
作者&投稿:锐星 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Any of various extinct, often gigantic, carnivorous or herbivorous reptiles of the orders Saurischia and Ornithischia that were chiefly terrestrial and existed during the Mesozoic era.

Fossil remains of dinosaurs have been found in rock strata of every continent, indicating that they differed widely in structure, habitat, and diet. Their brain sizes varied, with some predators having brain-to-body ratios equivalent to those of some modern birds and animals. Many species built nests. Many theories regarding dinosaurs and their behavior are hotly debated by the experts. These include the debate over the grouping of birds with dinosaurs, the question of whether nonavian dinosaurs were cold-blooded (ectothermic) or warm-blooded (endothermic), the question of whether dinosaurs protected and nurtured their young in the nest after hatching or whether the young were mobile and self-sufficient at birth, and the reason for the disappearance of nonavian dinosaurs.

No complete fossil dinosaur has ever been discovered. Inferences must be made from fragments or pieces that have been compressed and distorted. Information about the diet has been gleaned from stomach contents and coprolites (fossilized dinosaur feces) and by comparing the teeth to those of living animals, for example, relating the large grinding teeth of hadrosaurs to those of living herbivores. Fossilized dinosaur footprints, such as the trackways found at Davenport Ranch in Texas, have been interpreted as evidence that dinosaurs traveled in herds. What is known about dinosaurs is that, far from being evolutionary failures, they dominated their habitats for most of their 160 million years of existence (the human species Homo sapiens has existed for approximately 150,000-200,000 years).

Although all dinosaurs were originally classified in a single order, it was later discovered that the group contained two distinct types distinguished by structural differences. The pelvis in the saurischian (lizard-hipped) dinosaurs resembles that of still-extant reptiles, but in the ornithischian (bird-hipped) dinosaurs the pubic bone of the pelvis has forward and backward extensions that resemble those found in birds. It was later determined, however, that the backward-tilting hips of ornithischian dinosaurs and birds were the result of convergent evolution and not inheritance. Many other shared characteristics have been noted between birds and saurischians, and it is now believed by many paleontologists that modern birds are in fact extant dinosaurs of the saurischian order.

The jaws and teeth of the two dinosaur orders also differ. The saurischian order, which includes both herbivores and carnivores, has teeth around the entire jaw or confined to the front of the mouth. Ornithischians have “cheek teeth” along the sides of the jaw, but never in the front; the bones at the front of the mouth sometimes developed into the horny beaks typical of modern turtles. All known ornithischians were herbivores.

Dinosaurs are further classified into some common groupings. In the saurischian dinosaurs, some were theropods [Gr., = beast feet], a group sharing hind feet with only three functional toes (e.g., the carnivorous bipeds Tyrannosaurus , Velociraptor , Deinonychus , and possibly the living birds); others were sauropods [Gr., = lizard feet] with small heads and long necks (e.g., the herbivorous quadrupeds Apatosaurus [Brontosaurus] and Diplodocus ). Among the ornithischians, there were ornithopods (bird-footed dinosaurs), such as Iguanodon ; thyreophorans (armored dinosaurs), such as Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus ; and ceratopsians (horned dinosaurs), such as Triceratops . The total number of dinosaur genera that existed is unknown; new species are discovered every year, but some species, on further examination, are found to be redundant with earlier finds. One estimate of the possible number of distinct genera exceeds 1,800.

Similarities of dinosaurs found on what are now different continents have given scientists clues to the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea, which began about 170 million years ago. For example, the discovery of a 130-million-year-old African dinosaur similar to the North American Allosaurus suggests that the African plate was connected to the northern continents (Laurasia) longer than had been believed previously.
Dinosaurs were reptiles and most dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Amazingly blue whales are bigger than any dinosaur found so far. The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet long and up to 50 feet tall. The smallest dinosaurs, were about the size of a chicken.

No one knows exactly what noises dinosaurs made, what color they were or even when they lived. But scientist do have theories on these topics and you can find some of this information in our links.

Most dinosaurs were plant-eaters (herbivores) about 65% of them. Some dinosaurs were meat-eaters (carnivores). Dinosaurs had many different distinguishing features that you can read more about when reading facts on each dinosaur.

No one really knows exactly how many dinosaur species exist. The estimates vary from between 250 to over 1300 species.

The term dinosaur (terrible lizard) was coined by the English anatomist Sir Richard Owen in 1842.

No one knows how the dinosaurs became extinct or even if they are extinct, but there are many interesting theories on the topic and you can read more about them from our links page.



Death of dinosaurs
In the Mesozoic period which wa about 70 million years ago to 20 million years ago was a flourishing time for creeping animals. They were the emperors of the earth., reigning the sea, the land and the sky. We call this kind of animal " dinosaur".
There are many types of dinosaurs. We can divide them into two kinds, bird dinosaur and lizard dinosaur according to their pelvises, and divide them into meat-eating kinds and grazer kinds according to the food they ate. There were big-sized dinosaurs and small-sized. It is presumed that the heaviest dinosaur was about 80 meters in length, 40~50 tons in weight, while the slim crocodile dinosaur was only about 60cm in length, 3kg in weight, almost like hens. Dinosaurs had different living spaces, some flying in the sky like bats, some swimming in the water like dolphins, some living on the land upright.. Such a big dinosaur family suddenly disappeared 65 million years ago. Some sea creeping animals, flying creeping animals, some fishes and other living animals, etc., accompanied those dinosaurs to death. Their death still is a big mystery to the scientists.

