
作者&投稿:郅霭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Summary:In the ordinary people's thought idea, so-called"network bank" is to leave our real life faraway, the principle turns of, the numeral turns of virtual bank.Just before several years, this concept be still we don't acquaint with.However, make widely available quickly in the network, today seeped through social every trade, network bank already among the ignoramus walked into social activities, and bring about the influence that can't neglect on people's social activities.The on-line bank start of China in February,1996;The Chinese bank built up own web page in 1997, releasing on-line bank"1" at the same year, becoming the first bank for getting to the Internet of domestic;Canvass business in 1998 the bank initiative release "1" to get to run a net a top a financial industry in the domestic, the four greatest commercial banks follow quickly, the business opens an exhibition of vivid.Currently our country of on-line bank the service is an additional net generally in the traditional bank the service up the service function, can provide the search, internal bank account funds of the search, bank account detail of the bank account surplus amount to transfer for the customer, foreign land telegraphic transfer, mail transfer, act for charge's etc. a basic finance a service, and net top shopping square, act for insurance, stock and foreign exchange bargain etc. comprehensive sex finance service.
The network bank broke traditional financial district boundary and timespace boundary, providing all-weather and all-directions financial service system and whole distanceses to hand over a type, characteristic finance to serve with each other for the customer.
This text for the development present condition of network bank, the existent problem reached agreement the development foreground of[with] counterplan and network bank to definitely do to analyze and inquiry into in brief in the development.

Keyword:Network bank;The finance serves;Safe technique;Numerical certificate;Pay on the net

校园网在校园网deploymentwe Procera部署描述。校园网络的许多事件的动态环境occurringacross网络。校园和企业网络的网络政策非常复杂,因此容易出错,使他们一个很好的主题fordeploying环柄菇。乔治亚理工学院校园网要求每一个未注册的最后hostdevice接受认证过程通过认证的门户网站。提供一个用户名和密码认证成功后,该装置isscanned可能存在的漏洞。如果没有被发现,该装置finallygranted访问内部网络和Internet。这种简化的版本的实际网络政策还涉及到一个复杂的机制,从多个外部工具requiresinput。特别是,该技术依赖于吉奥GIA的校园网的虚拟局域网(VLAN)技术,在unregisteredandregistered装置是由不同的VLAN域分离。基于认证和扫描的结果,从两种不同的VLAN域设备来回移动,和网络交换机部署在网络上有不断下载最新VLAN地图中央的VLAN managementserver(VMPS)来执行正确的转发行为。

The estimated costs of certain worm and virus instances are summarized in Table 1.1.

Nearly all major worm or virus outbreaks have cost billions of dollars.



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