
作者&投稿:潘吉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



My hometown is a base where the glucose is very famous, also very delicious, you can see with violet crystal light of grapes

We are of pengshan where a famous scenic spot, the whole city is a monitor, mountain scenery in the observatory, looking down from the more beautiful.

Da peng mountain lake, the lake is clear, reflecting the pengshan, give a person a kind of beautiful scenery, which is our water lake.

And the world's longest sea-crossing bridge is in us, not only to the bridge cixi with many interests we cixi city, ningbo, Shanghai to the closer.

We also built in da peng below a 5 star hotel, and a park, built in the playground, and on Angle mountain lake, in the beautiful scenery, and have an exciting rides. This is very rare.

Because of my hometown by the sea, so all seafood, delicacies, night breeze blowing, comfortable life, make the person of experience to relax.

He gave me some books.主语 谓语 直接宾语 间接宾语 She asked me to lend her a hand.主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 He made me to lend her a hand.主语 谓语 宾语 宾补 Please make yourself at home.谓语 宾语 宾补 He make himself known to them.主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足...

1、采菊东南下,悠然见南山。(陶渊明)(秋天) 2、人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。(秋天)(王维)3、竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。(春天)(苏轼)4、黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。(夏天)(赵师秀)5、鹅湖山下稻粱肥,豚栅鸡栖半掩扉。(王驾) 6、独出门前望野田,月明荞麦花如雪。...

(1)写出A与E的化学式:A C或O 2 ,E CaCO 3 (2)写出D→E的化学方程式 Na 2 CO 3 +Ca(OH)2 =2NaOH+CaCO 3 ↓ (3)写出G→H的化学方程式 Fe+CuCl 2 =FeCl 2 +Cu (4)图中反应①、②、③的共同反应物有 氧气,且该物质可以与一种被认为是最清洁的燃料反应转化为F,此反...

第一题:5升=5立方分米 15cm=1.5dm 所以放入铁块后的体积为2X2X1.5=6立方分米 所以铁块的体积为 6-5=1立方分米 第二题:正方形铁块的体积为14X14X14=2744立方厘米 长方形的底面积为2744除以49=56立方厘米 石头的体积为:56X3.5=196立方厘米 第三题:土的体积为56X24X2=2688立方...

电源:最好加点钱把电源换成 350 或400 显示器:你自己选牌子19 LCD 1500 CPU:AMD X2 4400+ 内存:KINGBOX DDRII 800 1G 硬盘:ST 7200.10 16OG SATAII 机箱:自己选择 电源:世纪之星 自由战士IV 主板:Abit K9NS 显卡:翔升7600GS OF 显示器:Philips 170V7 键鼠:微软精巧500 CPU AMD Athlon64...

我 欲乘风奔卿去,爱 恐惊卿花容开。贝 贝送暖花飞季,丹 青留墨信步来。一 夜伴盏渐入醉,生 逢今世祝英台。一 支笙箫歌一曲,世 间独愿卿入怀。藏头诗讲究句首藏头,句尾押韵。含义深远,朗朗上口。本诗乃绞尽脑汁所做,绝非软件生成。如有问题,敬请追问。如若满意,万望采纳!



Zhuhai's leap opportunity - - Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is one connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao's cross-ocean bridge. After the bridge completes is open to traffic, Zhuhai to Hong Kong only needs 20 minutes. With Hong Kong distance's ...


渭南市18218025475: 请各位大侠高手帮我把下面中文翻译成日语(日文),万分感谢!! -
释澜参百: 别注仕様の生地ですので仕入先の工场何か所を闻いてみましたが、同じ生地はありません. この生地は以前作ったことあります.拡大のサンプルを作ってもよろしいですか? また、元のサンプルを送っていただけますか?生地の工场に分析してもらいたいです.

渭南市18218025475: 英语翻译请帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,及用1.你在广州住了多长时间?5天.什么时候后来的?上周日下午2.你什么时候去超市啊?你去过那么?去过,我... -
释澜参百:[答案] 1.你在广州住了多长时间?How long are you staying in Guangzhou? 5天.Five Days 什么时候后来的?When did you arrive? 上周日下午 Last Monday afternoon 2.你什么时候去超市啊?When are you going to the supermarket? 5分钟以后吧 Maybe ...

渭南市18218025475: 英语翻译求英语达人把下面的中文翻译成英语,他为班级做了很多贡献.在上周六下午,他不顾天气炎热,为班级选购了歌咏比赛的服装,他为大家做了很多.... -
释澜参百:[答案] He made plenty of contribution for the class.On Saturday afternoon, he ignored the so hot weather to choose and buy clothes for singing competition.He actually did so much for the class.The students are very happy,admiring him from their heart.His ...

渭南市18218025475: 求把下面的中文翻译成中文!天使·微笑 天使的微笑 是那么甜美 让我睁不开双眼 你就像个天使 身后展开白色羽翼 从天而降 带给我幸福 谢谢你 给我这么多欢... -
释澜参百:[答案] Angel · smile Angel's smile Was so sweet Let me cannot open the eyes You are like an angel Behind him on white wings from Bring me happiness Thank you Give me so much happiness Thank you Let me know how to love You smile instant The world...

渭南市18218025475: 请各位高手帮忙把下面中文翻译成英语句子,...
释澜参百: look!so many people are taking photoes on the Great Wall They are waiting for the bus hurry up or you will be late the news make us very happy like you,we want to hold a banquet next weekend.

渭南市18218025475: 求高手帮忙把下面中文翻译成英文 -
释澜参百: 英文翻译:If one day, you picked up the "Aladdin lamp", it can only complete a desire, that is, you can become a person.This person can be a great celebrity, can be obscure cleaners, can be ancient people, and so on.Please say who you want ...

渭南市18218025475: 谁能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英语~~ 想要语气委婉点的...多谢拉~!! -
释澜参百: The company has made the notebook computer in place which is special for you, and you can use it at any time when you are back.

渭南市18218025475: 求高手帮忙把下面的中文翻译成英文
释澜参百: I am on my way to go out for shopping and help sent your book back to library . I will come back until 5pm.There is a message from sara's phone call at 10am this morning:She cancelled the appointment of tomorrow morning in the cafe' due to some ...

渭南市18218025475: 哪个英语高手能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文?急用,急用,谢谢!
释澜参百: this photo was taken at river bank last year ,it scene was fine at that time , I was fourteen years old, long hair, big eyes , very lovely I like this photo very much

渭南市18218025475: 请大家帮我把下面的这句中文翻译成英文,谢谢!请大家帮我把这句中文翻译成英文,谢谢!她是我以前的女朋友.我们很多年没有联系了.我现在已经在中国... -
释澜参百:[答案] 嘻嘻我来试试 She was my former girlfriend.We haven't contacted with each other for many years.I was married in China and my son is 3 years old now.另外我觉得她是我以前的女朋友 还可以翻译成S...

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