
作者&投稿:岛迹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hallo,everyone.My name is XXX. Today I will introduce one of my friends.
I have a good friend. She is a pretty und cute girl.She is my classmate.She has a pair of big and bright eyes,which seem as if they can speak.Under her small lovely nose there is a litte naughty mouth.She is tall and thin.She likes listening to music and reading books.Sometimes we listen to music together.She likes summer.Because she can swim in the summer holiday.
She is a good student,she is good at English.Everybody loves her very much!
We will be good friends forever!

Want to learn Chinese, can go to Chinese classes, with professional teachers, can learn fast, of course, but if you don't want to attend to self-study, also can. Chinese newspapers and periodicals usually look, and often read, for your Chinese learning is a great advantage. Another study sing Chinese songs, also can quickly learn English, because can entertainment learning, won't feel bored, will also interesting. Some Chinese friends into more with them in English conversation, will you go to learn Chinese is very good. This is some methods of learning Chinese, the hope can help you.想要学习中文,可以去参加中文学习班,有专业的老师教,可以学的很快的,当然如果不想参加,而想自学的话,也是可以的。平时看看中文报纸和书刊,并时常读一读,对你的中文学习是有很大的好处的。另外学唱中文歌曲,也是可以很快的学会中文的,因为可以一边娱乐一边学习,不会感到乏味,学的也会有趣的。交一些中国的朋友多与他们用英语去交谈,会对你学习中文有很大的好处的。这是学习中文的一些方法,希望能够帮到你。

An unforgetable moment with my friend

It was a rainy day, and I didn't feel like doing anything. Mom and Dad had a big fight. They argued because they both care about me. Dad was very strict with me. He wanted me to go to the key high school, so he made me do a lot of homework and exercises. I'm too tired and he gave me too much kpressure. Mom loves me too much to see me loaded with the heavy tasks. So they quarelled, and I was unhappy. Luckily, my friend (Sam) came to me.
He comfort me with his sweet and soft words, he took me to a park for a walk, and he told me funny jokes when we threw our umbrella away and laughed heartily as if we were crazy. Finally, the rain stopped. He fixed his eyes on me and said with a firm look, " Now you should be strong enough to face it yourself." I couldn't say a word but I would never forget the encouragement in his eyes. I'm grateful that he was there when I need him. It's an unforgetable moment, an unforgetable moment with my kind, thoughtful friend!



一 我和我的朋友的故事作文600字 小时候,我以为朋友就是与我一起分享食物,与我一起玩耍的伙伴,对真正的朋友并没有太多的理解与认识。后来,我认识了小D,我们朝夕相伴,一起学习,一起玩耍,一起感受成长的快乐与痛苦,成为真正的好朋友。 去年暑假的一天中午,我正要吃午饭,电话 *** 急促的响了起来,我赶紧抓...

与朋友一起走过的日子作文1 他们,是值得我回忆一生的人;他们,是值得我留念一世的人。他们陪伴着我,在我的童年里留下了美好的回忆! 他们,不仅是我的同学,更是我的好友。 与朋友一起走过走过的日子,有欢乐,有悲伤,有痛苦,还有幸福……岁月匆匆,带走了稚气,带走了童真,却带不走这些五彩的记忆。 记得当年,我与...

一件我和朋友的事作文 我和朋友之间发生的一件事作文
我无语,心中感慨万千。 小小,让我对朋友又有了更进一步的理解。朋友不仅是 、 、无话不谈。更重要的是能互相帮助,互相鼓励,共同进步。 朋友像黑暗中的一盏灯,照亮你迷茫的前程。朋友像冬日里的一束 ,带给你光亮和温暖。 “吃饭重要 重要!”。小小的话时常会在我耳边响起,时刻提醒我,好朋友要真诚相待, ...

以下是三篇英语作文,供大家参考。 第一篇英语作文 写作思路: 这封信是给一个朋友的,主要内容是分享自己在大学里的生活经历和感受。首先介绍了大学生活的不同之处,然后谈到自己的课程、社交和兴趣爱好,最后表达了对未来的期待和建议。 英语原文: Title: A Letter to My Friend Dear friend, How are you doing...

我和陈明是好朋友。一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩,陈明不小心把我的摔坏了。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常生气,一把夺过他的小木船,使劲地摔在地上,用脚踩得粉碎,一把抓起书包,头也不回就 走了。我们的友谊从此破裂了。晚上,我躺在床上想,为什么我不听他解释呢?为什么 ...


