描写一个地方的景色英语作文 (带翻译)

作者&投稿:褒祥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
描写一个地方的景色英语作文 不要大写,有翻译 好的重赏~


There are many places of interest in Jining.Such as Confucius Mansion ,Confucius Temple and Confucian Cemetery .There is Mencius Temple in Jining,too.These places are
educationnal with a long history. There are the Grand Canal ,Taibai Pavilion,Mount Liang and Weishan Lake and so on.They are so beautiful that I can't describe.Also,there,you will enjoy the good restaurants and delicious special food.The weather in Jining is warm .There are often some clouds in the sky.
How beautiful Jining is!

The big city has one hundred thousand population, the city has a very clean streets. No air and water pollution, the whole city has a very low level of environmental pollution. A high level of education's people are living in the city, whom are obeying the traffic rule and polite to others all the time. The polices always help and take care of their people, the government offers the great social welfare to over 60 year-old people.
I wish my country is a the cleanest country in the world.
People like to live in a No air and water pollution place.
Why the polices can beat and kill an innocent person?
Do you want to get a high leve of education?
After sixty years old, I don't want to work any more.


Beautiful sceneryDuring the summer vacation, my mother took me to the south of the Yangtze River tourism.The good, the beautiful scenery, I still can not forget.One morning, I watch the sunrise on the Bank of the river, that river deep blue is blue eyes. Not for a moment, Water-day phase transfer line of golden light, the sky aglow. Clouds are red.The sky, the sun seems to carry the burden of a longitudinal vertical upward, finally out of water, with a dazzling light, to open her eyes. At this time, as long as we raised his head can see the birds in the sky fly.Riverside flowers also seems to be in the sun with the bright colors: orange, red, pink, purple·· · · · ·they were open to us smiling.At this time, the golden Canna will water bearing on the blue river lining up, looks so sweet and charming, is really indulge in pleasures without stop. Look at it from a distance, like a blue ribbon.The scenery is so beautiful, so an indulge in pleasures without stop!
一天早晨,我在江边观看日出,当时江水深蓝色好是蓝蓝的 眸子。不到一会,水天相接的交接线出现了金色的亮光,天空一片通红。白云也被染红了。

自己动手 丰衣足食


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