请帮我翻译一下这句英语,谢谢~~ 在一篇文章上看到的 If second glances and t

作者&投稿:纪琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

发源自海拔两万多英尺的青藏高原的冰川,滚滚扬子江,或长江(中国人称之为“长江”),蜿蜒如近6300公里(3900英里)长的巨龙,长江每年都为中国的东海注入9600亿立方米的水量入东海。这是世界上第三个最长的河流,仅次于南美亚马逊河和非洲尼罗河,每年流量是世界的第三大。, 扬子江一路东行,流经的地域居住了四亿人口,是全国总人口的约三分之一。她是孕育中华民族古老文明的摇篮。


From its origins in the glacial marshlands of the 20,000-foot high Tibetan plateau, the mighty Yangtze River, or the Changjiang (Long River, as the Chinese call it), winds its way like a giant dragon nearly 6,300 km (3,900 miles) on its way to deposit its annual 960 billion cubic meters of water into the East China Sea. It is the third longest in the world after the Amazon and the Nile, and the third largest in terms of annual runoff after the Amazon and the Congo Rivers. On its journey eastward, the Yangtze passes through an area inhabited by more than 400 million people, approximately one third of the country's population. It is also a cradle of ancient Chinese civilization.
The most impressive section of the river is the three Yangtze River gorges: Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge, collectively known as the Sanxia, or Three Gorges.
From the west end which is Baidi City (Fengjie in Chongqing) to the east end, Nanjin Pass (Yichang in Hubei province), the Three Gorges extends totally 192 km in length.
Qutang Gorge
Qutang Gorge, known for its magnificence, is only 8 kilometers long with many scenic spots such as the Meng Liang Staircase, the ancient Plank Road , the Kui Gate, the Seven-Gate Cave, the Bellows Gorges, and the "Rhinoceros Watching the Moon".
Wu Gorge
Wu Gorge, 44 km long, is known for its deep valley and quiet beauty. The "Twelve Peaks" lining the banks of Wu Gorge have been admired by visitors from all over the world. It is said that if you look carefully, a shadow figure of a goddess can be seen at the top of Goddess Peak.
Xiling Gorge
Xiling Gorge, extending 66 kilometers in length is also composed of many scenic spots such as, Military Manual and Precious Sword Gorge, Ox's Liver and Horse's Lung Gorge", "Kongling Shoal" and "Shadow-play Gorge". Among the cultural relics in the gorge are "Huangling Temple" and the "Three Travellers Cave".

Paralanguage is usually defined as a language with sound only but no fixed semantics. Sometimes people call it the "class language" or "auxiliary language". Some elements in paralanguage, such as sound quality, tone, volume, rate of speech, tone and sense of language are typical auxiliary means of communication with strong setimental features. This is also widely used non-verbal communication in lectures.

Teachers should make flexible use paralanguage use of their sub-languages in class. Jst speaking out loud or whispering or maintaining the same volume will make students feel bored. The rate of speech in foreign language teaching can't be ingnored either. While speaking too fast will make students confused and fear for the hardship, speaking too slow will make tehm feel disjointed, and even suspect instructor's skill. Speaking with flat intonation is a common problem of many people.
It makes your words tedious and listeners fatigue if you speak in accordance with the narrative tone when the use of sharps and flats are supposed. That is why lecturers should express the content based on their importance. Students may have different reactions towards paralanguage teaching, which affects the effectiveness of teaching. Therefore, teachers should grasp the good and the right volume. When teachers speak in a low volume, the students can not hear the content clearly and will be easily distracted; When their volume is too high, both the teachers and students fratigue easily, which will affect the effectiveness of teaching as well. Last but not least, teachers should make the appropriate adjustments to their speaking speed for different levels of students and different difficulty of content.At the same time, teachers should pay attention to their language to make appropriate pause, in order to attract the attention of students, to leave space for students to think, and to mobilize the potential of students. In that case, the lecture could reach it desired effect.


这里有一个俚语用法: if AAA were anything to go by, then BBB, 意思是, 如果AAA可以作为参照的话, 那么BBB就会发生。其中AAA是之前发生过的事。
Lily was unaware of this but Chen had noticed it with great surprise. That was if the second glances and turned heads on the street were anything to go by.

所以这里是说, Lily不知道自己其实长得很迷人,符合西方审美观。而她老公Chen并不觉得她美,因为觉得不符合自己的审美。所以到了英国,Chen比Lily先发现她其实很迷人这个事实,而且Chen对此非常吃惊。然后就是你提问的句子了:
如果街上那些对Lily多看一眼以及回头率可以作为参考/当作证据的话 (对于Lily其实很迷人这个事实)

If second glances and turned heads on the street were anything to go by.



My favorite star is JAY,he is a singer star from Taiwan. This is his new CD was named "YIranfantexi"我非常喜欢里面的歌曲。现在送一盘CD给你,希望你也能够喜欢它。I like the music in it very much .now I give you a CD,I hope you can like it ,too.我只能帮你到这了 ...

收集了一下: <声声慢>英语翻译 (三个版本)寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。Still seeking, however desolate my life is 乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。While the freshly-coming warmth is still blended with the lingering chill, it is the hardest time for me to rest my mind.三杯两盏淡酒...

