
作者&投稿:翠汤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 在拥有充裕的时间和资金的情况下, embarking on a spontaneous journey can be incredibly enjoyable. Different forms of travel can yield different experiences; some prefer joining a tour group to explore famous mountains and rivers, while others, like our questioner, relish the freedom of riding a motorcycle to distant lands and beholding picturesque vistas. Given the sole criterion of age, a wide array of motorcycles, regardless of brand, could suffice for the questioner's needs. Even a modest scooter could adequately fulfill their current requirements, hence the choice largely hinges on personal budget and preference for a particular bike type.
Nevertheless, since the questioner has provided no additional conditions, we will make a brief recommendation of several motorcycles currently performing well in the market, keeping in mind the questioner's age bracket.
1. Suzuki UY125 (High Specification, priced at 9,980 RMB)
As a prototype for small scooters, the UY125 is perfectly suitable for light motorcycling trips. Its limited off-road capabilities and range might be a drawback, but its reasonable comfort, decent power output, and robust powertrain can offer hidden advantages during long rides.
2. Haojue GZ150E (Average price of 12,300 RMB)
As a more classic American-style cruiser with a smaller displacement, this bike might appear slightly outdated among similar-priced cruisers, but in terms of its body structure and detail handling, it serves as a reliable companion for middle-aged and older motorcyclists engaging in light motorcycling trips.
3. Honda五羊猛鸷190X (High Specification, priced at 19,980 RMB)
Although there are many road touring motorcycles at this level, Honda's五羊猛鸷190X stands out for its quality and fuel efficiency. It can maintain an average fuel consumption of 2.3L per 100km, which is on par with early carburetor models. Added to its robust quality and manageable height, this motorcycle is an ideal choice for middle-aged motorcyclists on trips.
4. Lifan KP350 (Approximately 20,000 RMB)
As a Lifan crossover model, this bike may not be well-known due to the manufacturer's operational shortcomings. However, it is worth considering for motorcycling trips, especially for older riders, as its温和power delivery is easier to master. Moreover, with the bike now offered at factory direct prices, around 20,000 RMB can secure the purchase, making it an attractive option for those with a favorable view of Lifan motorcycles.
5. Suzuki豪爵DL250 (High Specification, priced at 32,680 RMB)
This is a highway touring motorcycle specifically designed for light motorcycling trips, and its existence makes many similarly priced competitors feel redundant. Despite its shortcomings such as weight, moderate power, and general off-road performance, its quality is unparalleled at this price point, making the DL250 a suitable match for the questioner's current status.
In addition to the above five models, Yamaha's series of scooters, Honda's CM500, CB500X, NC750 series, Kawasaki's X300, the Fireball 650, W800, and other imported motorcycles are all suitable for riding. In summary, without a budget or other specific model requirements, our recommendations could continue indefinitely. However, such extensive suggestions could lead to a deviation from the questioner's chosen direction and make it more challenging to select the most suitable motorcycle from an extensive range. For the questioner, the most crucial step is to determine the budget and set the criteria for choosing a motorcycle. Once these are established, the model that best meets your needs will become apparent.

个人车辆可以跨国行驶的,但是相关手续很难办理。此种方式出国前期需要做很多准备,尤其是证件上,基本装备就是驾照公证 + 一张visa或者master卡 + 旅游签证, 护照和签证是最基本的,但驾照要翻译成英文并公证(后面会提到具体的做法)。最起码要有英文的,但是去的国家多,也要翻译一些别的国家的,这...


