
作者&投稿:孙胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The different people attitude having diversity to retiring. Some people thinks that the queen who retires can enjoy the old age life well. But having withdrawn from really down, they lose hope then a little bit. They are unreconciled to resign self to desting in seeing self will be thrown to good-for-nothing stack, try to look for a thing to do the afterheat coming to bring self into play in addition, to continue getting invisible income. The another a few people is prepared for a such a lifetime middle significant alteration morning then. Their lifetime is looked after for the job , now utterly exhausted, long to be able to slacken the tensioning string after retiring , have a rest well. Need to be Angst rising in rank no longer since needing the morning in every day to go to have caught up with a bus no longer,they can have sufficient time to go to run after the fond dream time childhood , draw maps , cultivate flowers , travel far and wide if writing a book. By and large, the woman wants to like to retire more ratio the man. They are over one kind home life completely after retiring , do not feel dreadful looking like the man.

My favorite book is white teeth, he tells of a Wolf from merciless, savage, until the process by humans to tame. I like the book.

Once you are slightly familiar with the Americans, you would find them still frank and lovable like a big kid. The Americans regard themselves as humorous people; if you criticize him for not enterprising and hopeless, he may counter that you are caught up with materialism and fame, ignorant of the true meaning of life and pity you; but if you brand him as an idiot with no sense of humor, he would definitely take it as a great humiliation.
The Americans, whether old or young, men or women, whenever or wherever they are chatting or striking up a conversation, the goal is to have fun and so the norm is to have dialogues in a light and easy ambience. Sometimes, you see a group of people bustling and tittering with joy, you may think that they are old friends having a gathering; as a matter of fact, they can be acquaintances of less than ten minutes.

One important point of the American nationals is their credibility (of course I am not saying all of them are men of honor); this is due to the fact that the U.S. economy and social status are established on the basis of personal integrity. If you joke about this and accuse him of being a cheat or dishonest, he may immediately turn hostile – Americans can fall out with you in no time, without sparing your feelings.


A moment after the familiar with American, you will find that they are still candor cute like a big kid. People in the United States set up for a sense of humor people, if you scold him be ignorant and incompetent good for nothing, instead, he think you be material and fame have tired, do not know the true life association and have mercy on you, But if you scold him idiotic have no sense of humor, he would have felt great shame. Americans old and young, men and women, no time no, talk to each other chat up, to make fun of is the goal, lets the language environment with ease as criterion. Sometimes you see a group of people the xi hip-hop admire jollification thought are old friends in the party, in fact they know each other time probably haven't ten minutes.

The United States national important point is very credibility (of course, not all americans are creditworthy), because the American economic and social status is based on personal credit on the basis of. If you in this respect and he joked that he cheat people, is not honest, he will soon fall out - the United States people say over face turned over face, no persons whatsoever.


3、 “我该怎么办呢?我不知道他会不会来。我不想给他打电话说我看不懂他写的什么。”她跟她丈夫说。她丈夫想了一会儿,然后想出了一个办法。4、“谢谢你。这是一个好主意。”他妻子说。她去到一家药房,将纸条递给药房人员。那人仔细的看了看纸条,然后礼貌地说:“女士,请您等一下。”...

下面这段话请大家帮忙 翻译下 百度在线翻译的看不懂,谢谢了
我已经习惯于她的做法,并且我已经向我的父亲保证了要好好生活。冷静地接受了她的离开,我认为经过这些日子,她将会疲惫地回来,我需要做的只是等待,这等待,也不会太长。但这次我错了,她把我放在另一个first class(可有多种翻译,应结合上下文)放了四年。四年了,全是徒劳。四年,足够忘记一...

谁能帮我翻译一下这段话。“大家好,今天是我的十岁生日,我现在非常高 ...
hello everybody!today is my 10 birthday,I am very happy for you come to my birthday party!

16 我和朋友共进午餐的时候,我问她那日理万机的繁忙日程怎么样了。她说她为自己制定了一套严格的新规则——每周至少调减三项任务——她在练习做个懒鬼。她发誓不再同时处理多项任务,而是尝试统一处理。尽管她承认这非常困难。然后她邀请我午饭后一起去花园中心。17 It would have been fun, I ...

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求助日语高手翻译一下这段话 (尽量简洁)

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成王熊妇康:[答案] 稍一熟悉美国人之后,你会发现他们仍旧直率可爱象个大小孩.美国人自命为富有幽默感的民族,如果你骂他不学无术没出息,他反而认为你被物质和名誉所累,不懂得生活的真缔而可怜你;可是如果你骂他呆头呆脑没有幽默感,他一定会感到莫大的...

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成王熊妇康: 用4千克的桶装2次向11千克的桶加,者11千克桶有8千克水.再用4千克的桶装满水将11千克的桶加满,者4千克桶剩下一千克水. 清空11千克的桶,让4千克桶中的一千克水倒入,再满装4千克的水再装入11千克中,就得到5千克的水 写出来太繁了

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成王熊妇康: 13岁的布鲁克马丁看到他饿的金毛犬卡伊啦变得更加的放松,甚至他不在家的时候.马丁发明了一台设备叫icpooch ,它能够让宠物主人和宠物视频聊天,并且通过遥控给宠物喂食.当狗主人下载icpooch软件到智能手机里,他或她就能连接到家...

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成王熊妇康: History is a process of continuous advance.Broken city walls tell us that the powerful empire has already gone and that those glory days would never come back. What history remains to us are vague memory of its past and a whole new city park with ...

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成王熊妇康: 大概意思是这样的,我自己翻译的:안녕하십니까.您好吗?이미 아시는분도 계시리라 생각됩니다만 저는 회사의 인사명령에 의해 7월1일부로 나고야지사장으로부임하게 되었습니다正如大家所知道的,根据公司的人事命令我7月1日就要到名古...

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沿滩区13239478294: 财富值是什么?悬赏分有什么用 -
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