
作者&投稿:贠司 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

tell sb. to do sth;Inform SB to do sth
例句:Tell Xiao Li to check the water meter

数以万计的 hundreds of thousands of 通知某人某事 inform sb. of sth

1.ask sb to do sth.

I'm calling to ask you to attend a press conference at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

2.notify sb to do sth.
We'll notify her to draw up a contract.

inform sb of doing/about sth不就好了

1. ask sb to do sth
2. notify sb to do sth
3. inform sb of doing sth
4. advise sb to do sth
5. tell sb to do sth


1. tell sb. to do

2. instruct sb. to do

3. notify sb. to do

4. inform sb. to do

ask sb. to do sth.

suggest\/advise+doing sth 表示建议做某事。如:He advised\/suggested going to the park. 他建议去公园。suggest\/advise (that)+sb+(should)+do sth 表示建议某人做某事。加了括号的that,should 可以省略,这种结构中,从句要用虚拟语气,所以用了should +动词原形do。如:He suggested that we ...

warn sb of sth警告某人某事;警告某人有某情况;提醒某人(有危险的或有不良后果的事);预先通知;告诫 1.warn sb against doing告诫某人不要...;堤防 告戒某人不要做某事 警告某人别做某事 2.warn sb about doing sth警告某人做某事 3.warn sb not to do=warn sb against doing sth警告某人不...

42、本人爱女于某年某月某人举行大婚,地点:某酒楼,敬请各位亲友参加观礼,望届时光临,喝杯薄酒,特此感谢! 43、有到你的祝福,我开心了;欢乐和你分享,我...请允许我,代表我的妻子,代表全家,向各位的远道而来,表达最真诚的感谢,感谢大家,百忙之中前来参加小女的婚礼。在这样一个处处洋溢着幸福的日子里,做为父(...

write to给某人写信。 b)动词(+sth.)+to+sb. announce to通知某人, describe to向某人描述, explain to向某人解释, express to对某人表达, mention to提及, nod to向某人点头, report to报告, say to告知, shout to对某人大叫, suggest to对某人提建议,speak to与某人交谈, talk to跟某人谈话, whisper ...

want sb to do sth。重点词汇 want 英 [wɒnt] 美 [wɑːnt]vt. 需要;希望;应该;缺少。n. 需要;缺乏;贫困;必需品。vi. 需要;缺少。近义词:claim 英 [kleɪm] 美 [kleɪm]v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,...

will 和be going to的区别
be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别:一、 两者均可用来表示将来的意图,但"be going to"结构语义稍强些。例如:They are going to climb the Qomolangma one day.他们准备\/想将来某一天去爬珠穆朗玛峰。二、对于事先经过考虑的打算、计划、意图, 应...

1暴露于-- 2附加-- 3使--变成 4通知某人某事 5目标受众 6适合 7干某...
其实有些短语有很多不同表达方法,不同语境使用的词组不同,我给你列出比较常用,通用的 1 be exposed in 2 add(做动词), be attched as(被动), addition(名词),appendix(附录)3 turn (change)。。。into 4 inform(notify) somebody something 5 audience(目标受众就是观众听众,如果要...


826 吾本善良男子,来自远方村子,想过奢侈日子,种田怕脏裤子,办厂没有底子,贩毒没有胆子,乞讨怕丢面子,只有去做鸭子! 幽默搞笑824 丈夫回家,打开衣橱,一...56 某人骑车上街,过一路口,撒把前行。 交警看见,惊呼:“手掌、手掌”某人高兴地挥手作答:“同志们辛苦了!”57 最近总是想你,我知道这样不好,但不把...

通知某人做某事train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事trouble sb. to do sth. 费事某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事warn sb. to do sth. 正告某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型:汉语说:“惧怕某人做某事”,但英语不说fear sb. ...

安庆市17844119969: 有没有inform sb.of doing sth.告知某人某事 可以说inform sb.of sth.那告知某人做某事 怎么说呢 有inform sb.of doing sth. -
语韦乌苯:[答案] inform的用法:inform sb.of sth.告知某人某事 inform sb.that/wh-…告知某人 inform sb.+疑问词+不定式 e.g.The singer informed us of their arrival.歌手们把他们到来的消息告诉了我们.The nurse informed me that visiting ...inform sb to do

安庆市17844119969: 通知某人做某事的英语短语怎么说?怎么说?注意是短语 -
语韦乌苯:[答案] notify sb of sth notify sth to sb楼上的错勒! give sb notice send word to sb

安庆市17844119969: 要求某人去做某事用英文怎么表达? -
语韦乌苯: have sb. do sth.demand (that) sb. (should) do sth.make sb. do sth.request sb. to do sth.urge sb. to do sth.force sb. to do sth.order sb. to do sth.够多了吧,而且语法绝对准确,注意demand是不能跟sb. to do sth.的,只能用虚拟语气,但可以省略that和should.

安庆市17844119969: 邀请别人做某事的表达方式 -
语韦乌苯: 投其所好,从认知开始,逐步达成共识,再进一步表达自己的想法,别人才更容易接受

安庆市17844119969: 要求某人去做某事用英文怎么表达?除 conduct sb.to do /command sb.to do/ ask sb.to do/ require sb.to do /之外的, -
语韦乌苯:[答案] have sb.do sth.demand (that) sb.(should) do sth.make sb.do sth.request sb.to do sth.urge sb.to do sth.force sb.to do sth.order sb.to do sth.够多了吧,而且语法绝对准确,注意demand是不能跟sb.to do sth.的,...

安庆市17844119969: 英语 让某人做某事的所有表达形式? -
语韦乌苯:[答案] ask sb to do sth tell sb to do sth make sb do sth let sb do sth require sb to do sth have sb do sth或者have sb done sth

安庆市17844119969: 通知某人做某事的英语短语怎么说?
语韦乌苯: notify sb of sth notify sth to sb楼上的错勒! give sb notice send word to sb

安庆市17844119969: “告诉某人去做某事”和“对某事感兴趣”的两个短语怎么写?如题 -
语韦乌苯:[答案] tell sb to do sth be interested in sth/doing sth

安庆市17844119969: 通知某人做某事 和注意某人怎么说 -
语韦乌苯: 数以万计的 hundreds of thousands of 通知某人某事 inform sb. of sth

安庆市17844119969: tell的用法tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告诉某人某事tell sb to do sth 意为“告诉某人去做某事”怎么不同呀,有什么不一样吗? -
语韦乌苯:[答案] 当然不一样啦. tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告诉某人某事 显然这件事情已发生过或将要发生,但不需要被通知者去完成;如She tells me a thing that...=She tells a thing to me.而tell sb to do sth 意为“告诉某人去做某事”,即事情需要被通知者完成~如:She ...

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