
作者&投稿:检蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

vt. 限制;使具有资格;证明…合格;授权予,准予
vi. 取得资格,有资格,合格,胜任,得到许可,获准
① qualify for 合格;有…的资格
② qualify as 取得……资格;作为……合适
① vt. 限制;使具有资格;证明…合格(block , set a limit to)
② vi. 取得资格,有资格(be in a position , be qualified to)
As you can see, you now have not only specified your target namespace, but also created a namespace value PO to qualify the schema and included the documentation annotation from the example.


英 ['kwɒlɪfaɪ]   美 ['kwɑːlɪfaɪ]    

vt. 使具备资格;描述;[语]修饰

vi. 取得资格;合格

例句:His knowledge and skills qualify him for the job.




英 [rɪ'strɪkt]   美 [rɪ'strɪkt]    

vt. 限制;约束

例句:In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties.


qualify读音:英 [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ]   美 [ˈkwɑ:lɪfaɪ]

vt.& vi.(使)具有资格,有权;达标




英 [ˈkwɒləti]  美 [ˈkwɑːləti] 

n. 质量,[统计] 品质,特性;才能

adj. 优质的,高品质的,<英俚>棒极了


Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life.



quantify 和quality的区别如下:




Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life 


Project risk assessment is to study the rules of risk and quantify risk analysisprocess. 




"质量的高低" 英文怎么翻译得通
“质量的高低”是我们汉语的表法方式,英语直接用“质量”就可以了,经常做口译的人都会处理这种汉式表达。“成败”也是一样的,只翻译“成功”或者“失败”就可以了,在加上or not。“质量决定成败”(Success or not is decided by the quality.)例证:看看“质量的高低”其他人是如何处理的,这些...

quality people什么意思?
quality people: 高素质的人 If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself.如果你想要成为一个吸引高素质的人的领导者,关键是将自己成为一个高素质的人.PS:(回答你补充的问题) = 对啊,这是"quality"的常见用法之一,因为它有"...

求if 和 as if在使用上的区别,求详细讲解一下。
if to suggest that something might be slightly different from what you are stating in the main part of the sentence, for example, that there might be slightly more or less of a particular quality. (表示与主句所述事实可能有少许不同) 即使 例:Sometimes that standard is quite ...

ACCREDIT QUAL ASSUR 0949-1775 408 0.861 0.240 121 3.5 accreditation and quality assurance ACI MATER J 0889-325X 1190 0.579 0.123 57 8.8 aci materials journal ACI STRUCT J 0889-3241 1089 0.560 0.149 87 7.8 aci structural journal ACM COMPUT SURV 0360-0300 1469...

Quality of Earnings 是什么意思嘛?
Quality of Earnings 盈利质量;收益质量;盈余质量 例句筛选 1.Whether China's securities market can pricing accurately on quality ofearnings?我国证券市场能否正确对盈余质量进行定价?2.But it is not as if all the quality of earnings issues that worried so manyinternational investors last ...

if the quality of your sleep is high,you may nee
If the quality of your sleep is high, you may need longger sleep time.如果你的睡眠质量很不错,你也许需要更长的睡眠时间。供参考。

quality factor是什么意思
quality factor 词典结果:quality factor[英][ˈkwɔliti ˈfæktə][美][ˈkwɑlɪti ˈfæktɚ]线质系数; 品质因子; 品质因数; 质量指标;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.But if you take the quality factor into consideration, you ...

全面的 英文翻译
全面的comprehensive。英[ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv]。美[ˌkɑmprɪˈhɛnsɪv]。1、全面的comprehensive。[例句]America needs a more comprehensive strategy to combat joblessness。美国需要一个更全面的战略来对抗失业。2、all-around,全面的。

If we want toWhen it comes to the point which is to improve the quality of our product, we advise that...improve the quality of our productIf we want to improve the quality of our producIf we want to improve the quality of our products, we have to suggest that...In ord...

quality john galsworthy 的作品。我们英美文学需要分析手法。求分析...
He went on to say, “Zome boods, are bad from birdt. If I can do noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill.” (“Quality” pg. 215) Not only does this show dedication, but also integrity because he was honest about his work and wanted to satisfy his customer. Near the end of...

汾阳市13649743064: qualityify是什么意思 -
史奇和乐: 单词应该是qualifyqualify ['kwɔlifai] vt. 1. 使有资格;使胜任: His skills qualify him for the work. 他的技能使他能担当这项工作. 2. 授权予,准予: to be qualified for admission 有权进入 3. 描述,形容: Adjectives qualify nouns. 形容词描述名词...

汾阳市13649743064: quality的动词形式 -
史奇和乐: qualify : n.质量,品质;美质,优点;才能,能力,技能,素养;品种 ndj.优质的,高质量的;上流社会(使)具有资格,(使)合格 I won't qualify until next year. 我明年才具备资格. This certificate qualifies the products. 这份证书证明产品合格. ...

汾阳市13649743064: quality的动词形式是什么? -
史奇和乐: qualify ['kwɔlifai] vt. 限制;使具有资格;证明…合格 vi. 取得资格,有资格 [ 过去式qualified 过去分词qualified 现在分词qualifying ]

汾阳市13649743064: quality复数形式是什么?? -
史奇和乐: quality 的复数形式是 quanlities .以辅音字母加y 结尾的名词,把y变成i 再加es.(注意:这儿的名词指的是可数名词.)

汾阳市13649743064: 品质的英文是什么 -
史奇和乐: quality 英 ['kwɒləti] 美 ['kwɑːləti] n. 品质;才能;特质 名词复数: qualities 词语用法 n. (名词) quality的基本意思是“质量”,指产品、商品或工作的优劣程度,也可用于人,指品质.可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词. quality用...

汾阳市13649743064: 质量的形式词.用英语怎么表达 -
史奇和乐: 我猜你指的是'产品的质量 ,quality 吧?可以用 high quality - 高品质 或者是 best quality , 最佳品质.也可以 用 poor quality 或者是 bad quality 或者是 low quality 来形容 低劣品质.希望对你有帮助!(物理上的质量 是 mass)

汾阳市13649743064: 怎样区分quality的单复数 -
史奇和乐: 表示质量,地位,本领,才能时为不可数名词,用quality 当表示一个人的品质或是商品的特性时,用可数名词,也就是qualities

汾阳市13649743064: 求quality的用法,到底什么时候用单数什么时候用复数! -
史奇和乐: 名词 n. 1.质,质量[U] Quality often matters more than quantity. 质量往往比数量更重要. He examined the quality of the furniture carefully. 他仔细检查家具的品质. 2.特性[C] merchandise of quality 优质商品 3.品质 One quality of wood is that it can ...

汾阳市13649743064: a quality of 和quantities of后面是不是接可数不可数名词都行? a large quantity of又不一样吗? -
史奇和乐: 标准答案来了 a quality of =quantities of=a large quantity of=a huge quantity of=large quantities of=huge quantities of意思差不多的,用法一样,后面可以加不可数名词,也可以加可数名词复数形式

汾阳市13649743064: 合同中规定商品质量的方法有哪些 -
史奇和乐: 表示商品品质的方法 一、以实物表示商品的品质 以作为交易对象的商品的实际品质或以代表商品品质的样品来表示商品的品质,包括: (1)看货成交 又称凭现货买卖,即根据现有商品的实际品质买卖.具体做法:在货物存放地卖方向买方展...

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