
作者&投稿:乾姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

德国的制造业在GDP中所占的比重较高。一段时间以来,全球只有德国和日本两个国家,其高技术含量的制造业在GDP中所占的比重在提高。这种特点能够让德国的经济提供有高附加值的产品,这也是德国经济发展比较稳定,比其他主要工业化国家经济更有竞争力的原因。       德国现在仍然是世界上一个非常重要的出口大国,因为德国的企业有非常好的技术、非常强的创新。德国的出口产值在GDP中所占的比重高达33.6%
A high proportion of German manufacturing of GDP. Since period of time, the world only Germany and Japan two countries, its manufacturing and high technology content of the proportion in GDP in improving. This feature allows the German economy to provide high value-added products, this is also the German economic development is relatively stable, the reason is more competitive than other major industrialized countries. It is still a very important export country in the world, because the German business innovation is very good, very strong. Germany's export value accounted for the proportion of GDP up to 33.6%

drop of water
Another drop of water fell with a soft plop.

Sight-see the British city, usually can see" the entertainer of the street" of many each handicrafts and special features, they give musical performance the melody, sing on stage the song, impromptu performance pantomime and perform to carve in the public place in the city and oil painting, sketch...etc..Currently, the plastic art of the most popular street is" the true person carve" in each big city City," the entertainer of the street" putting on each from specially made of dress hat, draw is colourful up the very thick oil, almost on signing on every occasion in the street, carve the art object like a person.Different from a person of the stone carving copper 铸 carve, they are complete and living common run of people of five internal organseses.If let go of a coin in their in front, regardless the currency value size, this kind of" carve" and then will live to come over, sending thanks toward you.
Street in London, a body wear the thou pack of" carve" to draw on the people of vision, many artists of street display in succession each from of skill, draw on everywhere visitor, but this kind of from street of" the human body carve" that artist attire is one of the scenery that be subjected to visitor's welcome most.
Each difference of image of" the true person carve" of each big city city street head, but very lifelike, usually let it is difficult to tell the truth from the false of person.

Tours the garden city, frequently may see to many each craftsmanship and the characteristic "the street corner entertainer", they in the city public place performance music, sings the song, extemporaneously performs 哑剧, the performance sculpture as well as the oil painting, the sketch and so on. At present, in each big city the most popular street corner plastic arts are "the honorable person sculpture", "the street corner entertainer" are dressing the clothes hat which respectively specially makes, spreads the thick greasepaint, nearly motionlessly stands in the street corner, if identical reveres the character sculpture artware. Is different with the stone carving brass casting celebrity sculpture, they are the five internal organs complete living average person. If lays down a coin in front of them, regardless of the currency value size, this kind "the sculpture" can exactly, express thanks to you. In the London street corner, a place wears the ancient costume "the sculpture" to attract people's vision, many street corners artists display respective ability in abundance, the attraction square tourist, but this kind dresses up "the human body sculpture" by the street corner artist most receives one of sceneries which the tourist welcome. Each big city street corner "honorable person sculpture" image respectively different, actually extremely lifelike, frequently lets the person genuine and fake be difficult to distinguish.

Visit the city of Britain, can often see a lot of each have craftsmanship and characteristic " street actor ", they play melody, singing the song, improvisation dumb show, performance sculpture and canvas, sketch,etc. in the public place in the city. At present,every large city of most prevailing street the plastic arts "true man sculpture ", " street actor " wear, wear one's own purpose-built clothing, spread the thick oil color, afford to move at all almost, like one personage sculpture work of art. With stone carving casted in bronze celebrity sculpture different,they for the five internal organs real ordinary people available. If put down a coin in front of them, no matter the size of value of money, this kind of " sculpture " will come back to life, thank you. In London street,one wear ancient costume "sculpture "attract people sight, a lot of street artists are numerous and complicated





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is because I like with you in the together feeling.You, affect my mood you, breaks me to ponder you, disturbs my line of sight you, affects my palpitation I to be able always to love you, no longer loves me until you that day.嘿 翻译的不咋好~~~你再自己修改下吧 ...

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A section of love how long way to go, take a lifetime to accompany you enough! No matter how rich or poor! Endure never break up! Love you love to willing to pay all, really loved has no wish regretless! Affectionate person always be ruthless hurt! We all don't blame ...

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话译成英文?我是不幸的,比起一些人.但我又是幸运的,比起更多的人.因此,我没有什么值得骄傲的,更没有什么值得自怜的. -
况莘肿节:[答案] I am an unfortune person,compared to some others.But I am indeed fortune enough,compared to more other people.Hence,I have none to be proud of,yet nothing to be self-contemptuous of.

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话用英文翻译出来阿,?亲爱的,你的心意我能感觉到.相信我,我想我可以做到的.我迷茫过,我怀疑过,但是在我有情绪的时候,亲爱的,... -
况莘肿节:[答案] Dear,you of intention I ability felling arrive.Believe me,I think me and can attain.I fan Mang lead,my doubt lead,but at I have motion of time,Dear of,you also at fan Mang and doubt is not.So I can't,...

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英语?
况莘肿节: Also is today ,is the marriage registration period of my best friday.I will never forget those past beautiful days ,when you sit opposite me ,and then you answer his telephone,the tears around your laps, you don't have to say that I have guessed the ...

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文~谢谢!Theonlythingweh
况莘肿节: Everyone has his time of fear, but when faced with it, we should stay calm and try to overcome it. In time of distasters such as earthquake and trunami, many people fall into ...

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文?希望能翻译的让人感觉英文水平很高的样子.. -
况莘肿节: Once you look forward with I have been walking (far to go/go a long) I have in this relationship did our best Now I am crying but not sad It's just the way to commemorate the past feelings I will remember it It won't let me down, also won't make me down...

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话话翻译成英文?
况莘肿节: -You catch me when i fall. 你在我堕落的时候拉住我. -I knew you love me. 我知道你爱我. -It's not a big big thing if you leave me. 即使你离开我也并不是什么大事. -but i do do feel,that i too too will miss you much. 但是我真的真的可以感觉到,我会非常非常的想念你. -Because cannot persist,So leaves. 因为不能坚持,所以离开. -I understood. 我明白.

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英语啊? -
况莘肿节: Baby(My dear,Darlin 自己挑个),I originally wanted to prepare an candlelight dinner for you today,but we are in ifferent places.To mail you roses,i afraid it will droop,to mail you chocolate,i afraid it will be melted.But at the specific night of ...

新泰市13750706061: 谁帮我把这段话 翻译成英文?
况莘肿节: Said goodbye, let alone forever!

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文
况莘肿节: My dream is to be successful! So, in my heart what is success? I want actually very simple, one is not particularly big but at least calculate going up is capacious and bright house, a not very luxurious but can let my journey is more convenient and ...

新泰市13750706061: 谁能帮我翻译这段话成英语
况莘肿节: 1 Hi,Have you heard the pyramids of Egypt's spell? 2 The pyramid of spells? What is that? 3 "Who disturb the peace of pharaoh, the wings will come upon his head" (a terrorist gestures) 4 Don't frighten me! I don't fear these. 5 The man into ...

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