你是最好的朋友作文600字 1. 友谊如一盏灯,照亮你的心灵;友谊如指路人,在你茫然的时候,指引着你前进;友谊如一朵鲜花,芳香我们的心灵;友谊如……人的一生,不能没有朋友,朋友,他能赶走了我心中的寂寞和痛苦,给我带来欢乐。 朋友,他使我远离冷漠、虚假。 朋友他给我无数的信心和快乐。 他,浓浓的眉毛下衬托...

我和朋友的作文1:我和朋友的一件事 我和王芊滋是亲密无间的好朋友,我们一起学习一起玩耍,我们争吵过,也快乐过。记得有一次放学以后,我们排著整齐的队伍从校门口出发,走到了办证中心,我无意中把手拍在了王芊滋的肩膀上,正好被蒋老师看见了,扣了分,在路上我们 一直责怪蒋老师为什么给我们...

还有一次,我们去骑自行车,在一个拐角时,我不小心受伤了,腿磕破了,还流了许多血。你马上跑回家,拿了药和绷带,给我包扎上。那天,是我最感动的一天。 这些事你都还记得吗?如今,你搬家了,希望我们的友谊永远不要“搬家”,希望我们永远不要忘记这段美好的回忆。 二 我与好朋友的故事的作文急急急急急急急急...

1. 《我和朋友之间的故事》作文怎样写 乌黑、柔软的长发;白泽的脸上长着一双忽闪忽闪的大眼睛,水灵灵的,总是用纯洁的眼光望着你;高高的鼻梁下,有一张能说会道的小嘴。 朋友之间的故事 我有一个知心朋友,她叫唐冰蝶。我和她是三年级认识的,从那时候开始一直打打闹闹到现在。 唐冰蝶长得很漂亮。乌黑、柔软...

万宁市18630878352: 和朋友之间发生的事英语作文800单词,急急急!题目my closet friend -
蔡成益心: doday, I want to tell you a story,which is about my best friend and me, maybe it's not so wonderful, but it's really unforgetable.Here we go:It was a sunday,rainny and windy, my friend and I went to a restaurant to have a meal,for our parents are all ...

万宁市18630878352: 求一篇英语文章,写好朋友,或写一件事!急急急急急急!! -
蔡成益心: hallo,everyone.My name is XXX. Today I will introduce one of my friends.I have a good friend. She is a pretty und cute girl.She is my classmate.She has a pair of big and bright eyes,which seem as if they can speak.Under her small lovely nose there ...

万宁市18630878352: 你和你的朋友在寒假做什么 英文作文 不少五句 急急急 -
蔡成益心: My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends . Sometimes we go shopping.One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have ...

万宁市18630878352: 急急急!求英语作文题目是我和朋友们的日常生活,不少于11句话 -
蔡成益心: I have a lot of good friends. They are all very nice people and we always help each other. At school,when I have trouble in my study,they always teach me how to solve them. When I am sick ,they concern me about my health. When i feel sad,they are ...

万宁市18630878352: 我和我的好朋友经常做的事,英语作文带翻译. -
蔡成益心: My Good Friend Zhang Ying is my good friend. She's in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She's a model student. She's clever and she's helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, ...

万宁市18630878352: 英语作文你和你朋友的日常生活 -
蔡成益心: In the weekend, I like to go shopping with my friends.We buy a lot of things, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, sometimes my friends protects me buying too much candy, she says it will do harm to my health. Though I am not happy, I accept it. Going shopping with my mother makes me so happy.

万宁市18630878352: 帮写my friends为题目的英语小作文~~急急急急~!! -
蔡成益心: My friends I have four best friends.They are (name of the four friends).We usually play together,and It's very funny to be with them.We help each other out from trouble and they are really my sincere friends.If there are sometimes problems between two ...

万宁市18630878352: 急急急!!!初一英语作文:讲述你和你的好朋友的日常生活(用一般现在时态和三单现) -
蔡成益心: I have a good friend .We stay together every day.In weekdays ,we go to school happily and go home .When we have time we often go to the park to help the olds.At weekends ,we usually drive to the zoo,because we want to see the animals,for we love animals very muvh.

万宁市18630878352: 关于我和我的朋友的英语作文、带翻译、急急急

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