
作者&投稿:泊尹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1,(Heard about she failed) again in the exam,.....
2,(The college that he is going to) hasn't been decided.
3,That was (the reason why she didn't come to) the party.
楼上有错误。第二题明显要用college大学作主语,后面跟that或者which定语从句。That he choose which university结构明显错误。


The train go quickly above the ground between the two stations.
We have already collected plenty of information about the south pole.
While she was on holiday, someone looked after her cat.


1. Your immediate help, I have been impossible to complete this work that quickly.
2. In the past's 20 years, our country has experienced the very big change.
3. He is a very good old person, ever does not have clashes of opinion with the neighbor.
4. Is well known, the confidence is the successful key.
5. His words sound to be very reasonable, but we did not know whether he did tell the truth.
6. You should let the people know your viewpoint.
7. We are unable to solve this problem independently.
8. Was he said that but was not he does makes me to feel sad. 9. Besides the vegetables, we also eats the massive fruits. 10. In any situation, we first will not use the nuclear weapon.
11. We possibly enjoy these services soon.
12. I may do the matter which I want to do, simultaneously also for motherland contribution strength.
13. Modern industry deals with each kind of pollution which it creates to accuse.

1. Not your immediate help, I can not be so fast that the completion of this work.
2. In the past 20 years, our country has experienced great changes.
As he is a very good for the elderly, and the neighbors never闹contradictions.
4. As we all know, confidence is the key to success.
5. His words sounds very reasonable, but we do not know whether he said the truth.
6. You should let people know your point of view.
7. We are unable to independently solve this problem.
8. Said he is not he has done makes me feel sad.
9. Apart from the vegetables, we eat a lot of fruit.
10. Under any circumstances, we will not be the first to use nuclear weapons.
11. Soon we may enjoy these services.
12 and I can do what I want to do, but also contribute to the motherland.
13. Deal with its modern industrial pollution caused by the accused.

用英语翻译13个句子,不要翻译机 速度 谢谢
1. Mary said I'm late she is very angry.2. We all felt resentment of the noise.3. We told him that we can't wait any longer.4. Everyone should be in the car to wear your seat belt.5. Teacher should all students equally.6. When he won the news, she continued to ...

I am lucky because I have a six-month English course here.

12.I’m not one of the smart ones, but I’m one of the wise.我不是一个聪明的人,但是我是一个有智慧的人。13.It’s good to be young and stupid.幼稚,愚蠢并不是什么坏事 14.I’m just trying to matter.我要做关键先生 15.I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not...

23、这场雨对比赛没多大影响。The rain will have little impact on the match \/ game.

1.上周我们坐火车去天津了.(by train,last week)2.厉娜通常走着上学,大约需要两小时(on foot,take)3.我正在公共汽车站等他.(wait for,bus stop)4.如果明天下雨,我们就坐地铁.(rain,subway)5.我认为他不会骑车.(think,ride)解析:1.上周我们坐火车去天津了.(by train,last week)Last week,...

1,miss,I'm busy, I will be late,Ok?2,I'm near to your home ,I will be late for 10 minutes at most, OK?3,did you find you missed to order something?4,if you have any special need, please tell handyman,they will write down what you need on a list ,such as ...

3. In this day and age,when the competition is on a global scale,a business must stay on top of its customers' needs and wants and deliver them .3。在当今这个年代里,竞争是在全球范围内,一个企业必须提供其客户的需求,并给予他们。4. With the advent of the Internet technology,...

1. I practice more and more.2. Tim is taller than me.3. She is one of the best students in our class.4. Orange is one of my favorite fruit(s).5. A tiger is more dangerous than a cat.

15. If I were a child again, I would learn to choose right from wrong. A smart child should be brave enough to say “no” to wrong things. I would stay away from bad friends.如果还是个孩子,我会从错误中寻找正确。 聪明的孩子应该勇敢地对坏事情说“不”。我会远离坏朋友。

5.As long as you promise to return, you can lend this book.6.It's easy to mix him with his brother, because they're twins.7.The price of the shoes range from 100 dollars to 300 dollars.8.He devoted his part time to learning English.9.This house consist of three ...

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岭东区13541817214: 翻译几个英文句子
宰贞芬司: 1,I made apopogize for my rude to our roommates. 2,We wish to receive yuor letter. 一般信件末尾用 look forward to hearing from u soon. 3,I have just completed a long poem in memory of her4,These children like to play jokes with their teachers.

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