Manual/手工 0 Computerized/电脑 0
Marker making/排料:Manual/手工 0 Computerized电脑/ 0
Marker duplication/下料Manual/手工 0 Computerized/电脑 0
Does the factory have a sample making or engineering department/工厂有打样部门或工艺部门吗?
If no, please indicate the vendor they use/如果没有,请列明所用的供应商: Yes/是 0 No/否 0
Sample made in production line/样衣是在生产线上做的吗Yes/ 是0 No/否 0

Sorry to hurt you but i didn't mean to. Hope it won't influence your study or life. I think maybe i can not quite understand your love to me. We have no idea of each other's life before, how we are going to communicate in the future, our values of love. Maybe you just feel lonely for staying in China all by yourself. Anyway, thank you for all the beautiful moments you bring to me. I suggest we get to know each other better in the few months when you stay at home. If you have the same feeling to me next time we meet, then it will be my hornor to get into your life and become your other part.


Today, my life is a new starting point. When I step on the platform, I heard is comrades heartfelt encouragement, think of is how a few years later to fellow countrymen into a satisfactory results. I think, in order to complete the writing papers, my only choice is to pour all his enthusiasm and efforts to achieve "three" :
One heart and one mind for the people. In recent years, although the economic and social development has made rapid progress, but, in 439 square kilometers of land, and parts of the masses life is difficult, and a large number of unemployed youth and the laid-off worker found no way to make a living. "Ancient zhai lie to rustle bamboo, doubt is folk sufferings sound". As mayor, as a part of the river water, I deeply felt that the responsibility in mind, share of strife. Therefore, in the future work, no matter how tired, and bitter, I will always take 360000 elder fellow villager's vital interests in the first place, engraved on the heart, try your best to do the practical work, to hold the matter.
望楼主采纳 谢谢

Todayisanew starting pointofmy life.WhenIscaledthispodium,Iheartheheartfeltencouragementofcomrades,butafter a few years,howtosubmit a satisfactoryanswerto thefolksthat comes to mind.Ithinkin order todo a good jobthisanswer sheet,my only optionis topourall theirpassion andeffort,is committed todothe "Three Ones":
First, thesingle-mindedpeople.In recent years, thoughthecityhas made considerable progressineconomic and social development, butinthe439 square kilometersofland, as well aspartofthelife of the massesisstilldifficult,therearealargenumberofunemployed young peopleandlaid-off workershave not foundthemeans of living."YaVegetarianlyinglistening tothe rustlingbamboodoubtthesufferings of the peoplesound".Asmayor, aspartofLengshuijiang,I am deeplyresponsibilityin mind,heavy tasks.Therefore,in future work,no matter howdifficult,more tired,and morebitter,Iwill alwaysgive top prioritytothe vital interestsof360,000folksengravedin mind,todo my besttodo practical things,good things.

Today is the new starting point of my life. When I step this stage, wtat I hear is genuine and sincere enourage from comrades and what I think of is how to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet to the follow countrymen in several years. In order to fulfill this answer sheet, it is my only one choice that I will pour all my enthusiasm and efforts to devote myself to achieving the goal, " three ones".
one is that I will put my whole heart into the service for the people. Although the city`s economic and social developments have made great progresses in recent years, in 439 square kilometres of land there are some people who is still difficulty for life and there are large quantities of the younthes awaiting job and laid-off workers who find no ways to make a living.
" Lying to listen to the whiz of banboo in government office, and doubting it is suffering of the people. As mayor and a member of Lengshuijiang I feel the responsibility in my heart and on my shoulders. Therefore in future work no matter how dificulty, tired and painful it is, I will always put the vital interests of 360000 folks in the first place, carve it in my heart and try my best to perform real deeds and good deeds.


请懂英语的朋友们帮我用翻译下下面这句话, 我无法掩饰我内心的愤怒...
I can't contain my anger! I will never allow others cheating me !英语专业为您解答, 希望能帮到您。望采纳

我的英文不是很好,因为初中,我还没有发现任何方法,虽然我进入所谓的重点大学,西南university.I希望有人可以给我一个好方法sdudy english.If必要的,也许我可以帮你学习数学,因为我学习科学(理科),我在其他科目很好,除了英语和汉语,如果你是在高级中等学校就读!如果你有时间,你可以和我联系,...

本人对听力比较自负,所以没怎么听过,结果听力总是拿不到满分^^ 3:单词 这是一个老生常谈的话题,大家知道,单词是英语的基础,没有单词,就好象建大厦没有砖头,只能幻想空中楼阁。但是被单词又被大家认为是最难,最枯燥的事情。基础好的朋友可以通过阅读学单词,但是对基础不好的,这点根本行不通。整篇文章都看不...

