急需一篇贝多芬的简介(英文版) (24句)?

作者&投稿:常邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the second-oldest child of the court musician and tenor singer Johann van Beethoven, was born in Bonn. Ludwig's father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of showcasing him as a child prodigy. Ludwig gave his first public performance as a pianist when he was eight years old. At the age of eleven he received the necessary systematic training in piano performance and position from Christian Gottlob Neefe, organist and court musician in Bonn. Employed as a musician in Bonn court orchestra since 1787, Beethoven was granted a paid leave of absence in the early part of 1787 to study in Vienna under Mozart. he was soon pelled to return to Bonn, however, and after his mother's death had to look after the family.
In 1792 he chose Vienna as his new residence and took lessons from Haydn, Albrecht *** erger, Schenck and Salieri. By 1795 he had earned a name for himself as a pianist of great fantasy and verve, admired in particular for his brilliant improvisations. Before long he was traveling in the circles of the nobility. They offered Beethoven their patronage, and the poser dedicated his works to them in return. By 1809 his patrons provided him with an annuity which enabled him to live as a freelance poser without financial worries. Beethoven was acutely interested in the development of the piano. He kept close contact with the leading piano building firms in Vienna and London and thus helped pave the way for the modern concert grand piano.
Around the year 1798 Beethoven noticed that he was suffering from a hearing disorder. He withdrew into increasing seclusion for the public and from his few friends and was eventually left pletely deaf. By 1820 he was able to municate with visitors and trusted friends only in writing, availing himself of "conversation notebooks".
The final years in the life of the restless bachelor (he changed living quarters no fewer than fifty-two times) were darkened by severe illness and by the struggle over the guardianship of his nephew Karl, upon whom he poured his solicitude, jealousy, expectations and threats in an effort to shape the boy according to his wishes. When the most famous poser of the age died, about thirty thousand mourners and curious onlookers were present at the funeral procession on March 26, 1827.,3,


路德维希·凡·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770年12月16日-1827年3月26日),出生于德国波恩,毕业于波恩大学,欧洲古典主义时期作曲家,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一。 贝多芬一生创作题材广泛,重要作品包括9部交响曲、1部歌剧、32首钢琴奏鸣曲、5首钢琴协奏曲、多首管弦乐序曲及小提琴、大提琴奏鸣曲等...

贝多芬一般指路德维希·凡·贝多芬,路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770年12月16日—1827年3月26日),出生于德国波恩,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一,欧洲古典主义时期作曲家。贝多芬在父亲严厉苛刻的教育下度过了童年,造就了他倔强、敏感激动的性格。22岁开始终生定居于维也纳,创作于1803年...

贝多芬简介 贝多芬祖籍佛兰德的德国作曲家.生于波恩,祖父及父亲均供职于科隆选帝侯.酗酒之父强逼他长时间地练习键盘乐器,望子成为莫扎特式的神童.十一岁辍学.十三岁任宫廷乐队(指挥为内费)羽管键琴手,十四岁任宫廷第二管风琴师,十八岁任歌剧乐队的中提琴演奏员.1790年,海顿在从维也纳至伦敦的途中,宴...




路德维希·凡·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770.12.16—1827.03.26),男,德国作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家。维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一。他一共创作了9首编号交响曲、35首钢琴奏鸣曲(其中后32首带有编号)、10部小提琴奏鸣曲、16首弦乐四重奏、1部歌剧、2部弥撒、1部清唱剧与3部康塔塔,另外还有...


路德维希·范·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827) 贝多芬祖籍佛兰德的德国作曲家.生于波恩,祖父及父亲均供职于科隆选帝侯.酗酒之父强逼他长时间地练习键盘乐器,望子成为莫扎特式的神童.十一岁辍学.十三岁任宫廷乐队(指挥为内费)羽管键琴手,十四岁任宫廷第二管风琴师,十八岁任歌剧乐队的中提琴...

岳塘区18069087432: 急需一篇贝多芬的简介(英文版) (24句) -
称思氢氯:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the second-oldest child of the court musician and tenor singer Johann van Beethoven, was born in Bonn. Ludwig's father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of sho...

岳塘区18069087432: 贝多芬英文简介100字左右~ -
称思氢氯:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven (IPA:[ˈlʊtvɪç va:n ˈbe:tovən],baptized December 17,1770[1] – March 26,1827) was a German composer.He is generally regarded as one of the greatest ...

岳塘区18069087432: 英语小短文:贝多芬的生平介绍不用太高深.高一水平就行.至少60个词,也不要太多喔 -
称思氢氯:[答案] -- 贝多芬的一生 Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 16, 1770. His father and grandfather were both musicians. Beethoven revealed his own musical talents when he was very young. At the age of 7 he was playing in public....

岳塘区18069087432: 贝多芬英文版简介(初一文化能看懂的、、) -
称思氢氯: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the second-oldest child of the court musician and tenor singer Johann van Beethoven, was born in Bonn. Ludwig's father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of showcasing him as a child prodigy. Ludwig ...

岳塘区18069087432: 贝多芬英文简介50字初二水准的,用这几个词 musiaian、born 不要重复的啊!! 50个词左右~ 单词都我看得懂就行~ -
称思氢氯:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven (IPA: [ˈlʊtvɪç va:n ˈbe:tovən], baptized December 17, 1770[1] – March 26, 1827) was a German composer. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the hist...

岳塘区18069087432: 书面表达 根据提示 写一篇英语短文介绍一下你心目中的英雄 —— 贝多芬.不少于 70 个词. 贝多芬 著名作曲家 (co mposer ) 生于 1770 年德国波恩 (... -
称思氢氯:[答案] I like thefamous composer Beethoven very much. Beethoven was born in Bonn Germany in 1770. In 1792 he moved to Vienna Austria to study with Austrian composer Joseph Haydn. Soon Beethoven could play music that he wrote himself. But just as he ...

岳塘区18069087432: 我想要一篇关于贝多芬的英文简介.谢谢啦.麻烦大家啦 -
称思氢氯: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770—1827).German composer, was one of music's greatest geniuses. His works have a rare originality, emotional depth,and expressive power.He was known for his nine symphonies,piano concertos and sonatas,and ...

岳塘区18069087432: 急需一篇贝多芬的简介(英文版) (24句) -
称思氢氯: Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. He is considered to have been the most crucial figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most famous...

岳塘区18069087432: 请教贝多芬的英文简介.........短一点的 -
称思氢氯: Ludwig van Beethoven (IPA: [ˈlʊtvɪç va:n ˈbe:tovən], baptized December 17, 1770[1] – March 26, 1827) was a German composer. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of music, and was the predominant ...

岳塘区18069087432: 根据提示写出关于贝多芬介绍的英语作文! -
称思氢氯:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven (1770—1827).German composer,was one of music's greatest geniuses.His works have a rare originality,emotional depth,and expressive power.He was known for his nine symphonies,piano concertos and sonatas,and string ...

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