
作者&投稿:钮转 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

late Monday的意思是星期一较晚的时候,比如晚上。不是指某一个星期一,而是星期一里靠后的时间,一般至少也是下午下班之后。

When trees and flowers( stop )( growing ).

In autumn,brown leaves( fall )( onto)the ground.

1my,mine 1fast
3my,mine; 4heavier
5our,yours 5slow,slower
6them 6more
7its,its 7farther
8their,they,theirs,theirs 8thin,thiner
9we,our 9warmer,warmer

1)That is not _my____ kite.That kite is very small,but _mine__ is very big.(I)
2)The dress is _her's____.Give it to _her____.(she)
3)Is this _your_____ watch?(you)No,it's not _mine_____ .(I)
4)_He_____ is my brother.__his____ name is Jack.Look!Those stamps are _his_____ .(he)
5)__Our____ dresses are red.(we)What colour are _yours'_____ ?(you)
6)Show __them___ your kite,OK?(they)
7)I have a beautiful cat._its_____ name is Mimi.These cakes are __its____ .(it)
8)Are these _their_____ tickets?No, _they____ are not _their's_____ ._their's_____ aren't here(they)
9)Shall __we____ have a look at that classroom?That is our______ classroom.(we)
10)__she____ is my aunt.Do you know _her______ job?__she is ____ a nurse.(she)
11)Where are _they_____?I can't find _them____.Let's call _their_____ parents.(they)
12)Don't touch _it______.it's______ not a cat,___it's____a tiger!(it)
13)_Her_____ sister is ill.Please go and get _her_____.(she)
14)The girl behind __her____ is our friend.(she)
1)I can swim as _fast_____ (fast) as the fish,I think.
2)Look!His hands are _bigger_____(big)than mine.
3)I think you do these things _better______(well)than your classmates.
4)Whose bag is _heavy______(heavy),yours or mine.
5)Does Jim run as __slow____(slow)as David?Yes,but Mike runs _slower_____(slow) than them.
6)You have seven books,but I have _more_____(many)than you.I have ten.
7)I jump _farther____ (far)than some of the boys in my class.
8)I'm very _thin_____(thin),but she's thinner______(thin) than me.
9)It gets __warmer____ and warmer______(warm)when spring comes here.

1、Is there a cup on the table?2、I give him glass.3、Are there any books on the chair?4、There are some newspapers on the table.5、Are there cigarettes on the dressing table?6、Her shoes are on the floor.7、No, there aren't any books on the box.8、Put these clothe...

1.他很胖 He is (fat)(a)(lot) [注意是三个空 2.He never stops talking 3.He loves to tell joke 4.她的梦想一定会实现 Her dream must be come true.5.Everyone is tired,but nobody wants to stop to relax 6.There are some ___desks in the classroom A.nice long new...

3. The word "and".题目是:在天和地之间有一样东西,是世上所有智者,无论他们宗教背景和政治背景怎样不尽相同,都会同意的。那是什么呢? 4. All the 12 months have 28 days.题目:有些月份是有31天的,那什么月份有28天呢? 5. He is not dead.题目:一个居住美国的人为什么不能葬...

8.my partner's past life9.写精卫填海的故事10.写你祖父母小时的生活11.a hero12.write an email to your friend about your holiday.还有很多可以从上面的基础题目想开去。 这是我的教科书上的。 over... 初中英语作文题目 1.新的一年又到了,你有什么新的计划吗?你准备怎么做?条件:至少三个计划,要...

1 What was the name of the farmer?He discovered the tomb of Qinshihuang.这位农民叫什么名字?他发现秦始皇陵墓。2 I really like travelling .I like beautiful places.我真的喜欢旅行。我喜欢美丽的地方。3 The bus goes to the airport.It runs every half hour.公车去机场。公车每半小时去...

He__takes___ a taxi _home___to get his train ticket ___in___ a ___hurry___.5.Jimmy opens his birthday present as quickly as he can.Jimmy __must___ _hurry___ __to___ open his birthday present.6.He won't join us,I think.What other places is he going to?I...

1.Who __has___ a pet in your class?(have)I _have___.2._Whose___is that yellow T-shirt?(who)3.We all have happy_families___(family).4.You can put them into your ___shopping___bag.(shop)5.Their classroom is on the ground floor and this is _mine___(I).6...

1.My Favorite Season(我最喜爱的季节) 2.My English Teacher(我的英文老师)3.My Favorite Animal(我最喜爱的动物)~二篇 4.How To Live(如何过活)5.Shopping(上街购物) 6.My Family(我的家庭)~六篇 7.Learning Foreign Language(学外语) 8.One Is Such a Bad Number(一号不是好...

3、The knives were stolen by the thief.4、Are there any leaves on the tree 5、Put the fruit and vagetable on the shelves 6、There aren't any tomatoes in the kitchen 7、John wants to buy two pairs of trousers.8、The woman bought peaches 9、The babis have teeth 10、Several...

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