A class general contractor of National construction which confirmed by xxx organization.这句话翻译的时候,我认为加上认证单位会比较明确。也就是您公司的“国家建筑总承包一级 ”是由哪个机构颁发的。一般情况下应该是个国家级的机构吧“National xxxx”. 如果您能认可这种翻译的方式,可以把证书的...

【说明】1.骗局,欺骗对方相信这份感情。而不是“诈骗”。故此用deception.用end up能表示出“出人意料”这样的含义。一场华丽的悲剧,用单数。“是否”这部分用问句翻译,并且then放到最后,有震撼效果,耐人寻味。后面“哀而不伤…”到最后修饰“悲剧”,但是太长,故此用另一句话表达。在这句话中...

我的 谁能帮助我翻译一下这个``(英译汉``) YouweremylittlebabygirlAndIknewallyourfearsSuchjoytoholdyouinmyarmsAndkissawayyourtearsButnowyou'regoneThere'sonlypainandnothingIcandoAndIdon'twanttolivethislifeIfIcan'tl... You were my little baby girl And I knew all your fears Such joy to hold ...

你好,我尝试着翻译了一下,感觉这句汉语就比较有气势,所以在选词上下了点功夫,并且调换了一下语序,翻译时查阅并参考了有道词典中的相关例句 【译文】Flap your wings and soar in the blue sky,like an unfettered eagle 【参考例句】1.The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.老鹰无需...

1.If I am raindrop ...That, my could look like not once hand over the meeting the sky and the earth connect such ...Connects somebody heart?2. If you regard as others are the devil, then you on life in hell.If you regard as others are the angel, then you on life ...

英文帝帮翻译一句子? 人们的想法是由什么组成的?英文帝这句话怎么翻译? 我想你已经告诉我你曾是一个哲学家 I thought you would told me that you were a philosopher? 这句话的意思是你想你会告诉我你曾经是一个哲学家 求英文帝帮我翻译下这句英文什么意思! 建议用谷歌的翻译软体或...

Hello, I have a few questions to ask you, because we have to register your information.The first question,which country are you from?The second question,What occupation are you?And what's your families‘ occupation?Thank you.

依安县19297733235: 请帮我把这句话翻译成英语,谢谢~ -
徭琛迁迪: 你好!1 This camera seldom breaks down, and can be used for a long time.2 You can take this back to Britain.3Thirty minutes wil be OK and won't oppupy your study or work time.百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

依安县19297733235: 请帮我翻译一下这句英文是什么意思?谢谢!hey hey!live the life which you love,love the life which you live.good job!keep fighting! -
徭琛迁迪:[答案] 嘿嘿! 过你爱的生活,爱你过的生活. 祝你事业有成!加油!

依安县19297733235: 请帮我用英语翻译一下这句话!谢谢!
徭琛迁迪: What one can not refuse _the care from the bottom of heart.

依安县19297733235: 帮我翻译(请用英语说)这句话,谢谢 -
徭琛迁迪: 请用英语说 Please speak in English. 或 Please say it in English.

依安县19297733235: 请帮我翻译一下一下这句话谢谢!!英语的. -
徭琛迁迪: 英语中这种祝福其实不说这么详细,就是 Best wishes,Looking forward to hear from you 你要非得像你说的那样就会特别奇怪

依安县19297733235: 请帮我翻译一下这句话,谢谢! -
徭琛迁迪: 请帮我翻译一下这句话,谢谢!She said her feet hurt, and I thought I'd get props for it later. 回答: 玫红安娜同学: 原句有英语语法与用词方面的问题,现先予以修改,再给予翻译,OK?1)原句的汉语意思:她说她双脚受伤了,我暗自思忖,应...

依安县19297733235: 请帮忙翻译一下这句英文,谢谢
徭琛迁迪: 估计没看过驯龙记的人也不好翻译. 单单这个hopeless ,本以为无望的,不可能的,就可以引申为:1.盲谷, 封闭谷 2.沼泽中的干地.3.[苏]小湾.4.被荒地所包围的一块可耕地.5.宽阔的高地山谷.6.小的海湾或小港 至于freezing to death,本意冻死,肯定是指一个极寒之地了. 据我猜测,直译的话: 从无望谷(hopeless)往北走12天,大概在极寒之地(freezing to death) 偏南一点. 这个地点这样描述为的是要突出它地理位置和环境的恶劣. 因为没看过驯龙记,所以不知道以上对你能不能有帮助.

依安县19297733235: 请用英语帮我翻译一下这句话!~谢谢我竟然还不如你一个刚认识的朋友来的重要. -
徭琛迁迪:[答案] -------我竟然还不如你一个刚认识的朋友来的重要.------------- 朋友,你的句子非常完美,但在英语中需要一定的语境.比如说: It is unthinkable that I should be less important (to her,) than you , a newcomer / a new acquaintance. (汉语与英语不是一个概...

依安县19297733235: 请帮我翻译这句英文,谢谢 -
徭琛迁迪: 建议中国科学院潜伏期的SDRAM的是“ 2 ”

依安县19297733235: 请帮我翻译一下这句英文...谢谢大家了 -
徭琛迁迪: 人类生活的适应能力.of前面有名词,of后面有名词,这个of表示所有格,意思是“的”,翻译时和中文是颠倒的,从后往前翻译,希望我能帮助到你.

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