
作者&投稿:壹雍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Once upon a time... 英语童话故事:小红帽
There lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had made for her a little red riding-hood; which became the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding-Hood.
One day her mother, having made some custards, said to her:
"Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, for I hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and this little pot of butter."
Little Red Riding-Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.
As she was going through the wood, she met with Gaffer Wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some faggot-makers hard by in the forest. He asked her whither she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and hear a wolf talk, said to him:
"I am going to see my grandmamma and carry her a custard and a little pot of butter from my mamma."
"Does she live far off?" said the Wolf.
"Oh! ay," answered Little Red Riding-Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village."
"Well," said the Wolf, "and I'll go and see her too. I'll go this way and you go that, and we shall see who will be there soonest."
The Wolf began to run as fast as he could, taking the nearest way, and the little girl went by that farthest about, diverting herself in gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and making nosegays of such little flowers as she met with. The Wolf was not long before he got to the old woman's house. He knocked at the door--tap, tap.


no thanks

Tony:All alone in the dark,dark forest,Goldilocks picked some flowers.
Daming: Oh, did she often go for a walk in the forest alone?
Tony: No,she didn't.And soon she was lost. Goldilocks looked around her.“Where am i?"she asked. Then she noticed a little house,so she hurried towards it ,and knocked an the door. Nobody answered,so she knocked again,and again. Finally,she pushed the door. It was open. There was nobody there.
Daming: Oh! Didn't anyone live in the house?
Tony: Just waita moment,Daming! Goldilocks entered the house and looked into a small room.One table there were three bowls,with some nice food in them.One bowl was small,one was big and one was very big. Goldilocks was very hungry.She picked up the very big bowl but she didn't like it was very'hot.Then she picked up the big bowl,but she didn’like it-it was cold. The little bowl was just right.She finished all the food in it.
Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired.First,she tried the big chair,but it wasn't very comfortable.Then she tried the middle chair. It was not comfortable either.Finally,she tried the small chair. It was nice and comfortable,but Goldilocks was very heavy and soon the chair was in pieces.
She walked into the bedroom.There were three beds.She didn’like the middle bed or the big bed.The small bed was very comfortable. Very soon she was asleep in it.
The Three Bears returned They looked at the bowls and the chairs.Baby Bear cried, “丁here's nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!”He wasn't very happy!
Next.the Bears looked in their bedroom.They didn't notice Goldilocks at first.Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed and shouted, “Look! There's the bad girl!”

Goldilocks opened her eyes.The Three Bears were all around her,so Goldilocks out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.She didn't go for a walk in the forest again.
金凤花姑娘睁开了眼睛,三只熊都围在她身边,于是金凤花姑娘从床上跳下来,没有提篮子,便冲出了房子。她再也不去那片森林散 步了。

Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Papa Bear,Mama Bear,and Baby Bear lived in the forest.
"Ring,"went the telephone."Come to my house for lunch,"
said Auntie Bear.
"Yes,we will come,"said Mama Bear.
She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper.
Then,the Bears went to Auntie Bear's house.
A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the village.
She discovered the Bears' house and went inside
Without asking.She sat in a chair.
"This chair is too hard!"she complained.
The next chair was smaller,but too soft.
The third chair was just right.
She sat down with a flop,and the chair legs gave way.
Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew.
The big bowl was much too hot!
"Maybe this bowl will be cooler,"she said.
Goldilocks was right,but it was too cold.
She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down.
It was just right.
Then with a yawn,she headed upstairs to the bedroom.
Goldilocks tried the first bed,but it was too hard.
The next was too soft.
Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was
lying in the third bed.
When the Bears arrived home,Papa Bear shouted,
"Somebody's been sitting on my chair!"Mama Bear cried,
"Somebody's been sitting on my chair!"Then Baby Bear cried,
"Somebody's been sitting on my chair and now it's all broken!"
In the kitchen,Papa Bear looked into his bowl of stew.He said,
"Somebody's been eating my stew!"Mama Bear cried,
"Somebody's been eating my stew!"Baby Bear cried,
"Somebody's been eating my stew,and they ate it all up!"
The three bears growled as they climbed the bedroom stairs.
Papa Bear growled,"Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!"
Mama Bear growled,"Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!"
Baby Bear cried,"Somebody's been sleeping in my bed,
and there she is!"
Goldilocks woke up and wanted to run away,
but no one could move.They all froze in their tracks.
"Please,forgive me,"Goldilocks cried.
The Bears forgave her.
Goldilocks quit sneaking into people's homes.

ears may wrinkl

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