There is an acceptable saying that groups of dead dinosaurs have some relationship with the move of the earth. During the Mesozoic period, many hills took the place of swamps. The climate also changed, cold seasons and warm seasons began to appear by turns. So the cold-blooded dinosaurs could not adapt themselves to such cold weather, their body temperature began to fall with the decline of temperature, then they died. On the other hand, their breath organ could only stand wet and hot air, not dry and hot air. Due to the changes of the climate, the flourishing plants, such as some fern began to disappear, everything withered, and dinosaurs began to face the disaster of hunger. Since dinosaurs' body structure had defined itself after a long evolution, they could not adapt themselves to such a sudden change. Death was the only way for them to go. Only some dormient snakes, dinosaurs of lizard kind, some small mammals with furs on their body which could hide themselves in caves avoiding coldness and some birds were left alive. There was a theory similar to the above theory to say that the death of dinosaurs was directly caused by the continental shift. When dinosaurs appeared on the old mainland, there might have been a dinosaurs' heaven. Until Jurassic, the old mainland came to crack into small pieces and began to float in all directions. Due to the move of the land, climate went worse, temperature went down, huge changes happened on the dinosaurs' environment by the end of the Cretaceous period. They didn't have any cold-resistant supplies or any physical energy to avoid such coldness, so all of them went to death.
There is also an academic opinion in the science world, they thought that the death of dinosaurs was due to the impacts of meteorites. This was called meteorites sciences. Some scientists presumed that some small planet fell into the sea, speeding at 40 kilometers / second from the sky, forming a deep hole within 4 seconds, with high-temperature smoke poles reaching to a height of 40 kilometers and surfs 5 kilometers high and its gasified dust attacking the earth. At this time, snow on the icy earth began to melt away, the plants began to die, dinosaurs were covered under the earth. Of course, this meteorite might have fallen on the mainland, that would have aroused more serious destruction. Until now, there is no clear evidence which could prove such a presumption. If such a thing happened on the earth, we should find a big meteorite hole on the surface of the earth. Some scientists presumed that such a meteorites' fall on the earth was not in one piece, but in thousands like heavy rain. Though they were small, the power of every meteorite was more than several A-bombs. Falling on the land together would result in entire destroy.
Some astronomers forwarded a theory of a supernova explosion. These supernova are some shining star bodies which could perish suddenly. Due to the temperature and the density of the star nucleurs overstepping the ambit of the star body itself, a burst resulted, emitting strong visible light, cosmic rays and X-rays. This was called a supernova explosion. The X-rays emanated from the burst would carry high energy, the same energy as 10 suns, raising the earth's surface temperature. Big typhoons and strong storms appeared on the surface of the earth, the high-temperature air formed into icy clouds and hid the sun. Since the dinosaurs had adapted themselves to warm weather, such a sudden cold weather brought them to death.
Some biologists considered that dinosaurs died out because of food poisoning. The food dinosaurs ate, such as fern, cycad, gingko, pines, etc. are plants with no flowers, they would do no harm to dinosaurs. But some plants with flowers appeared afterwards, their flowers contained much alkaloid with much poisons. Dinosaurs ate many such plants which resulted in their death.
Many dinosaur fossils were discovered in the ZiGong area in China, which was called "Dinosaurs' home", many foreigners admired the Chinese and called them "rich men with dinosaurs". After scientists analyzed these dinosaur fossils using spore powder, sediment, spectral analysis, etc., they discovered that the arsenic in these fossils was over 100PPM., so they thought that these poisonous plants caused the death of dinosaurs.
Except this, scientists also made all kinds of presumptions on the dinosaurs' death.. Some people thought that mammals were shrewd with agile action at that time, so they often robbed dinosaurs' food, which made ponderous and stupid dinosaurs hungry to death. They also stole dinosaurs' eggs to eat so that dinosaurs lost their offspring.
Some people presumed that volcanoes broke out frequently at that time. Eruption polluted air and hid the sun, so the whole environment changed suddenly. Devoid of oxygen and rain, swamps and mountains dried up, so plants went to death. In such a bad situation, dinosaurs had to disappear from this world.
A French scientist named Daditeur forwarded his unique idea on the extinction of dinosaurs. He thinks that dinosaur broke wind a lot and released a lot of methane into the air. Because they were in such a great number, the wind they released destroyed the ozonosphere and formed a destructive climate.
There was an abroad research team having a 20 years' study on dinosaurs and drew a conclusion that visitors from another planet destroyed the dinosaurs. An ancient anthropologist from the former Soviet Union said: "Visitors from another planet began to hunt dinosaurs 60 million years ago, and destroyed this animal within thousands of years." Dinosaurs has some intimate relationship with birds. To these visitors, dinosaurs were just like delicious chickens. They hunted tons of dinosaurs meat every year. Four years ago, a dinosaurs tomb was discovered in Arctic Pole, which proved his viewpoint. In that tomb, thousands of dinosaurs were discovered, on some of their brain bones laser cut marks had remained. There is some hint that visitors from another planet brought dinosaurs to their planet as their domestic animals, maybe they had sensed that dinosaurs would disappear from the earth some day.
Other ancient anthropologists agreed with his scientific report. An English expert said: "We have some actions in common with those visitors from another planet, such as overhunting, leading animals to extinction. So his idea sounds reasonable.". Some ancient anthropologists decided to look for a slaughterhouse in Arctic Island.
Which is the most reasonable explanation or the truth? We believe this mystery will surely be uncovered some day.



