
作者&投稿:实房 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




  dear mis ho

  application for the position of construction officer

  i am confident that my building construction degree, along with my experience in the construction industry, makes me an excellent candidate for your job. i would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you personally about my application in detail.

  as you may know, any university is among the few universities that offers a specialized degree for the construction industry. in addition to my academic qualification, i have worked as a carpenter and an assistant construction officer in the last two summers.

  i am applying for the above position you advertised in on april 7. i will complete my building construction degree and graduate from any university in may. it is my wish to join a company that has your excellent reputation.

  thank you for your consideration.

  yours sincerely

  steven wei



  Dear XXX:

  I am very interested in the Production Artist position advertised in the Beijing Youth Daily on Wednesday, July 30, 2015. With more than 3 years of experience in a variety of graphics production positions, I feel that I would be an excellent candidate.

  My resume is enclosed summarizing where my skills and abilities have been developed. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience.



  dear sir,

  i am seeking a position as a sales manager, which was advertised in the internet. the position seems to fit very well with my education, experience and career intereste.

  electronic business in computer studies, july,2015, shandong foreign trade vocational college. my studies have included courses in electronic business, java servlet pages , photoshopcs2 , sales marketing and internet marketing. i am highly organized with demonstrared leadership skil in coordinating and motivating workers and in my recent internship at caijing electronic imp./exp. corporation in jiangsu.

  my background and goals seem to match your requirements well. some time ginen,i should have it much better. i am attaching my resume and some writing samples so you may appreciate what i am already able to do, and how much more i should learn to become a full-fledged communications professional. i would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my possible internship with uniglobal could benefit both your company and myself . i can be reached at 15153204617.

  thank you.

  sincerely yours,


  Dear leaders:


  First of all, I am very grateful to your busy schedule to give me a chance to self-recommended.

  The road to a three-year study draws to a close, with some excitement, some look forward to the I wrote a letter. Three years of hard study and in return was a solid foundation for today's knowledge and professional skills, and the largest harvest is learned how to behave. In any case, I worthy of tireless efforts over the past three years and the pursuit.

  My life, generous and stable, sincere, steadfast, always with a positive attitude to face, to pursue. I think that a qualified talent, especially in the twenty-first century, knowledge is his left hand, ability is his right hand, while the character is the soul, which is an essential 21st century the quality of talent. Therefore, in learning professional knowledge and skills at the same time, the personality of its own high quality, I fervently hope that your favor, to accept the selection of your company, your company has been recognized. Because I know that in the era of knowledge-based economy, in response to requests for qualification as a specialist students, to the ground in society, we must depend on their own ability to believe that three years have learned with the professional knowledge, communicative competence, social practice and the unique vitality of young people, learning and passion, we will give you a satisfactory answer. I believe you young people to a training, sublimation, at the same time a qualitative change in the opportunity, they will certainly have no reason to regret th eir initial choice.

  At this moment, before you put in the few pages not only thin, but a寒窗students sixteen years of hard studying and harvesting, it satisfied me han you and your company and look forward to watch in silence.

  I sincerely wish your organization to flourish, flourishing! Waiting for your good news and extend my most sincere thanks

  Job-seekers by:


教育求职信范文集锦6篇 时间流逝得如此之快,找工作的黄金时间马上就要到来,是时候好好地琢磨一下写求职信的事情了哦。你真的懂得怎么写好求职信吗?下面是我整理的教育求职信7篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 教育求职信 篇1 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我叫XXX,现年22岁,来自安徽省,是安徽师范大学外国语学院05级师...

下面是我收集整理的编辑求职信7篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 编辑求职信 篇1 尊敬的先生\/小姐: 您好!今日阅读报纸,获悉贵公司征求内容编辑人员。本人自信符合应聘要求,写此信应征编辑职位。 我毕业于人民大学文学系,具有编辑经验,并熟悉校对、改编、出版以及此类相关工作。有关简历如下: 曾在销售量达三万份的...

求职信 经典范文
求职难,有时并不仅表现在竞争激烈上,而是源于自荐不当。一份好的求职信,无异于一张令人耳目一新的名片。我第一次找工作就是因为求职信没有写好才找了很久都没找到,后来我花了很大精力重新写了一遍我的求职信,终于在它的帮助下扣开了我现在的外企公司的大门。所以大家千万不要小看求职信的作用哦。 写自荐求职...

室内设计专业自荐信怎么写5篇 建筑行业一般指建筑业,我们在接触建筑业时有时候需要我们运用到自荐信。写自荐信应态度谦虚,语气委婉,同时要表现出信心,做到自信而不妄自尊大。你是否在找正准备撰写“室内设计专业自荐信怎么写”,下面我收集了相关的素材,供大家写文参考! 室内设计专业自荐信怎么写篇1 尊敬的领导: ...

