
作者&投稿:威晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


( ) 1 Jacky Chan is very busy, so he goes to the movies.

A. always B. usually C. hardly ever D. often

( ) 2. I’m very because I don’t like exercise.

A. healthy B. health C. unhealthy D. healthily

( ) 3. —I have a toothache. —You should .

A. drink a lot of water B. see a dentist

C. drink hot tea with honey D. listen to the music

( ) 4—How long does it take you to watch English program every day?

—It me half an hour English program.

A. take, watch B. takes, watch C. takes, to watch D. take, to watch

( 5. — ? — I’m going with my friends.

A. What are you doing B. Where are you going

C. Who are you going with D. When are you going
( )6 We got over 1000 letters , faxes and e-mails from our readers. A. some B. more C. more than D. many )7. I have to go to a meeting. A. must B. has to C. need D. had to ( )8Please take care of yourself. A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look over ( )9. How about going fishing ? A. What about B. Why not 10. It is important to practice (speak) English.11.I am (real) angry. He is late again.12.My brother’s box is (heavy) of all.13.Do you mind (say) sorry to your brother.14. I think playing basketball is (excited).15. The students all stopped ___ (listen)to the teacher carefully when the class began.16. I think you are wrong. (同义句) I think you .17. Mary is going to work hard at Chinese this term.(对划线部分提问) he going to this term?18There is little water in the bottle.(变反意疑问句) There is little water in the bottle, ?19 I didn’t know about this. He told me last night.(用 not…until连接) I know about this he told me last night.20. You need have a rest now.(变为一般疑问句) you a rest now?


I. 词汇练习


1. d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plan; firm idea

2. s _ _ _ _ _ part of the television or cinema where the pictures appear

3. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wanting to know or learn about something because it is important to you

4. f _ _ _ _ _ _ always; at all times


1. My brother is very __________ about going to the Summer Palace for a holiday. (excite)

2. My football shoes are __________ out, so I need a new pair. (wear)

3. This suit is much __________ __________ than that one. (expensive)

4. It’s impossible that one doesn’t make any __________ all his life. (mistake)

5. Congratulations! You have finished this work __________. (success)

II. 用所给动词的正确形式填空,每个空格所填词数不限。

1. How about __________ on Sunday morning? (go, shop)

2. Would you like __________ the green coat on? (try)

3. You’d better __________ too much while do little. (not, talk)

4. I felt comfortable in this shirt, though it __________ me 158 yuan. (cost)

5. My brother told me that he __________ 5,000 English words by the end of last term. (learn)

6. Three men __________ down trees when I passed by. (cut)

7. The film __________ when I got to the cinema. (begin)

8. The camera cost so little that he __________ it. (buy)

9. Jack __________ his name on the paper yet. (not, write)

10. Don’t let us do too much homework, please. We need more time __________ our own things. (do)

III. 改写句子,使改写后的句意与原句意思相近。

1. What’s the price of this hat?

________ ________ is this hat?

2. What size do you need?

What size _______ you ________?

3. I got up very early yesterday to catch the early train.

I got up very early yesterday ______ ______ I ______ catch the early train.

4. The blouse cost much more than the trousers.

The trousers cost much ________ than the blouse.

The trousers didn’t cost ________ much ________ the blouse.

5. The big house is so expensive that I can’t buy it.

The big house isn’t ________ ________ for us ________ buy.

The big house is ________ expensive for us ________ buy.

6. “I saw him yesterday.” She said to me.

She ________ me that she ________ ________ him the day before.

7. My mother invited some other friends, too.

My mother invited some other friends ________ ________.

8. We borrowed a knife from Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang ________ a knife ________ ________.

9. Wang Fang hurried to school without having breakfast.

Wang Fang __________ to school _______ _______ _______ without having breakfast.

IV. 完成对话, 每空一词,缩写算一词。

WINNER: Hello, Hunter, welcome back! __1___was your holiday?

HUNTER: Hi, Winner. The holiday was lovely but I believe how __2___ the time went. I was away for three weeks but it seemed to be three days.

WINNER: __3___did you go?

HUNTER: Well, first, we went to Sydney, then to Perth. We then left Australia and had a __4___ in Singapore for a day before flying back to Hong Kong.

