英文翻译 比较柔美一点的翻译

作者&投稿:董承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




1. 我相信世界上存在着童话
I believe that there are fairy tales in the world.

2. 我相信厚厚的雪下,一定埋藏了几个世纪前的神秘王国
I believe that there must be a mysterious kingdom buried under the thick snow for centuries.

3. 我相信雨是逝去的云,埋葬人间
I believe that the rain is the clouds that disappeared, it comes down to this earthly world.

4. 我相信我是丑小鸭,就算没有天鹅的命运,我也生活的很开心
I believe that I'm the ugly duckling. Even if I am not destined to live a swan's life, I will still have a happy life.

5. 我相信人生是一幕没有彩排的舞台剧,需要用心演好角色,直到谢幕
I believe that life is a stage play without rehearsals. It takes efforts to play your role, until the curtain is drawn.

6. 我相信某一次的淋浴,会冲刷掉我所有的哀伤
I believe that a certain shower will wash away all my sorrows.

7. 我相信在陌生的城市的某一个角落,藏着我童年的小熊
I believe that the cub from my childhood is buried in a certain corner of this strange city. (这里cub就是小熊)

8. 我相信我会在某一个街角遇到我的爱
I believe that I will meet my love at a certain street corner.

9. 我相信故去的亲人会变成星星,守望我们
I believe that our deceased relatives will turn to starts and watch over us.

10. 你,也相信吗?
Do you also believe that?

1) I believe fairy tales exist in this world./I believe in fairy tales.
2) Under the thick layers of snow, I believe there exists a secret kingdom from a few centuries ago.
3) The rain, I believe, is the reborn of the clouds that are buried here.
4) I know that I'm an ugly duckling, but even without the fate of a beautiful swan, I can still live happily.
5) I believe life is just like an unrehearsed drama which we have to play our roles well till the curtain calls.
6) Perhaps one day, a shower would wash away all my pain.
7) I believe that somewhere in the corner of the city faraway, lies my teddy bear from childhood times.
8) I believe that I would meet the love of my life somewhere around the corner.
9) I believe that the relatives who passed away would become stars and watch over us.
10) Do you believe it too?

1.I believe there are some fairy tales in this world.
2.I believe there must be a mystical kingdom of long time ago.It is hidden under the thick snow.
3.I believe the rain is the missed cloud, it buries the world.
4.I believe I am the ugly duckling,even there is not a swan's destiny,I am living happily too.
5.I believe life is a no-rehearsal living theatre,we need to act the role earnestly ,until the play is over.
6.I believe after a shower some time ,all my sadness will be cleaned.
7.I believe my bear in childhood is hidden in a corner of a strange city.
8.I believe I will find my love in a corner somewhere.
9.I believe the dead family members will become stars,looking at us.
10.Do you,also believe that?

1、I believe there exist fairy tales in the world.

2、I believe, buried under the thick snow, there must be a mysterious kingdom existing a few centuries ago.

3、I believe rain is cloud which disappears, buried in earth.

4、I believe I am an Ugly Duckling, who lives a happy life even if I do not have the fate of the Swan.

5、I believe life is a scene which has no dress rehearsal, but it needs for a role of my good inttentions until the curtain call.

6、I believe a certain shower would wash out all my griefs.

7、I believe at one corner in a strange city, a toy -- little bear of my childhood is being hidden there.

8、I believe I can encounter my love at a corner of a street.

9、I believe relatives who have passed away will become stars, keeping watching us in the heavens.

10、Do you believe that?

1.I believe that there exists fairy stale in the world.
2.I believe that there must exists a mysterious realm centuries ago
under the thick snow.
3.I believe that rain just like blowing cloud,falling in the earth.
4.I believe that though i am a buffoon,i can still lead a happy life
without luck.
5.I believe that our life just likes a stage play dress rehearsal,all we need to do is successfully playing our role until curtain calls.
6.I believe that a certain shower bath will rush away all of my sadness.
7.I believe that my teddy bear shall be hidden in a certain conner of
a strange city.
8.I believe that i will meet my love at a certain street conner.
9.I believe that my relatives in heaven will become shining stars in the blue sky,watching us arrowheadly.
10.You also believe it,don't you?

3-9 句 的意境很美,呵呵
Personnally speaking

I belive that the rain is the second life of the cloud,which is buried in the mortal world.

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 英语翻译唯美一点的、有韵味的翻译.TKS! -
狐华惠尔:[答案] After turning around,I perceive that there is no one stay here but only myself.

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 英语翻译句子!原来你一直都在,只是隔着一个屏幕的距离……想你翻译成英文,额……稍微唯美点 -
狐华惠尔:[答案] I have never realized you are there all the time,just behind a screen...miss you

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 请问个英语短句:Absence makes the heart grow fonder是什么意思? -
狐华惠尔: 同意摇摇拽拽的翻译 字面意思就是距离使内心更甜蜜, 翻译的柔美点就应该是:小别胜新婚或者是距离产生美,都差不多. in a daze 意思有两个: 1、茫然, 恍惚 2、眼花缭乱

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 英语翻译感觉中文很多字词都很难翻译的很美,有比较文学一点的翻译么.一个单词或者词组都好? -
狐华惠尔:[答案] “潭”字的英文翻译是什么?有意境一点的那种,体现出水深且静. serene pond 或 serene pool

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 英语翻译如题.1.每一件摆在我面前的事.2.你比一切都重要.(翻译的有美感一点,别翻成You are more important than anything啊.) -
狐华惠尔:[答案] 1.Everything that I am facing on. 2.You are my everything.

海南藏族自治州19422221824: “灵动“咋翻译呀? -
狐华惠尔: “灵动、动感、柔美和灵气swift dynamic gentle nimbus<br><br>字典如下参考<br><br>柔美 [简明汉英词典]<br>morbidezza<br>灵气 [简明汉英词典]<br>nimbus<br>动感 [简明汉英词典]<br>innervation<br><br>请问"灵动广告"翻译英文? <br>注:灵动就是"灵感+行动"这是我的原意,多谢各位英文高手相助!<br>提问者: 另一种美丽 - 助理 二级 <br>最佳答案<br>灵动 <br>intelligent;bright;clever;alert <br>有了灵气;显灵 <br>广告 advertisement

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 英语翻译"你不是自己一个人,你有你的朋友陪伴你.."把它翻译成英文..尽量优美一点~ -
狐华惠尔:[答案] You are not an oneself person,you have you the friend to accompany you

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 四个字的英文单词,中文翻译好听一点的有哪些? -
狐华惠尔: luck .nice.love.cash.dear

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 英文高手进来一下,有东西翻译啊小弟写了一首爱情诗(中文) 想叫英文高手给翻译成英文. 要唯美一些的,要浪漫一点啊.不要太直白. 翻译软件滚来啊,少... -
狐华惠尔:[答案] 无声的爱silent love 上帝创造了千千万万的理由去爱一个人,我却找不到一个最好的来告诉你.很想告诉你,我是多么的爱你,却不知道如何告诉你.因为我的爱是无声的,如果上帝一定要我给个理由去爱你,我想我爱你,并不是因为你是谁,只是因为...

海南藏族自治州19422221824: 求一个标准,文艺点的翻译.老天让你等,是为了让你遇到对的人. -
狐华惠尔: 地道的表达方式是 The Lord wants you to wait, so that you'll meet someone that's right for you.或(更简洁的说法) The Lord is making you wait until the right person comes along.

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