我给你简历和自荐信的模板,你把自己的信息套用进去就行了:一、简历模板:主要内容 1、基本信息:姓名、性别、身高、籍贯、联系方式、所学专业等 2、自我评价:简明扼要的介绍自己,快速吸引企业HR的关注。3、教育经历:毕业学校、专业、学习课程等。4、工作经历:对工作内容进行详细且有重点的描述,...

设计专业求职信模板集合九篇 时间过得真快,总在不经意间流逝,又到了求职找工作的时候,一起来写一封求职信,为找工作加油吧。那么怎样写好求职信呢?下面是我收集整理的设计专业求职信9篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 设计专业求职信 篇1 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我叫xxx,我是思源学院园林设计专业的一...

您好!感谢您关注一封普通毕业生的自荐信! 成为一名优秀的医生是我小时侯的梦想,如愿考入XX医学院后,它已成为人生的奋斗目标,医学院校的浓厚学术氛围,老师严谨求实的工作态度,造就了我坚韧严谨的品格,在大学的四年中,不仅仅学会了专业知识,更重要的是培养了我良好的医德医风,“仁心仁术”简单的词语,却需要我们用...


班干部自荐信模版7篇 其实自荐信结语一般在正文之后按书信格式写上祝语或"此致,敬礼""恭候佳音"之类语名,那么你现在知道自荐信是怎么样子了吗?我在这里给大家分享一些班干部自荐信模版,希望对大家能有所帮助。 班干部自荐信模版(篇1) 尊敬的领导: 您好! 感激您在百忙之中一览我的求职信和推荐表! 承蒙大家的厚...

求职信所给的对象很难明确,也许是人事部一般职员,也许是经理,如果你对老板比较了解的话可以直接给老板。当然,如果你根本就不认识招聘公司的任何人,求职信最好写上"人事部负责人收"较妥。如果直接写人事部经理或"老总"收可能不妥,如果该信落到一般职员手中的话,可能使得这些人不高兴。 求职信是求职者向用人...

长洲区18759047250: 英语作文..写求职信 -
壬荔萘扑: 英语求职信如下: May12, Dear Sirs, I am a graduate from Sichuan University of Foreign Language Institute. As a student of English for Business, I hope to work in a foreign company after graduation. In the past four academic years, I have proved ...

长洲区18759047250: 英语作文..写篇求职信 -
壬荔萘扑: 求职信 尊敬的领导 你好,我的名字叫李平.是个年轻的大学毕业生 特来应聘成为贵学的一名英语老师,我擅长英语教学,更关心喜爱学生,工作努力责任心强.希望能留在贵校工作 此敬 ============================================...

长洲区18759047250: 帮我用英语写个简短的求职信 -
壬荔萘扑: Leadership of respectingHow do you do!I write this letter to accept appointment graphic designer's post of the job advertisement of your company.I know ° from job advertisement website your job advertisement advertisements very happily, and ...

长洲区18759047250: 英语求职信范文 简略 初一7年水平 -
壬荔萘扑:[答案] Dear Sir/Madam,My name is Liu Ying and I will graduate from Xi'an University in the year of 2010.My major is secretary in English department.It's my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improv...

长洲区18759047250: 英语作文求职信.回复信怎么写 -
壬荔萘扑:[答案] 写求职信的目的是申请某个职位.求职信的内容简单,主题明确.求职信属于正式信件,因此要求写出写信人的地址及收信人的地址.写信人的地址写在右上角,收信人的地址写在左下角,称呼一般应为:Dear Sir or Madam.结束语也要正规,如:Yours ...

长洲区18759047250: 用英文写一封简单的求职信200字以内 -
壬荔萘扑: 想在万千求职者中脱颖而出?那就要费些心思打造一份个性化的求职信和简历了.APPLICATION LETTER April4, 2010 Dear Sir,In answer to your advertisement in today's China Daily for the position of secretary to the general manager, I would ...

长洲区18759047250: 谁可以帮我写一篇简单的英文求职信 -
壬荔萘扑: April 13,2000 P.O. Box 36 Tsinghua University Beijing,China 100084 Dear Sir/Madam: Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like...

长洲区18759047250: ...你是一名在校大学生,打算在暑假要打工,请写一封求职信,内容可以包括你想申请的职位,你的资历以及兴趣爱好(本人英语基础差,希望句型能简单点) -
壬荔萘扑:[答案] Dear sir or madam, Thanks for your time first,let me introduce myself to you .my name is liming .And i am a 17 years old ... school.i am a outgoing student and responsible student who likes children.In school ,my favorite subject is English.what is more, I ...

长洲区18759047250: 英语求职信 简单点儿
壬荔萘扑: i need the job.

长洲区18759047250: ...先谢谢大家了!假如你是南京大学营销学生专业的毕业生,叫王海.从报纸上得知一家公司在招聘销售人员.请你写一封求职信,内容包括:1简单介绍自己的... -
壬荔萘扑:[答案] dear sir I learned that your company is recruiting market salesman from newspaper. I hope I'm the one that you are looking for. My name is Wanghai ,a graduate from Nanjing University.Marketsale is my major.During the campus' life,I have mastered the ...

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