
作者&投稿:乐正饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 中外文化差异例子英语有:
1. 回答提问
在中国文化中,对别人的问话,通常会以肯定或否定对方的话来确定答案。例如:“我想你不到20岁,对吗?”“是的,我不到20岁。”(或者“不,我已经30岁了。”)而在英语中,对别人的问话,通常是依据事实结果的肯定或否定来回答,“Yes”或者“No”。例如:“You're not a student, are you?”“Yes, I am.”(或者“No, I am not.”)
2. 亲属称谓
3. 考虑问题的主体
中国文化中,人们喜欢以对方为中心来考虑问题,关注对方的情感。例如:“你想买什么?”“您想借什么书?”而在英语中,人们通常从自己的角度出发来表达。例如:“Can I help you?”“What can I do for you?”
4. 接受礼物
在中国文化中,收到礼物时,人们通常会放在一旁,等客人离开后,才会迫不及待地打开。受礼时会连声说:“哎呀,还送礼物干什么?”“真是不好意思啦。”“下不为例。”“让您破费了。”而在西方文化中,收到礼物时,人们通常会当着客人的面马上打开,并连声称好:“Very beautiful!Wow!”“What a wonderful gift it is!”“Thank you for your present.”
5. 称呼用语

The Chinese people love the character of lively traditional Chinese wedding ceremony can be fully manifested. In addition to a wedding dinner in the West are outside the traditional marriage customs in China, there are also a marriage for the bride's farewell luncheon. Secondly, afte...

中西文化差异英文举例有如下:In the way of thinking,Westerners pay attention to speculation,rationality,analysis and demonstration,analysis as a whole and synthesis.思维方式上方面,西方人注重思辨、理性、分析、实证,剖析整体再加以综合。Chinese people pay attention to values,integrity and experi...

Such as Season,the AE fall is of BE autumn,color、center and traveler is of colour、centre and trareller。And Pronunciation is the dance as an example,AE [dæns] is of the BE [dɑ:ns]。The professor Lee from Nanking University will speak this lecture,the Address is...

关于文化差异的英语作文 Long history in China in 5000, western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant, great and deep food culture.The western nation then has delicately and particularly , from become the food civilization of system.Medium the west food...

First , food.In China, we prefer noodles, rice , dumplings as the main course. But in England or other west countries, people like eating hamburgers, chips, pizza, as their main course.In China, we become full up when we finish all the food, then we don’t eat anything,...

中外文化差异例子英语有:1、回答提问 中国人对别人的问话,总是以肯定或否定对方的话来确定用“对”或者“不对”。如:“我想你不到20岁,对吗?”“是的,我不到20岁。”(“不,我已经30岁了。”)英语中,对别人的问话,总是依据事实结果的肯定或否定用“Yes”或者“No”。如:“Youre not...

外国与中国文化差异从一日三餐 老人晚年生活 聚会 等方面的英语作文
There are three people in my family.They are my mother,my father,and I.we all like eat delicious food.but,we don't like the same food.my father like meet.like pork and beef.my mum like healthy food,like potato and tomato.I like fried food.like french fries and fried ...

Cultural Differences between the East and the West 东西方文化差异 Culture, according to the definition given by Hofstede, is the collective mental programming of the people in an environment, conditioned by the same education and life experience.Therefore, there are differences between ...

尤其是国语,为‘周旋式‘的语言,意思是它从来不直奔主题,然后,作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,英语把沟通的有效性提到了最高位置。workplace In China, the fastest way to get promotion is to establish intimate relations with senior management personnel, and the most common is through bribery...

中西文化差异 英语作文
在我看来,有些西方文化是好的,但有些不适合。学习西方文化可以让我们了解西方的习俗和中西文化的差异。because of comparison we can learn the positive sides such as more confident,independent.On the other side,the negative sides we should not learn.for example,some high school student ...

共和县19430343428: 谁能给我个体现中西方文化差异的英文事例?能体现中西方文化差异的事例,英文的,300字以内. -
一券小儿:[答案] for example ,Westerners respect privacy,and they are very competitive in terms of work and personalities.In our country ,we can talk with others members everythings,but in foreign teams ,even though w...

共和县19430343428: 中美文化差异(英文) -
一券小儿: Cultural Difference between Chinese and American Individual LifestylesAmerican A Culture of self-expression Chinese A Culture of Self restrain Clear expression of Joy and sorrow Ambiguous of joy and sorrow Unequivocal expression of “Yes/...

共和县19430343428: 中西文化差异的英语作文带翻译 -
一券小儿: The culture differences between the East and West 东方和西方间的不同文化 As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.(众说周知,东方和西方间在不同方面有...

共和县19430343428: 给我一些例子或文章(最好是english)中国和加拿大的文化差异culture difference!! -
一券小儿: Ought to the different bar , the it truns out that they are British colony but Quebec province are mostly a France immigr...

共和县19430343428: 中外文化差异 (最好是英文版) -
一券小儿: 第一幕:一位学校领导向教师们介绍新来的美国老师 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. She is a very good teacher from the USA.对这番话,美国女教师一脸难堪的样子. 文化差异:中国人介绍...

共和县19430343428: 中美文化差异(英文) -
一券小儿:[答案] Cultural Difference between Chinese and American Individual Lifestyles American A Culture of self-expression Chinese A Culture of Self restrain Clear expression of Joy and sorrow Ambiguous of joy and sorrow Unequivocal expression of “Yes/No”....

共和县19430343428: 世界文化差异的例子麻烦大家帮我列举出文化差异的两个例子,要是英文
一券小儿: 中国人结婚前看到新娘婚纱无所谓,但是在西方,提前看到婚纱就是凶兆.东方人给名片是双手,西方人是单手.我们干杯不看对方眼睛,一般看酒杯,但是西方人在干杯时,一般都互相对视,以表示真诚.暂时想到这点了.

共和县19430343428: "中西文化有差异" 用英文怎么说. -
一券小儿: 不同意用“culture shock ”!“culture shock” 标准译法是:文化冲突culture shock 强调了两种文化之间的冲突(conflict ), “差异”不代表“冲突”,所以个人认为用culture shock 不妥,甚至会引起双方的矛盾."中西文化有差异",一般有如下两种表达:There are cultural differences between China and the west.There are differences between chinese and western culture.

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