他会游泳么 英语

作者&投稿:承军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He always goes swimming.

Can he swim?/Is he able to swim?/Does he know how to swim?

译为“Can he swim?”

Can he swim?

1.Can he swim?
2.Is he able to swim?
3.复杂的句子:Does he know how to swim?

Can he swim?

忻府区13249995333: 他会游泳吗?怎么用英语表达?? -
沙郑盐酸: 回答和翻译如下:can he swim?他会游泳吗?

忻府区13249995333: 他会游泳用英语怎么说,swim 和swimming有什么区别,分别用在什么后 -
沙郑盐酸: He can swim,swim和swimming的区别为意思不同、用法不同、词性不同,使用时,不是用在什么词后,而是用在什么时态,swim用于一般现在时,swimming用于现在进行时. 一、意思不同 1、swim:游水,游泳,游泳(作为娱乐),游. 2...

忻府区13249995333: 小学英语句型中英汇总 -
沙郑盐酸: 1. I (She/He) can swim.我(她/他)会游泳.2. Can you (she/he/Danny) dive ? Yes, I (she/he) can. No, I (she/he) can't.你(她/他/ Danny)会跳水吗?是的,我(她/他)会的.不,我(她/他)不会.3. How old are you? I'm ten years old.你几岁...

忻府区13249995333: 他不会游泳,我也不会,用英语怎么说 -
沙郑盐酸: 正确说法:He can't swim. Neither can I.(Neither 表否定)如果是“他会游泳,我也会.”就要这样说:He can swim. So can I.(so表肯定)用来表示某种情况也适合自己.

忻府区13249995333: 一些英语问题
沙郑盐酸: 我没入团.I did't take part in the communist youth league. I did't join the communist youth league. 他会游泳 He can swim, He is able to swim. 那位音乐家在弹钢琴. The musician is playing the piano. 骗我是错的.It's not good to deceive me ...

忻府区13249995333: 将下列句子翻译成英语1.我会弹吉他2.小明会游泳3.他会说英语吗?是的他会.4.她会跳舞吗?不,她不会.5.你 -
沙郑盐酸: 1. I'll play the guitar 2. Xiao Ming can swim 3. He can speak English? Yes he will. 4. She can dance? No, she can't. 5 What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.

忻府区13249995333: 他擅长游泳的英文he does well in swim? -
沙郑盐酸:[答案] He is good at swimming.(be good at doing sth擅长做某事)

忻府区13249995333: 汉译英:1.他会下象棋.2.Jane会游泳.3.你会弹吉他吗?4.他不会讲故事.5.你会做什么?6 -
沙郑盐酸: He can play chess. Jane can swim. Can you play the guitar? He can't tell stories. What can you do? What does Jane want to do? I want to make friends with Tom. Does Alan want to join the sports club? What club do you want to join? What club does...

忻府区13249995333: hao can he swim 是什么意思 -
沙郑盐酸: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:hao can he swim 正确拼写:How can he swim 翻译: 他哪能游泳?他怎么能够游泳呢?How can:怎么能够;哪能;怎会永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

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