别碰我(don't push me)Don't push me(别碰我)的英文歌词及中文意思 别碰我的英文歌词及中文意思 Sweetbox主唱 I'm a love ‘em and leave ‘em 我是那种 爱够便离 Touch and tease ‘em kinda girl 挑逗男生 的女孩 I'm the perfect type 我是一夜情 For one wild night 的理想人选 ...

W:嗯,是的,不过我们却是围绕在贫困线上生活(拙荆见纣)。就因为我们无法为孩子们提供些好点的衣物而迫使他们在学校被其他的孩子们嘲笑!我们只能住在一间小得可怜的公寓,开着一辆旧车!M: Does the car run?M:车子开得动么?W: Yes, but it looks OLD!W:是可以,但看起来就是那么的残旧...

wish tomorrow will be better


去澳门要知道那些常用的英语,请朋友们帮忙 请朋友给出一些常用的英文短语... 请朋友 给出一些常用...帮某人摆脱困境 ★ end的常用短语: come to an end……结束 put an end to 结束…… on end...澳门我去了,还好啦 中文还是能混得很好的,毕竟是中国 ...

我的英语实在太差了。总是记不了单词,总是对英语有一种恐惧感。一提英语就烦。现在我还能挽救我的英语成绩吗?谁能帮帮我!拜托了!... 我是一个初二的学生。我的英语实在太差了。总是记不了单词,总是对英语有一种恐惧感。一提英语就烦。现在我还能挽救我的英语成绩吗?谁能帮帮我!拜托了! 展开 ...

百度翻译器 语法有时候不对 麻烦英语高人帮忙系统翻译 谢谢
The sky in July is a sky to let the dreams fly. The land in July is a land to sow the hopes. In this season of flying dreams and sowing hopes, we usher in the graudation day of upper-class children. Everyone has his own dream. Dreams are pure and beautiful. They ...

蒙山县13691318305: 麻烦英语好的朋友帮忙翻译~~谢谢~~ -
爱新觉罗购余甘: 1.永远不要忘记承诺与梦想 Hang on Your promise and dream !(呵呵,虽没用永远,但隐含其意) 2.永远前行. Keep on going forward! 3.像疯子一样努力,像傻子一样坚持. Making efforts as crazy as you can,Be persistent as a fool(活用了形容词和名词的转换) 4.永远保持微笑. Wear a smile all the time!(用wear 比较地道)

蒙山县13691318305: 麻烦英文好的朋友帮我翻译成英文? -
爱新觉罗购余甘: 有道的1. The server Bandwidth Intensive type the uplink bandwidths respectively with downside Bandwidth?2. This server bandwidth is how many megabytes of exclusive?3. This server bandwidth is 100 trillion exclusive or sharing?4. My choice of ...

蒙山县13691318305: 麻烦英语好的朋友 帮忙翻译成英语,谢谢! -
爱新觉罗购余甘: 参考翻译 Please don't be sad by yourself at any time. We miss you very much. You have to beat depression, come on, you can do it. You should be happy every day, do not want to sad things, even if there are unhappy, no matter chat with friends and...

蒙山县13691318305: (高分急)请英语口语好的朋友帮忙,帮我翻译一小段对话,谢谢! -
爱新觉罗购余甘: 1.I like pop and jazz.When I hear your song,I find your voice very beautiful,and the performance is perfect. 2.I met your music teacher before,and she said that you are excellent when she talked about you.3.I want to know what subbjects do you have ...

蒙山县13691318305: 麻烦英语知识比较好的人帮我翻译一下!
爱新觉罗购余甘: Dear Miss XX, How are you? How about your Christmas day? I'm so sorry that I can't acompany you with this memorable festival. I hope you will be more and more beautiful by sending you this small card which represents my blessing. From the student who love you forever!

蒙山县13691318305: 一个朋友跟我说的,我英文特别差,看不懂But You'll never shut down the real麻烦英语好的朋友们帮我翻译下这句? -
爱新觉罗购余甘:[答案] 但你永远也不能回避这一现实.

蒙山县13691318305: 请英语好的朋友帮我翻译一下 谢谢了 -
爱新觉罗购余甘: 看在你写的还算真挚,人工翻译给你,希望你们圆满!Hey! Baby, you will leave soon, please take care of yourself and do not keep me worrying. Without the good health, how can we live together forever? During this half a year, I have made you sad ...

蒙山县13691318305: 麻烦英语好的朋友帮忙翻译下英语麻
爱新觉罗购余甘: 1. need cut your hair 2.only the old people and the sick people are 3.the first people to come 4.if it doesn't need me get up early 5.you can see more beautiful scenery

蒙山县13691318305: 英文好的朋友帮忙翻译下,谢!麻烦英文好的朋友帮我翻译一下这段话吧,跪谢: When you have eliminated the impossble whatever remains, however ... -
爱新觉罗购余甘:[答案] 无论你是否消除了不可能,不可能已经成为了事实.-3-貌似是这个意思吧

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