恐龙 英文
恐龙的英文:dinosaur 短语:1、Planet Dinosaur 恐龙星球 ; 恐龙行星 2、The Dinosaur 恐龙 3、Dinosaur Park 恐龙公园 1.起源与演化 恐龙起源于约两亿年前的三叠纪晚期,最早的恐龙是双足、小型的肉食性动物。随着时间的推移,恐龙逐渐演化出了多样化的体型和生活方式,包括大型植食性恐龙、巨型食肉恐龙...


Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago. They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat. Today, people know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered ...

恐龙的英文:dinosaur 参考例句:They were horned dinosaurs.它们是有角恐龙。The dinosaurs disappeared long ago.恐龙很久以前就绝种了。Baker concluded the dinosaurs were warm-blooded because they ate so much.鉴于恐龙的食量是如此之大,贝克的结论认为恐龙是热血动物。A gigantic carnivorous dinosaur...

恐龙dinosaur英式读音为:[ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)],美式读音为:[ˈdaɪnəsɔːr]例句 1、《恐龙》结合了电脑生成的动画和外景地实地拍摄的画面。Dinosaur combines CGI animation with live-action location shots.2、Some dinosaurs had only ...


恐龙的英语是Dinosaur。恐龙(英文名:Dinosaur),是指三角龙、现代鸟类和梁龙最近的共同祖先及其所有后代。 [1] 为方便研究,恐龙可分为鸟类和非鸟恐龙。其中,非鸟恐龙只生活在中生代(三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪),已于6500万年前全部灭绝。矫健的四肢、长长的尾巴和庞大的身躯是部分非鸟恐龙的写照。它们...

实际上,人类发现恐龙化石的历史由来已久。 早在发现禽龙之前,欧洲人就已经知道地下埋藏有许多奇形怪状的巨大骨骼化石。 直到发现了禽龙并与鬣蜥进行了对比,科学界才初步确定这是一群类似于蜥蜴的早已灭绝的爬行动物。 1842年,英国古生学家查理德·欧文创建“dinosaur”这一名词。 英文的dinosaur来自希腊文deinos(恐怖...

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益桑镇咳:[答案] 地球的历史已经有45亿年了.在距今约束38亿年前出现了最早的生物.从那时起,地球上的很多生物经历了兴起、衰落直至灭... 距今两亿多年前,地球上曾经生活着一群生物——恐龙.它们盛极一时,称霸地球达成1.5亿年之久. 在人类出现以前,恐龙就...

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益桑镇咳:[答案] dinosaur dino也行 是由创办伦敦自然历史博物馆的英国人理查德·欧文于1841年发明的,源自希腊语“deinos”(意思是“可怕的”)和“saurus”(意思是“蜥蜴”).

任县15551808835: 请大家帮我找找关于恐龙的的英语单词 -
益桑镇咳: 常见恐龙名称 Dinosaur 中生代或中生代前: 初龙Archosaur 迷龙Labyrinthodont 蜥蜴Lizard 中生代-三叠纪: 腔骨龙Coelophysis 犬齿龙Cynodont 始初龙Eoraptor 黑瑞龙Herrerasaurus 蓓天翼龙Peteinosaurus 三叉棕榈龙Thrinaxodon 蛇颈龙...

任县15551808835: 恐龙的英文怎么读啊比如霸王龙的单词. -
益桑镇咳:[答案] 恐龙 :Dinosaur ['daɪnə,sɔr] 霸王龙 :tyrannosaur [tɪ'rænə,sɔr]

任县15551808835: 恐龙的英语单词怎么说? -
益桑镇咳: dinosaur 例句:恐龙是种巨兽. Dinosaurs are monsters.

任县15551808835: 恐龙的英文 -
益桑镇咳: 恐龙 [n]dinosaur

任县15551808835: 恐龙用英语怎么说 -
益桑镇咳: 恐龙 dinosaur 版面 layout dragon 中国的龙

任县15551808835: 一篇关于恐龙的英语80字文章一篇八十字的恐龙英文文章.有以下要求:1)它们生活在数百万年前;2)它们生活在陆地上;3)有的身体和脖子很长;4)... -
益桑镇咳:[答案] Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago. They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat....

任县15551808835: 关于恐龙的英语单词 -
益桑镇咳: 恐龙: dinosaur 读法:宅了死我 望采纳,如有疑问,方可追问,谢谢

任县15551808835: 恐龙的英文是什么
益桑镇咳: dinosaur

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