WINNER: Wow. What was your favourite place?

HUNTER: It's hard to say. Each place had something different and exciting to us.

WINNER: Did you meet many Australian people?

HUNTER: Well, we were lucky enough to stay with an Australian family. I now have an __5___ friend about the same age as me. Her name is Kathleen.

V. 阅读理解

To Zhang Li
Southern Street No. 4
Shamian Island
China 510133
Thursday 9 May 1995

Dear Zhang Li,

We have now been in Australia for five days. The plane trip was great. The weather here is lovely! People complain(抱怨)that it is too hot but it is not nearly as hot here as it's been at home lately. We were supposed to stay at a hotel in the city but we moved to Bondi Beach, which is 8 kilometres from the city. It takes half an hour by bus from the centre of Sydney. We’ve been swimming every day — the water here is so refreshing. Yesterday we went to Taronga Park Zoo which is only a short ferry ride across Sydney Harbour. We saw koalas (树袋熊) and kangaroos (袋鼠) and many other Australian animals. You wouldn't believe it, but while I was eating a sandwich for lunch a kookaburra (笑翠鸟) swooped down and stole my sandwich from the table right in front of me. We all laughed although it left me feeling a little bit hungry all afternoon. From the chair lift we had a close up view of the magnificent giraffes (长颈鹿). The animals in that zoo certainly have a great view of Sydney. From the elephant enclosure you can see the Harbour Bridge, the beautiful Opera House and the city of Sydney gleaming (若隐若现地) across the harbour. Tomorrow we are travelling to Greenville to stay with my host family. I miss you and will write again soon.

With love from your friend,

Liu Mei

( ) 1. On what day did Liu Mei arrive in Australia?

A. Sunday. B. Tuesday.

C. Friday. D. Saturday.

( ) 2. While Liu Mei is in Sydney she is staying _____

A. in a hotel in the city. B. at Bondi Beach.

C. in Melbourne. D. with her host family.

( ) 3. On what day did Liu Mei visit the zoo?

A. Monday. B. Tuesday.

C. Wednesday. D. Thursday.

( ) 4. What type of transport did Liu Mei use to travel to the zoo?

A. Plane. B. Train.

C. Ferry. D. Chairlift.

( ) 5. A "kookaburra" is most probably a type of _____

A. Bird. B. Kangaroo.

C. Dog. D. Giraffe.

( ) 6. Which of the following is the best word to describe how the kookaburra made Liu Mei feel?

A. Amused. B. Terrified.

C. Shocked. D. Angry.

( ) 7. Which of the following animals could Liu Mei see from the chairlift?

A. Koalas. B. Giraffes.

C. Elephants. D. Kangaroos.


Ⅰ. A)1. decision 2. screen 3. interest 4. forever

B)1. excited 2. worn 3. more expensive 4. mistakes 5. successfully

Ⅱ. 1. going shopping 2. to try 3. not talk 4. cost 5. had learnt/learned 6. were cutting 7. had begun 8. bought 9. hasn’t written 10. to do


5. 此处均指过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。

9. 此处应用现在完成时,因为后面出现了yet

10. 不定式作后置修饰语

Ⅲ. 1. How, much 2. would, like / do, want 3. so that, could 4. less, than; so/as, as 5. cheap enough, to; too, to 6. told, had, seen 7. as, well 8. lent, to, us 9. went, in, a, hurry

Ⅳ. 1. How 2. quickly 3. Where 4. stop 5. Australian

Ⅴ. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B

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线庙贝诺:[答案] 这是我在网上找的我认为比较经典的题目,包括选择题,句子转换等 ( ) 1 Jacky Chan is very busy,so he goes to the movies.A.always B.usually C.hardly ever D.often ( ) 2.I'm very because I don't like exercis...

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线庙贝诺:[答案] 你好这是我在网上找的我认为比较经典的题目,包括选择题,句子转换等 ( ) 1 Jacky Chan is very busy,so he goes to the movies. A.always B.usually C.hardly ever D.often ( ) 2.I'm very because I don't like exercise. A.healthy B.health C.unhealthy D....

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