揭西县15866763948: 五十岁后男人骑什么款式摩托车好, -
侨翠誉舒: 太子款,座位低,方便脚着地

揭西县15866763948: 短途摩旅应该选择哪种摩托车,不想要那种太笨重的摩托车,具体有哪些推荐呀? -
侨翠誉舒: 要摩旅,肯定舒适度是首位,其次再考虑其他方面,如果你预算充足,可以看看春风700CL-X,座高800mm,舒适的骑行三角,坐姿不那么战斗,长时间骑行也不累.短途摩旅有定速巡航,驾驶更轻松.想要选择轻便一点的,这个车整车重量只有196kg,多处都采用了铝合金,这种材质本身很轻便,但是强度却很大,所以能把车的重量控制的比较好,车重轻了操控自然也就灵活了.

揭西县15866763948: 什么牌子的踏板摩托车好?价格要在5000以下的,适合男士(50多岁的)性价比高的 -
侨翠誉舒: 大阳的经济耐骑

揭西县15866763948: 现在的哪些摩托车,更适合长途旅行 -
侨翠誉舒: 你好.建议你购买合资品牌的摩托车.合资品牌的摩托车排在前三位的分别是.建设雅马哈125.轻骑铃木125.五羊本田125.这三个合资品牌的摩托车做工精细,质量上乘,使用寿命长,驾驶和乘坐都舒适.适合郊游和长途旅行.正常使用和保养的话,10万公里之内不用大修.

揭西县15866763948: 买辆什么样的摩托车旅游最好 -
侨翠誉舒: 本田摩托,雅马哈-建设,钱江摩托,豪爵摩托,宗申摩托,宝马摩托,轻骑铃木摩托,嘉陵摩托,大阳摩托,力帆摩托摩托车以其价格相对较便宜,使用方便,适合中国国情等优势,受到了众多人们的中意,但是很多没接触过摩托车的“准骑士”,在准备购车时,往往对摩托车市场不熟悉,对摩托车性能不熟悉,而深感困难,其实买摩托车应该先根据自己的实际情况,选择适合自己的车型.然后了解市面上有什么牌子的该类车款,一般来说,优先选有实力,名牌子的厂家购买,像本田摩托,雅马哈-建设,钱江摩托,豪爵摩托,宗申摩托,宝马摩托这些牌子的摩托车就都是比较不错的,都是上十大品牌门户网站上的十大摩托车品牌,买之前还是可以先做下参考的吧.

揭西县15866763948: 骑什么摩托车旅游好点? -
侨翠誉舒: 一、骑摩托车旅游,骑太子款、钻豹款、铃木王款等骑式车好得多,对车辆的选择要注意以下几点:1 、巡航性. 是否能稳定保持一定的高速,排量150以上最好;2、 通过性. 对于一些复杂路况的通过能力,车架高一些骑式车如太子款、钻...

揭西县15866763948: 我想骑车去旅游买什么样的摩托车比较好? -
侨翠誉舒: 关于摩旅的摩托车选择,个人觉得在摩托车选择上要根据自己的实际旅行要求和经济承受能力来综合选择!个人建议你好好的考虑以下几点 1:路程和摩托车的质量,要行驶上万公里的摩托车,对车辆的可靠性可是有相当高的要求,我们经常可...

揭西县15866763948: 摩旅选择什么车子比较好 -
侨翠誉舒: 长途摩旅也不是一味的排量越大越好,综合国情道路啥的,套用一个资深长途摩旅者的话 有个头疼脑热的....就悲剧了......心中最佳车型有铃木的大眼250雅马哈我年前入手的ZG150-A ,我承认对它的样子吸引了,和摩友们跑了几...

揭西县15866763948: 50多岁身高1.78喜欢中长途旅游预算100000的摩托车有推荐嘛? -
侨翠誉舒: 这个你需要找专业的人士好好咨询一下

揭西县15866763948: 长途摩旅,选什么车型舒服? -
侨翠誉舒: 踏板摩托车排量确定了,下面就是车子的外形,车子外形大致分为踏板、弯梁和骑跨(包括太子车型),不同的外形,具有不同的骑乘感觉和性能,显然踏板车更加舒适,但由于底盘太低,通过性不佳,大部分离不开公路,很多地形复杂的地...

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